Daylife/AP Photo

The Vermont Legislature today overrode Gov. Jim Douglas’s veto of a bill allowing gay couples to marry, mustering one more vote than needed to preserve the measure.

Approval had been expected in the Senate, where the vote was 23 to 5. But the outcome in the House of Representatives was not clear until the final moments of a long roll call, when Rep. Jeff Young, a Democrat who voted against the bill last week, reversed his position. In the end the vote was 100 to 49, just slightly more than the required two-thirds majority of members present.

After the final tally, cheers erupted in both legislative chambers of the State House and in the hallways outside, and several lawmakers on both sides of the debate looked stunned.

It’s a great day for equality,” said State Representative Margaret Cheney, a Democrat from Norwich. “People saw this as an equality issue, and we’re proud that Vermont has led the way without a court order to provide equal benefits.”

Vermont is now the first state where the legislature deemed same-sex marriages legal – rather than letting the courts take the political heat from the holier-than-thou crowd.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 63 Phydeau said, “you’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a sh*t about what you think.”

    Remember, we had that little talk about how actions are more accurate indicator of intentions than words? Thanks for caring SO much that you constantly comment on my thoughts… ROFL!

  2. Phydeau says:

    #64 Dude, it wouldn’t need defending if idiots like you weren’t attacking so fiercely. What does it matter to you what Steve and Bob are doing behind closed doors? Take a look at yourself and ask why you hate homosexuals so much.

    And sorry, to burst your bubble, but it’s not unnatural. Scientists have observed homosexual behavior in hundreds of animal species from chimps to fish (i.e. in nature). Google that book “Biological Exuberance”, if you dare.

    So we’ve eliminated the “unnatural” argument, what else ya got? Religion seems to be the only thing left, if your particular interpretation of your particular God says it’s evil.

    And Paddy-O, just as a blind hog occasionally finds an acorn, a troll occasionally burps up something useful. 🙂

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #66 I do what I can. 😉

  4. cornholer says:

    whats the problem?

  5. ObamaSucks says:

    #69 Alfred1 said “And what kind of name is “FLY DOO” anyway?”

    I think you’ve got it! Phydeau is a fancy way of saying FIDO. This explains much and clears up Phydeau’s obsession with equating unnatural homosexual behavior and animal behavior. I suspected Phydeau (FIDO) to be a freak, but this gives an all new meaning to screwing the pooch. OH MY?

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    # 59 Paddy-O,

    Explain to me then why this

    And this

    Is supposed to be better than gay marriage/parenting.

  7. NotHappeningHere says:

    These homos are totally disgusting and predatory on our children (boys). How is it this country has allowed such a filthy minority take hold.

    Something ‘dramatic’ needs to start happening with these pervs to get this country back on track.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #66, Phydeau,

    What does it matter to you what Steve and Bob are doing behind closed doors? Take a look at yourself and ask why you hate homosexuals so much.

    ILoveObama and guiltyassfucker are both very involved with this whole “gay marriage” thing. It seems their parents got a divorce because Adam and Steve got a legal marriage license.

    Don’t you just hate to see what gay marriage does to a wonderful marriage like they had. Of course, if ILoveObama had of moved out of the basement sometime after he turned 35 they might still be together. Or guiltyassfucker, I think his father didn’t want to be around someone who would skin squirrels while they were still alive.

    Yup, those damn gay guys ruined their lives.

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    #56 RGG

    Hehe. I didn’t know that the ‘famous’ gay penguin has swung back the other way. Its always the quiet ones that you have to watch.

    I made no value judgements about same sex partnering amongst animals, only that it frequently occurs and can be described as natural. Therefore it is completely compatible with and a part of ‘sexual reproduction evolution’.

  10. Phydeau says:

    But if we are to base our laws on what animals do…then remind us to put Hannibal the Cannibal in your neighborhood, so he can do to you what animals do to each other…and…

    Brace yourself Alfred… animals have SEX!!!

    Egads, what a nasty filthy thing! Surely us humans are beyond such animal instincts!

    Wait… I get it… you’re one of those poofers, the ones who believe god poofed us all into being, complete with fake fossils to tempt the faithful, 6000 years ago, aren’t you… so in your feeble little mind, humans really aren’t animals. OK, I understand your thought processes now.

    Nonetheless, Alfred, you must now abstain from all sex, because that’s a dirty nasty animal thing to do. Glad I could set you back on the straight and narrow. 🙂

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    This whole debate, from the conservative perspective, can be summed up by the bulldog’s thinking in Cheese Chasers.

    It just dont add up!!

  12. Rich says:

    Uh…some people are concerned with totalitarianism, abuses by the state, or world hunger. Why are some people deadly concerned that homosexuals be able to marry one another? Have they ever just stepped outdoors and taken in the sunshine?

  13. RBG says:

    75 Hugh et al.

    I made no value judgements about same sex partnering amongst animals, only that it frequently occurs and can be described as natural. Therefore it is completely compatible with and a part of ’sexual reproduction evolution’.

    The amusing thing is that must only be spoken in whispers is that for all these reported homosexual behaviors in animals, with odd exceptions I can only presume, none of this behavior is exclusively homosexual. They are as confused and mistaken as the dog that humps your leg, or even some people I know. For that matter, most college kids are desperate enough to have sex with a hole bored in the floor.



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