If you answered “Catholic” – you’d be correct.

Daylife/Getty Images

President Obama will speak at Notre Dame’s commencement on May 17. That is an honor to some, but an outrage to others.

Some alumni have called the campus saying they have thrown away their Fighting Irish sweatshirts in disgust. The local bishop, John D’Arcy, has vowed to boycott the graduation ceremony. A visiting high school senior, Halley Chavey, who said she was thrilled just weeks ago to be accepted here, said she might reject the offer because the college was hosting “the most pro-abortion president we’ve ever had…”

“Most of us are like, ‘Wow, the president of the United States is coming,’ ” said Brett Ensor, a Texas native who belongs to the Knights of Columbus, opposes abortion and voted for Mr. Obama’s Republican opponent, Senator John McCain. “What college wouldn’t want Obama to come? This is a tremendous honor for us…”

Notre Dame is regarded as an academic powerhouse and conservative Catholic bastion. But in a mock election here in November, Mr. Obama defeated Mr. McCain among students by about 11 percentage points. He won roughly the same margin of victory among Catholic voters in the national election

In the view of the Rev. Richard McBrien, a prominent liberal theologian at Notre Dame, the commotion over Mr. Obama centers not on faith, but on politics.

“This crowd,” Mr. McBrien said, referring to conservative Catholics, “are simply Republicans who are upset that Obama won the election — and they want to pick a fight.”

Pretty accurate characterization of American Catholics in the article. Including their divergence from monocultural obedience as required by the Vatican.

  1. orangetiki says:

    i want to go to that kid and ask him what treachery means. And when he says no I want to beat the daylights out of his parents.

    But then again what do you expect from out of touch katholics? Way to infect the gene pool asses.

  2. deowll says:

    “Phydeau said, on April 6th, 2009 at 8:54 am “Abortion is central to the faith,” she said, “It’s a nonnegotiable issue.”

    Abortion is central to the faith. What a statement. Forget about all the things Jesus said about healing the sick and feeding the poor.

    Jesus never said a word about abortion, and here it is the center of their faith.

    What a pathetic excuse for a religion.”

    He didn’t have to say it ignorant man. No orthodox Jew would have ever even considered having their unborn child killed.

    To them children are the gift of God. Failure to have children to carry on the faith was seen as a harsh judgment by God.

    From the earliest days of the faith Christians were out taking in exposed and abandoned children. Heck they even opposed things like slavery and child rape.

    In your terms I suppose that does make them a regular bunch of nut cases

  3. GregA says:


    Well since MikeN is a coward, you will have to do. I see you choose the option of “All of the above”, you are both a liar, and a militant retard;) Congratulations!!! You have exceeded my expectations.

    First, killing the babys of botched abortions was illegal BEFORE that bill was passed. Thats what Obama was saying when he said “These babies already have protection”

    Second, you lied when you said Obama voted against a bill that would prevent the killing of babies of botched abortions, because the bill did no such thing, it was already illegal to kill those babies;)

    The only thing the bill accomplished was to require a a birth certificate for aborted fetuses that had a heart beat! Congrats! You accomplished exactly nothing, and the smear failed to work the first time, So I will enjoy seeing it fail to work a second time as well.

    You fail, and your opposition has nothing to do with abortion and everything to do with you being a bitter dead ender;)

    Anyone else care to play?

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Alphie, the Quaalde Queen,

    I am not a Catholic…but agree and join them in fighting against abortion…

    But, … but, … but your bible implies that a fetus isn’t worth anything. Why arn’t you all upset because your bible specifically ignores punishment for those who are less than one month old and proscribes nothing for a fetus?

    C’mon Queenie, tell us what Jesus Christ himself said about a fetus. Tell us how he would walk into a hospital with his long blond hair blowing in the wind, his blue eyes seeing all that which lay before him, his polyester and cotton robe pristine, his English perfect as he tells the abortionists “out, get out of my hospital! Let this child my father, your lord god, determined to be born a cripple, with no brain. My father knows this child’s parents have no health insurance. My father knows the parents are poor and not the brightest lights around. My father knows all this!”

    C’mon Queenie, let’s hear how Jesus would handle the situation.

  5. Phydeau says:

    #67 He didn’t have to say it ignorant man.

    Right, because you, in your infinite wisdom, know what Jesus really meant to say.

    Reminds me of the definition of a fanatic: Someone who does what God would do, if God had all the facts. 🙂

    From the earliest days of the faith Christians were out taking in exposed and abandoned children. Heck they even opposed things like slavery and child rape.

    Yeah, but they got over it, at least in the U.S., where they quoted scripture to “prove” that blacks should be slaves. 🙂

    Lordy lordy, you wackos just keep on digging yourself deeper into your hole… keep on diggin’!

  6. Phydeau says:

    #71 Wow pedro, good one. And on a hunch I’m just going to guess that you’re rubber, I’m glue, it sticks to me and bounces off of you, right? And you’d probably throw in a robust neener-neener-neener at the end too. I guess you told me. What a macho man you are! 🙂

  7. Religion is a joke says:

    Is this the same Catholic church that could care less about a 9 year old girl raped and impregnated by her stepfather? The same church that excommunicated the ones who performed the abortion on the same girl so she could have a semblance of a normal life? What a joke.

    Religion is for pathetic weak minded people who cant make it through life without believing in invisible people and their made up rules.

  8. #65

    pedro said,
    #62 I’m sure many a catholic scientist agrees with you.

    Of which many are and have been among the finest and brightest ever.

    That’s one of the reasons I feel the compelled to set posters like “TheAuthority” straight he is not helping his cause by not admitting it takes faith in the divine to believe in Catholicism’s doctrines or to lack the understanding that the Big Bang is just a Theory and by it’s very nature wants to be challenged not believed.

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    #75 Always with the Obama is the Antichrist…

    Tell me, do you REALLY believe he is?

    I referred to Bush as Satan many a time, not because I believe he is Satan, but just because I regard him as a very evil little man. I get the feeling that you really do think he is the big kahuna.

  10. Time line is wrong unless the Rapture has already happened and Alfred1 and his friends assuming he has some all missed the Rapture Bus and are here with the rest of for 7 more years I’m not worried

  11. sargasso says:

    Lots of big, angry words today.

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    Pro-life people don’t give a rat’s arse about human life.

    If they did, they would have been out protesting the fact that Bush’s invasion of Iraq killed tens of thousands of innocent people — real people with real lives and real histories.

    If pro-life people gave a crap about human life, there are dozens of atrocities against humans every month that they could be protesting or raising awareness about.

    But they don’t. It’s only abortion.

    They only want to protest things that they can be self-righteous about.

    They don’t care one whit about human life.

  13. GregA says:

    “Of which many are and have been among the finest and brightest ever.”

    Hmmm, really? Are they the brightest or have we simply assigned them that authority? For example, take Descartes theorem. There is a problem there. When you impose the reality of Quantum Theory over Descartes theorem…

    Spoiler alert, quit reading if you want to retain belief in God….

    all the sudden it becomes a perfect proof for the non existence of God. Because quantum theory allows for all things to be True. And if all things are true, then all things are false as well. Welcome to the world of supersymetry, and now God can both exist and not exist, AT THE SAME TIME.

    For me as an atheist, this means, God exists when I need him, and he goes away when I don’t.

    An issue that I suggest you avoid delving deeper if you want to remain faithful. Because this is the Catholic holographic existence, sort of a you can be a Catholic and accept all the dogma some of the time, and discard it when it is not needed(See I am exactly like Jesus now, he did the same thing). You can switch that designation as you see fit.

    So now I have imagined a perfect universe, without God(and with), and Descartes is demonstrably wrong.

    And thats why they don’t teach him in school anymore, other than as a primitive curiosity;)

  14. ECA says:

    and thats the only instance you can see of christ being MEAN??
    AND under Hebrew law, the sellers werent SUPPOSED to be there. It was his right to banish them.

    Another post on DV site said that 90% of the USA is CHRISTIAN??
    IF people were so WHOLE hearted christian, WOULD THIS BE A PROBLEM??

    RELIGION is for the PERSON, and his goals in/to heaven.

    Government is for control of the PEOPLE the GROUP..no matter their BELIEFS..

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    #83 & 84

    Interesting theory. Totally insane IMHO, but interesting nonetheless.

    Why not a homegrown antichrist? Is American doomed to import everything from China?

  16. the beast from the sea says:

    GregA said,
    on April 6th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
    “Of which many are and have been among the finest and brightest ever.”
    I was thinking of Copernicus, Galileo, Lavoisier ect off the top of my head.

    creation science at best would run into the circle
    by Douglas Adams when discussing the BABEL FISH

    “I refuse to prove that I exist”, says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.”
    “But”, says Man, “the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? it could not have evolved by chance. it proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don’t. QED.”
    “Oh dear”, says God, “I hadn’t thought of that,” and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

  17. a minor deity says:

    sounds like Alfred1 likes to read the Left Behind fiction books more than his scripture fiction book

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Antichrist spirits are able to telepathically influence crowds…many mistake this as “charisma” and marvel at the control a speaker has on his audience…but its the antichrist spirit influencing the irrational emotional, to move the mob towards a particular goal.

    Which is just okie dokie if the speaker is a “religious” man. But if his views differ from yours, suddenly he’s being influenced by Beelzebub? How would you really know the difference, other than some other “religious” man telling you who to believe? Jesus had some pretty radical views for his day, but very very few christians could tolerate someone like him in 2009.

  19. Someone Else says:

    “If I were not an atheist, I think I would have to be a Catholic because if it wasn’t the forces of natural selection that designed fish, It must have been an Italian.”

    Douglas Adams

  20. Greg Allen says:

    Is Bishop D’Arcy one of those famous menu Catholics?

    If D’Arcy never protested Bush, who grooved on capital punishment, then I’d say he is.

  21. Palooka says:

    Who cares? Farah Fawcett is in the hospital!! Britany texted Kevin!! Linday is drunk again!! Michelle and Oprah on the May cover of O!! You can’t touch the queen!!!

  22. MikeN says:

    GregA, you just state something as fact, but in fact Obama’s own reasons for voting no keep changing.


  23. Every generation for at least the last 2000 years has had a percentage of people like this, they think we are living in the end of times and the current state of affairs and leaders are absolute proof of this. These people are really sure that THEY ARE RIGHT but they were all very wrong every one of them. Now we have Alfred1 and he is very sure HE IS RIGHT. well that’s good enough for me. I’m a believer(just kidding) Enjoy your stories Alfred1 I hope they help you sleep better. I wish i had an imenenary friend Be sure to always act in a pious manor we all want you on the first bus out of here then the rapture comes. See if you can get a window seat.

    Every generation for at least the last 2000 years has had a percentage of people like this, they think we are living in the end of times and the current state of affairs and leaders are absolute proof of this. These people are really sure that THEY ARE RIGHT but they were all very wrong every one of them. Now we have Alfred1 and he is very sure HE IS RIGHT. well that’s good enough for me. I’m a believer(just kidding) Enjoy your stories Alfred1 I hope they help you sleep better. I wish I had an imaginary friend that would promise me a heaven. Be sure to always act in a pious manor we all want you on the first bus out of here then the rapture comes. See if you can get a window seat.

    Or maybe just maybe you could open your mind to the idea that all this god stuff might have been made up and secular humanists are the world’s best bet at making a go of it.

    food for thought(dont be afraid to think)

    Tenets of Secular humanism from Wikipedia

    Need to test beliefs: A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each individual and not simply accepted on faith.

    Reason, evidence: Scientific method – A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith and mysticism, in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions.

    Fulfillment, growth, creativity: A primary concern with fulfillment, growth and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general.

    Search for truth: A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.

    This life: A concern for this life and a commitment to making it meaningful through better understanding of ourselves, our history, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and the outlooks of those who differ from us.

    Ethics: A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well-being and individual responsibility.

    Building a better world: A conviction that with reason, an open exchange of ideas, good will, and tolerance, progress can be made in building a better world for ourselves and our children.
    (end of wiki paste)

    personally I’m with Groucho “I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member.”

  24. Billy Bob says:

    It always amazes me when activist atheists, keen to force their views upon everybody else, reveal themselves to be emotion-driven monkeys deficient in basic logic just like religious fundamentalists. Let’s count the logical failures.

    #7 “Jesus never said a word about abortion.”

    Jesus didn’t spend much time reviewing basics like murder being forbidden. That doesn’t mean he endorsed it. FAIL.

    #17 “holy deutsch bags”

    Morans. FAIL.

    #33 Equating abortion opposition with supporting Afghan rape laws


    #39-40 Expression of his own prejudices about anti-Semitism, “the right”, racism, etc.

    I am in fact a far left anarchist. Assumptions making an ass out of you FAIL.

    #43 Jews, when empowered, have also left an impressive body count over history along with Catholics, particularly before the Romans decimated them. None compare to the body counts of 20th century secular Marxists and fascists, however. FAIL at history and relevance to the issue simultaneously.

    #46 Failure for making a case around statistics that you completely made up (as you freely admit). You may have a future in government, however.

    #63 Most retarded rhetorical question winner. The answer is because it protected the rights of babies who were born alive during abortion procedures not to be killed. FAIL.

    #69 The fact that one can cherry-pick contradictions and ideas that were subsequently rejected from the Bible is only of concern to the tiny minority of Bible literalists. My basic chemistry book had a number of errors in it, yet I don’t reject chemistry. I was amused by your Jesus-in-an-abortion-clinic fantasy though–you should get it optioned for a movie.

    #74 Killing a fetus does not make a rape all better. Abortion is not a “personal responsibility” issue, it’s a debate about personhood and murder.

  25. Dallas says:

    #100. Billy Bob,

    Why do morons spell ‘moron’ as ‘moran’?

  26. Canuck says:

    One only has to look at the faces of the congregation of any church in America to see what we’re dealing with here. They look like the slow class in a junior high school.
    Just ignore these people. They follow a murder of supreme hypocrites who continue to look the other way every time one of their crows is caught buggering an alter boy.

    The reals story is the organized and ritualized separation of the stupid from their money. Nothing more.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #100, Billy Bob,

    #74 Killing a fetus does not make a rape all better. Abortion is not a “personal responsibility” issue, it’s a debate about personhood and murder.

    This was a nine year old girl. If I remember the story correctly, she was raped by her stepfather. If the baby was brought to term, it would have killed her. That would have been a willing murder on behalf of all those who chose that she bear the baby.

    The last time I was forced to study the bible there was this part called the “Ten Commandments”. One of these commandments was “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. I don’t recall anything about abortion. What I have seen though is portions of the bible that don’t place any value on a child less than one month old.

    Nor do I recall anything in the bible about when sperm becomes a person. Remember, it was the man who planted the seed, not the woman who became fertile. So abortion is not part of the bible but murder is. And you, along with the Brazilian Bishop and Church think it is fine to kill a nine yr/o child.

    Effen sick logic.

  28. MikeN says:

    So Fusion, do you think Catholic hospitals should provide abortions if they are getting public money, part of the Medicare/Medicaid program, part of national health care service?

  29. GregA says:


    Chathlic Hospitals should provide some standard of care to rape victims. If a rape victim asks for emergency contraceptive they should provide it. As it is now, they do not.

    Also that top 10 list from a blogger is filled with the types of dishonest and lies that have come to define the militant-retard movement. Obama supports abortion, and has never apologized for that. That Blogger wants to expand that support for abortion in “Obama supports infanticide”

    If you want to word smith and parse Obamas statement so that you interpret it as Obama likes to kill babies, you go ahead and run with that. That is why no one listens to you guys anymore.

  30. Billy Bob says:

    #104 “If the baby was brought to term, it would have killed her.”

    This situation (life-threatening pregnancy) is in fact an exception where abortion is acceptable to the Catholic position (as they have stated) and I would hope anti-abortion people in general. If forced to pick between the mother and fetus, the mother has to win. It’s pretty common sense.

    So nobody including Catholics would disagree with you in this case.

    Those are exceptionally tragic and unusual cases, like lifeboat paradoxes.


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