
NEW YORK (AP) – The Fox network is making a reality show out of the troubled economy. An upcoming series titled, “Someone’s Gotta Go,” lets employees of a small business decide which one of their colleagues will be laid off.

Fox says it has no air date yet for the series, which is being developed by the company behind “Big Brother” and “Deal or No Deal.” Each week, a different company lays off an employee. Fox also wouldn’t reveal the show’s host, which it says is a business consultant who will offer advice to participating companies.

I have no doubt this will be a huge hit. So will they follow this up with “Someone’s Gotta Go, Revenge of the Fired”?

  1. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Followed by, “Going Postal.”

  2. SparkyOne says:

    That drawing is a better plan than the corporation that let me go had.

  3. Stephanie says:

    People will watch anything. Sick Bastards.

  4. Dallas says:

    A knockoff of CBS’s show Survivor.

    Typical behavior from the no ideas crowd.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    Well, maybe a few people who are getting laid off can make some bucks by taking part in the show…

  6. Li says:

    My new nominee for “TV show most likely to end in a mass shooting or suicide.” Previous nominees include “To Catch a Predator.” (Two suicides and one shooting) and Nancy Grace (At least one suicide.)

    Really, is there any person less concerned with the results of his/her behavior than a TV exec? Besides a banking exec, of course!

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 7 Li said, “Really, is there any person less concerned with the results of his/her behavior than a TV exec?”

    Yep, politicians.

  8. overtemp says:

    There can be follow-up episodes where the laid off workers get to go back to the workplace and see their H1B replacements performing their old jobs and then confront their former boss and coworkers, and then just to make it interesting, limo to the homes of the writers and producers. Could provide a great tie-in to Cops.

  9. orangetiki says:

    Not only is it a tasteless show that preys on the unfortunate, it also uses improper English. Fucking Savages!

  10. I wish that Fox News was a REAITY show.

    oh_OH I’ve got a great idea for a new show, lets let people vote on who at Fox News should be laid off every week “Someone’s Gotta Go,” and we get to pick who. Things to look for in choosing quoting out of context, not being fair or balanced, bad hair, out right lying ect.

    Howard Beale: “You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here, you’re beginning to believe that the tube is reality and your own lives are unreal. You do. Why, whatever the tube tells you: you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion.”

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 11 “You’ll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think” said, “I’ve got a great idea for a new show, lets let people vote on who at Fox News should be laid off every week “Someone’s Gotta Go,” and we get to pick who.”

    Not likely. Fox has been mopping the floor with the other cable networks… They are adding employees.

  12. Li says:

    #8 Touché

  13. BrianK says:

    At least its not “When animals attack”, or “When pets go bad”.
    Dumb idea though.

  14. #12
    The point is being bias makes for more entertaining television and that gets ratings but its not good accurate reporting and with FNC it boarders on outright propaganda that some people -the fox sheep- interpret as the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    rent the movie network its five stars continue to stand the test of time

    sorry I’m OT I’ll save my rant for a Fox News story

    This “Someone’s Gotta Go” is just another dumb reality show. The people who watch that sort of thing need to either get a life or get a drinking problem.

  15. Phydeau says:

    Lordy, I’m glad I don’t have a TV… how long will it be before they drop people on an undisclosed island in the Pacific somewhere and have them running around killing each other, outside the jurisdiction of any nation? From what I’ve read, it’s just a matter of time, until people get jaded on the other reality shows…

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 16 “You’ll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think” said, “The point is being bias makes for more entertaining television and that gets ratings but its not good accurate reporting…”

    Apparently you did read Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism (2008) that showed that FoxNews had the most balanced Election coverage…


  17. Phydeau says:

    #18 That troll was a little bit too obvious, Paddy O-Troll. I’ll give it a 4.5 out of 10. 🙂

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #19 Okay. I’ll take it.

  19. GF says:

    What is next?

    There ain’t enough food to feed everyone Jethro. Someones gotta die! Watch as old friends consider who should be eaten next. Fun times for the whole family!

  20. Li says:

    #15 OK, that confirms it; Alfred1 is a spoof. No one is that brainwashed.

    #18 Pew is a good name for that bunch of loons; their research generally stinks. FAIR’s appraisals of media bias over the past few years has come to some -very- different conclusions.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 Li said, “FAIR’s appraisals of media bias over the past few years has come to some -very- different conclusions.”

    FAIR’s execs are a bunch of left wing loons…

    Jeff Cohen founded FAIR in 1986. He served as the group’s executive director for a number of years, and later on its board of directors. Upon taking a full time job with MSNBC in May 2002,

  22. Mark Derail says:

    Anyone know where Paddy-O works?

    Then again, if he’s fired, he’ll simply post here more often…

    …but, that could be a good thing, no?

  23. #18
    paddy I just checked out that good read thanks

    I’ll link your source for you

    II think you are having a problem with the concept of “bias” and getting lost in the data.

    Would you think Fox news was unbiased if they were reporting in 1939 and had a 50% positive to 50% negative coverage of Hitler?

    Looks like in 2008 Obama was just the choice even FOX News thought so

    from that study

    The Fox News Channel
    In many ways, the data offer hard evidence to confirm the notion that, at least when it comes to politics, MSNBC is now a counterweight, or leftward leaning alternative, to the tone of coverage seen on another cable channel, Fox.
    On the Fox News Channel, the coverage was both more negative toward Obama and more positive toward both McCain and Palin than we found in the press generally. That said, coverage of McCain was still more negative than positive on Fox News by a factor of roughly 2 to 1.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 “You’ll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think” said, “Would you think Fox news was unbiased if they were reporting in 1939 and had a 50% positive to 50% negative coverage of Hitler?”

    I’d hardly equate Obama to Hitler, but you are entitled to your opinion…

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 27 “You’ll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think” said, “…”

    Wow! You learned how to cut & paste. ROFL!

  26. sorry bad selection and paste
    only ment to copy

    # 26 Paddy-O said, on April 8th, 2009 at 12:49 pm
# 25 “You’ll PAY To Know What You REALLY Think” said, “Would you think Fox news was unbiased if they were reporting in 1939 and had a 50% positive to 50% negative coverage of Hitler?”
    I’d hardly equate Obama to Hitler, but you are entitled to your opinion…
    Did you learn quoting out of context and baseless innuendo from Fox News?

    hope that last one can be deleted

    [Oh Yeah – ed.]

  27. BigBoyBC says:

    Darn you Sister Mary, I was going to say that…

  28. Bill says:

    For a season final, the person ‘laid-off’ gets to come back to the office and ‘off’ one of his co-workers!

    Opps, sorry for the spoiler!

    It’s going to be #1 just like American IDOL WORSHIP.

  29. Li says:

    It doesn’t matter what loons have against Hitler; his parades keep attracting more and more people!

    Evidently they know business, just ask AG Faber and VW!

    I bet these Nazi fellows will dominate the political scene; I can see people taking a vacation to Nuremberg just to watch!

    It’s gotta be great entertainment, and will no doubt be a great comment on the stupidity of dishonoring the motherland, just so those Jews can be paid more.

    Since when did those Jews give you a job?

    /snark off

    Popularity is no measure of rectitude, and it is an even worse measure of truthfulness.

  30. dmstrat says:

    I have to compare this with the “Cheaters” show in where the host of the show actually got stabbed during one episode.

    People watch “Cheaters” for fights, NASCAR for the wrecks, and now this show for the shootings.

    Morally corrupt show idea, but people will watch it.

    Our Television entertainment has a common denominator: True/Reality TV is easier to cast, shoot, and produce than good entertaining television that needs writers. I guess one could blame the Writer’s strike on today’s Reality junk TV explosion, but they’d be wrong.

    Stop watching it and they’ll stop making it.


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