from The Associated Press

NEW YORK – A solution to the world’s urban transportation problems could lie in two wheels not four, according to executives for General Motors Corp. and Segway Inc.

The companies announced Tuesday that they are working together to develop a two-wheeled, two-seat electric vehicle designed to be a fast, safe, inexpensive and clean alternative to traditional cars and trucks for cities across the world.


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  1. MikeN says:

    They are very useful for recreating Voltron

  2. KD Martin says:

    What’s the GT version? A shirt with a nice stripe on it?

  3. Troublemaker says:

    What’s the point in this thing using 2 wheels?

    Oh, I get it. Their trying to breath new life into the lame and stupid Segway technology that went nowhere and will never go anywhere.

  4. Car Guy says:

    This seems like a most useful ways and means to bail out General Motors GM or now “Government Motors”
    This should be a most useful and practical vehicle on the freeways of California for drivers and workers who commute to save gas and fuel

  5. Mr Diesel says:

    Been around for a long time and they actually are useful. Not sure how safe they would be in a crash but my guess is only marginally better than a motorcycle.

    I would buy one tomorrow to drive around in a city but since I live in the midwest and in the country I wouldn’t take the chance.

    I wouldn’t buy one of the rolling turd mobiles either.

  6. oplama says:

    By useing two wheels you get away from the car safety rules but you will need a helmet.
    Did every one forget about how much the segway costs? This thing will probably cost $200K.

  7. Dallas says:

    If they put one wheel behind the other instead of side by side the all of a sudden it would be safe, cool and practical.
    To make it REALLY useful, put a Harley sticker and make go Vroooom.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #34, that’s the fatal flaw. Wheels aren’t expensive last I checked, but the gyro and all that processing costs a bunch of $$ and power/battery. Add a couple wheels to the damn thing, shitcan the segway stuff, and the price drops by what…75%?

    The Far East runs on 50cc scooters. Far cheaper, longer range, more maneuverable, and probably more reliable. Put some brains into making the engines cleaner, create an incentive to use them, and there we go.

  9. ethanol says:

    Dallas (#14),
    We must live really close to each other, I am in Turtle Creek/Cedar Springs. I must say I would never drive one of those here in Dallas. Hell, I won’t ride my bike except on the Katy Trail. Drivers are too busy yakking on the phones to pay attention to pedestrians, bicyclists, other cars, etc. let alone this thing (I have been hit 3 times in the past 3.5 years by people not driving when behind the wheel, one of which was a major wreck on the DNT). Way too dangerous…

  10. Dallas says:

    #41 Hey there neighbor. I live in Highland Park!

    My partner and I go run around town on our scooters all the time in good weather – to Whole Foods (on Lemmon Ave), Yoga, Hunky’s on Cedar Springs and to the gym. All under shade, side streets and parking is NEVER an issue!

    This segway car thing is safer and more stable than a motorcycle. It makes sense for my needs! The real issue is not it’s practicality, the issue is that it is not “butch” enough for those uncomfortable with their sexuality or ‘what the neighbors might think’.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    Why wasn’t this POS announced on April 1st?

  12. Benjamin says:

    No matter what people drive, there will still be semi-trucks to haul our goods. You think a semi-truck won’t stomp one of these flat?

  13. arpie says:

    @#25: >”what is wrong with motorcycles?”

    Actually although motorcycles use much less fuel, their emissions are terrible:
    “the cleanest motorcycles in the 2001 model year certified at a level of about 0.32 grams/mile of hydrocarbons on the Federal Test Procedure. On the exact same test procedure the Prius certified at a hydrocarbon level of 0.0024 grams/mile. The cleanest (highway) motorcycle is therefore more than 100 times dirtier than the Prius.” (

    You know, those pesky catalytic converters and stuff are just too bulky/ heavy for motorcycles.

    @# 40 “Wheels aren’t expensive last I checked, but the gyro and all that processing costs a bunch of $$ and power/battery”

    Amen, and to the rest of your post too. Why the heck not put a 3rd wheel there? Save all that weight, power and headaches with the gyros.

    (Like some Chinese companies have done with the segway

  14. MikeN says:
    A link to how to build your own Segway.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #45 – Post of the thread!

  16. Li says:

    So, S. Africa can build a six passenger 250 mile range electric car;

    But the best that GM can come up with, despite having a huge head start with the EV-1, is an electric rickshaw that barely has two seats and has a 35 mile range?!

    The sooner this company dies, the better.

  17. Dave W says:

    Okay. I have changed my mind regarding the bailout of GM. If this is what they have been spending R&D $ on, let them sink like a stone.

    This think is a loser on so many levels I can’t won’t even bother to go into them, as others have brought up the major points. Except, nobody seemed to mention that it makes the Pontiac Aztec look good!

  18. BubbaRay says:

    #41, #42, can you imagine driving one from Plano to Highland Park or Lemmon Ave. on the Tollway? Har! How about the HOV on Central? Instant death. Looks like I’m a few miles north.

  19. Li says:

    GM = Generally Malodorous.

  20. Dallas says:

    #50 Agreed, but highways and long trips is not the target usage model.

    The practical usage model here is analogous to those using scooters and smartcars for short range needs. Makes total sense.

    Again, the real issue is not it’s practicality but rather the psychological, emotional barriers of being seen in one of these.

  21. stopher2475 says:

    Doubles as a coffin after you get creamed by the Suburban

  22. orangetiki says:

    But can you twitter from it?

  23. orangetiki says:

    PS #25, TYVM motorcycles , scooters, etc are the way to go if you want cheap, super efficient transportation

  24. MikeN says:

    Calling this an electric rickshaw is ridiculous. They have motorized rickshaws, and they use a third wheel and are called autos.

  25. MikeN says:

    Li spend $2000 a year on batteries? How much extra to charge it?

  26. Paul says:

    #45 Cleanest motorcycle? Have you followed any of the European bikes? I’m thinking BMW G and F series…. Maybe people should do some research before making extreme claims about the “cleaniest bike being 100 times dirtier than an prius.” Yeah, we won’t talk about the issue of prius batteries….

  27. RSweeney says:

    Looks like a great device for the post-affluent, third-world America that the left seems so intent on creating.

    How about adding pedals and some blue plastic tarps to complete the effect?

  28. Mark T. says:

    Arpie, as for catalytic converters on motorcycles, many have bikes already them. Read this from an EPA FAQ document:

    Will catalytic converters be required on all highway motorcycles?

    Motorcycles are unique vehicles, and the application of some passenger car technologies will raise unique issues when applied to motorcycles. These issues may be more critical with some makes, models, or styles than with others. About twenty percent of the 2002 and 2003 motorcycles certified by manufacturers to emission standards already incorporate catalytic converters. We project that this will increase to about 50 percent when the second Tier of standards takes effect in 2010. Our Regulatory Impact Analysis contains a detailed discussion of the technologies expected to be used to meet the proposed standards. At this time small volume manufacturers are required only to meet the Tier 1 standard, which is achievable without the use of catalytic converters. The Tier 1 standard for small manufacturers takes effect in the 2008 model year.

    So, by next year, 50% of all new motorcycles will have catalytic converters. Many will be tossed in the trash when the owner puts on a custom exhaust system.

  29. Mark T. says:

    Oops. I chopped of the last letter:

  30. Brian says:

    this is a good idea because….Segway has done so well? the only people I have EVER seen on a segway were freaking mall cops…who should have been on foot, for goodness sake!

    I would buy one of these over that any day of the millenium.

    BONUS: you get exercise instead of a fat ….


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