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President Obama will speak at Notre Dame’s commencement on May 17. That is an honor to some, but an outrage to others.
Some alumni have called the campus saying they have thrown away their Fighting Irish sweatshirts in disgust. The local bishop, John D’Arcy, has vowed to boycott the graduation ceremony. A visiting high school senior, Halley Chavey, who said she was thrilled just weeks ago to be accepted here, said she might reject the offer because the college was hosting “the most pro-abortion president we’ve ever had…”
“Most of us are like, ‘Wow, the president of the United States is coming,’ ” said Brett Ensor, a Texas native who belongs to the Knights of Columbus, opposes abortion and voted for Mr. Obama’s Republican opponent, Senator John McCain. “What college wouldn’t want Obama to come? This is a tremendous honor for us…”
Notre Dame is regarded as an academic powerhouse and conservative Catholic bastion. But in a mock election here in November, Mr. Obama defeated Mr. McCain among students by about 11 percentage points. He won roughly the same margin of victory among Catholic voters in the national election…
In the view of the Rev. Richard McBrien, a prominent liberal theologian at Notre Dame, the commotion over Mr. Obama centers not on faith, but on politics.
“This crowd,” Mr. McBrien said, referring to conservative Catholics, “are simply Republicans who are upset that Obama won the election — and they want to pick a fight.”
Pretty accurate characterization of American Catholics in the article. Including their divergence from monocultural obedience as required by the Vatican.
I wonder how many of these people that support protecting potential children both before birth (no abortions) and during copulation(no condoms) would also support a law similar that the one recently put into place in Afghanistan which bans wives from refusing to have sex with their husbands. Isnt that just protecting the child pre-copulation?
Then again, I guess it doesnt matter what they think, since they just support whatever an old man in a funny hat who talks to his invisible Friend says. Its funny how the stance of said invisible Friend changes with each old man…
#32 Actions speak far louder than words. I know that as a lib, that is a foreign concept to you. LOL!
22, You would think that if the editor makes a statement they know will garner disagreement that they’d have the backbone to allow the dissenting comment.
#35 – I have to admit that I have owned that particular editor so often he’s probably “sore”…
Yet another episode proving that anti-Catholicism is the anti-Semitism of the left, complete with the canard about Vatican mind control.
#37 Um, looks like you just admitted that you right-wing wackos are anti-Semitic, and then tried to justify it by claiming anti-Catholic prejudice by liberals.
I give you props for actually admitting it. Good for you — the first step on the road to recovery (and winning elections) is to admit you have a problem.
May I suggest the next step is to repudiate the Southern Strategy, then you might have more than a snowball’s chance in hell to win some black votes.
Correction, not just black votes, but the votes of people who dislike political parties using racism to buy votes. That’s a lot more than just the blacks.
Noticed your first comment was deleted, “what could he had posted?” I asked myself. Then I looked at the “Posting Guidelines”. They made me laugh. I’ve seen so many violations of those guidelines that have gone unchallenged.
If Dvorak enforced the guidelines, half the people on this site would never get a word in edgewise. Especially those who post in responce to you.
Would someone please confiscate Obama’s “West Wing” boxset? His Chief Of Staff was the inspiration for one of the main characters (Josh Lyman, who became Chief Of Staff at series end); he appointed an opponent Sec. State (just as the incoming Pres. did at series end); and now he wants to speak at the college that the fictional Pres. Bartlet went to? I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few Republicans working in the real West Wing, just as there was on TV – just to be balanced, y’know.
The only difference being is that for much of history it was the jews being the ones persecuted/killed and the catholics doing the persecuting/killing.
If the pope is truly the voice of God, then in the past He has shown that He is not the loving God spoken of in the New Testament
# 41 BigBoyBC said, “Noticed your first comment was deleted, “what could he had posted?” I asked myself.”
I’ll paraphrase. “Eideard – ‘What kind of university agonizes over the commencement address being delivered by the President of the United States?’ Where have you been for the last 8 years, or, don’t you remember?”
Oh this will be fantastic!!! Republicans are so retarded they will foist themselves on their pikes over this one, and it will help Obama and further marginalize Republicans. I CANT WAIT!
See the news media which is now overtly hostile to “Cultural Conservatives” will show up to this, and are gonna get footage of the rightards holding up their pictures of aborted fetuses, and their crying for all the dead babies, and thir cardboard cross “cemetaries”, and middle america will see it! It will resolve Americas mettle that dispatching the Republican party to the minority was the right thing to do.
And these nut cases are gonna fall for it and perform on que! FANTASTIC! This couldn’t work out better;)
This University is not agonizing over this commencement address. 97% of graduating Seniors are enraptured with the honor of having the POTUS at their commencement ceremony.
To be fair though the rightards would be all freaked no matter what.
The simple fact of the matter is in public polling America has become overwhelmingly Pro-choice in the last 40 years. Last I looked its like 80% of americans think abortion should be legal at least some times, and statistical noise that think women should be punished for getting an abortion. However, you gotta wonder about that 19% that think abortion should be illegal but that women shouldn’t be punished for getting abortions, are they retarded or something???
Yes my statistics are made up on the spot, But I am happy to put my made up statistics against real statistics if you want to bother to look it up.
#19 Mr. Diesel asked what is a 4th trimester.
It is an abortion done to a living baby that survived the initial botched abortion and is killed outside the womb – usually by being left to die in a bassinet in a closet.
Obama supported this outrageous concept on 3 different votes.
jbenson, could you please clarify? Was the vote really about killing healthy babies, or was it about allowing medical professionals to stop reviving babies who’s chance at life beyond a few weeks is zero?
Because, that different matters.
Oh please continue with the Obama likes to kill babies hyperbole!!! That is the type of shit that drives middle america away from the Republican party;)
Please continue? Could you make a blog about it? Maybe become an activist, I mean afterall if Obama supports killing babies that is a slam dunk smear campaign.
Because Americans are stupid and you can tell them shit like “Obama likes to kill babies!” and they will just lap it up.
#27, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,
…and soon he may force Catholics to perform abortions at their hospitals, or close them down…
Ok, you lied about Obama selling drugs. Could you offer up some Christian evidence that he plans on forcing any physician to perform an abortion or would close any hospital that didn’t perform one?
We know how honest Christians are. We all know how they don’t lie.
Just checked all the polls I could find online an average of about only 28% of Republicans think abortion should never be allowable.
This will just add to the GOP fracture.
Go ahead and make a big show of this, it will only serve to continue alienate the religious right from regular conservatives. These guys should have gotten a clue when Goldwater left them.
Funny these folks that want government out of there lives unless it’s a choice about there own bodies then they want the government to chose for them and for every one else. Is it wise to deny there gods free choice test to others? That might make their god very angry. Oh no all the anti pro-choice protesters are going to hell.
And, back at the ranch. Obama’s approval ratings decline while disapproval ratings climb…
According to this it is because Republicans are a bunch of sore losers. But I already knew that.
Until any one of you has studied and understands to the full extent what it means to be Catholic, you should not be criticizing the faith. Everything the Catholic church believes is backed with strong evidence and is fully explained in it’s doctrines. So please, educate yourself first or hold your peace.
What part of the doctrine says that its better to cover up child molesting priests than to protect the children from them?
In my 10 years of catholic school and a year of studying World Religions I have come to realize that most religions, including catholocism, contain stories with valuable messages, but most of their followers seem more interested in defending the authenticity of the story than the message behind it
Admit it without your personal leap of faith you’ve got nothing.
Your doctrines are not admissible with out that leap.
I’d like to believe it sounds nice but an all knowing god would know I was lying about that faith thing so what’s the point.
Actually if you dig into this story a bit you learn that the Catholic church actually has no opinion on this matter. It is actually a group of militant-retards who are not associated with the Catholic church at all, who have created this whole issue.
In that regards this whole story is not unlike the militant-retards and their opposition to Obamas baby killing hobby.
And as it turns out, there are a few Americans (see thread) who will believe anything some militant-retard tells them.
If fact, if you are not looking at militant-retard media you probably don’t know about this story.
Although I do bet the big media will show up to demonstrate that the risk that militant-retards present to America is real. Its gonna be a full blown freak circus!!! I can’t wait!
#56, When i refer to catholic belief and teaching, I am talking about what is in the Catechism. There is not anything in there that says it is right to cover stuff like that up. People are not perfect. The teachings however never contradict themselves. As a catholic, you must believe what is in the catechism and live by it. if you don’t believe every part of it, then you can not call yourself a catholic. catholic means universal and that is the basis of our faith. we are universal in our beliefs.
#57 It does not take any more of a leap of faith to believe that what the catholic church teaches is right than it does to believe that the universe was created by the big bang which was created by energy…which was always there, always is, and always will be (funny how the quantum physics guys explaination of things sounds alot like God). An for all you religious folk….don’t try putting God in a box by personification.
In 2002, as an Illinois legislator, Obama voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act, which would have protected babies that survived late-term abortions. That same year a similar federal law, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, was signed by President Bush. Only 15 members of the U.S. House opposed it, and it passed the Senate unanimously on a voice vote.
Both the Illinois and the federal bill sought equal treatment for babies who survived premature inducement for the purpose of abortion and wanted babies who were born prematurely and given live-saving medical attention.
>Could you offer up some Christian evidence that he plans on forcing any physician to perform an abortion or would close any hospital that didn’t perform one?
More deception from conFusion. Of course this is precisely the agenda of liberals, and has been supported on this blog.
Various examples:
The Archdiocese of Boston would not comply with new mandatory gay adoption laws; the passage of the law resulted in the closure of the largest adoption agency in New England.
The bill HB 1203 forbids transactions between licensed hospitals that would hinder services such as abortion and sterilization. Hence, HB 1203 would forbid the sale of the two hospitals to the Catholic Sisters of Charity.
The bill SB 182 states that hospitals must supply any “essential health service.” The government department of health is free to determine what “essential health service” is and can remove a hospital’s license for failing to offer any such service. Thus, SB 182 would allow the government to declare abortion an “essential health service” and take licenses from hospitals that refuse to perform them.
The Connecticut state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday April 25 that would require all hospitals — including the four Catholic facilities — to provide the Plan B emergency contraceptive to rape victims. The abortifacient drug is also known as the morning after pill
oh so sorry, But science is not trying to sell you on a big bang.
Science does not care what YOU believe. You only show your insecurity by trying to generalize a theory. Show up with some empirical evidence in your observations should these observations be repeatable and confirmed by other scientist then Science will adjust the theory to include this new information.
In science a theory is just an idea designed to explain a set of observations.
If we follow your argument back we get to because god did it and god has always been (needs faith in god to believe this)
With science we follow it back and get more questions and make new theories. Having observations disprove a theory is considered a good thing and new theories will hatch and the observations start all over. Wow look how far we have come since Copernicus using this method.
Still no empirical evidence of the divine I’m happy with the search for why is existence. And I’m fine with you believing in your Catholic stories but don’t be putting your Need Leap of Faith to believe this stuff on the rest of us. Lots of religions out their all thinking they are right. Lots of ok with not knowing why there is existence but enjoy pondering the question.
How did the Born Alive Infant Protection Act enhance the rights of those children of botched abortions?
But thats not my real question. My real question is are you gonna be a militant-retard or are you gonna lie?
Because I don’t think you can answer that question without being one of the two. Im waiting.
Some religous groups don’t like murder even when it is the convenient thing to do.
Obama is in favor of allowing mothers to have their unborn babies killed. Heck he even voted against a law that would prevent the killing of late term aborted babies born alive.
To these people he’s just another man with innocent blood on his hands.
Get over it.
The other side of the argument is that anybody that wants to prevent their genes from making it into another generation most likely have a point and would make piss poor parents anyway.
I’d say fixing them where they can’t ever have any kids would emprove the species.