Quebec dad sued by daughter after grounding loses his appeal

A Quebec father who was taken to court by his 12-year-old daughter after he grounded her in June 2008 has lost his appeal.

Quebec Superior Court rejected the Gatineau father’s appeal of a lower court ruling that said his punishment was too severe for the wrongs he said his daughter committed.

The father is “flabbergasted,” his lawyer Kim Beaudoin told CBC News.

In its ruling, issued Monday, the province’s court of appeal declared the girl was caught up in a “very rare” set of circumstances, and her father didn’t have sufficient grounds to contest the court’s earlier decision.

The family’s legal wrangling started with a dispute over the girl’s internet use.

  1. BillM says:

    Pretty strange, eh?

  2. PPCLI says:

    Yeah it truly is a weird one. The question that isn’t answered is how the hell can a 12 year old afford a lawyer? Actually its underlining theme is a bad divorce where the mother is obviously financing the daughter’s gripe.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    canada is becoming more america like every day…

  4. bobbo says:

    I don’t see the father’s actions as inappropriate at all. Even if they were “wrong” they could not possibly be so wrong as to justify legal intervention.

    I’d be tempted to leave the kiddie off at the court house steps. Then I’d be arrested for child abandonment, put in jail, lose my job and house, and the kid would go back to Mom.

    Problem solved.

  5. Mikey Twit says:

    For the record as a Canadian, the Quebec Provincial legal system is unique to itself. Rest assured, the rest of Canada is face palming themselves over this too.

  6. GF says:

    If he had been Muslim I’m sure he could have stoned her to death and used Sharia law. :0

  7. Zybch says:

    #7 or giving her a damn good raping.

  8. Named says:


    True. They are the only province in Canada that uses the Civic law similar to Code Napoleon. One of the major differences is that Civic law is codified rather than open to interpretation. Hence, this dude was done once his estranged wifey got in on the deal…

  9. Phydeau says:

    Strange case… that Quebec law is flaky.

    Speaking of flaky, some things never change… our resident wingnuts blaming everything on liberals.


    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  10. Phydeau says:


    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  11. Phydeau says:

    Dang, it won’t let you create three smilies in a row! πŸ™

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Misleading headline. As soon as I read the headline I asked, “Where’d the kid get the money for the lawyer?” and of course it is from the mother. This is really about the parent’s divorce and custody than it is about the court saying “you can’t ground your kid.” One parent says yes. The other says no. They go to court.

  13. Named says:


    Well, actually, if the kid COULD afford a lawyer it would probably had the same effect. Of course, the kid would then probably have to afford rent, food, clothing, shelter and all the other things that parents give gratis… so long as you follow the rules. In this case, the lawyer was a means to make the divorce that much sweeter.

  14. db says:

    Like America? WTF, we may have some wack stuff going on here but 12 year old don’t sue their parents around here TARD!

  15. Chris Mac says:

    Let’s not forget that a large part of Quebec’s populous doesn’t want to be in Canada.

    Aside from that, I’m not surprised this happened there.

  16. Mike Toole says:

    Gotta hand it to the daughter for solving the matter so creatively. Dad is a jerkbag and got what was coming to him.

  17. Talk about family conflicts and seeking outside mediation and resolution
    Guess they need Henry Kissinger shuttle diplomacy next

  18. misleading headline says:

    It seems alot of people here are not doing their research. I have read the courts decision and the father’s decision to not give his permission for a trip, in my opinion ,was done purely for spite. The girl was punished already for the internet chats by not being allowed to go to a dance. The father decided to withdraw his permission for her to go on a trip after he kicked her out of his home for arguing with her stepmother. I don’t know what kind of argument that would lead you to kick your 12 yr old child out but that’s seems to be what happened. There is no proof that she posted pictures of any kind, racy or not, on the internet. The trip itself was a once in a lifetime thing. Quebec’s 400th Celebration and the end of primary school for her. Her mother was also going as a chaperone as was her twin brother.She met the schoolboards requirements to go such as good grades and not having behaviour problems in fact the school board advocated on her behalf. If the father was as reasonable as he is making out first off he would not kick his 12 yr old to the curb, you would think he would initiate family counselling if she was so troubled and he surely could have come up with a compromise. I did not get the impression that the child was a wild, uncontrollable girl and this is certainly not a case of the court overruling a parents right to parent their child.

  19. rat_race says:

    Absurd.. But it is in a place where the people have made it illegal to teach their children how to converse with neighbors who don’t speak French.

  20. Steve says:

    Re to #15
    “Like America? WTF, we may have some wack stuff going on here but 12 year old don’t sue their parents around here TARD!”

    Nope, you are right, but in the US you can sue if your coffee is hot or if your RV manual does not state that you can’t take a nap while driving.

  21. Guyver says:

    23, We have done some crazy stuff. How about a child suing a sperm bank for liability?:


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