It appears that when a political party falls from power, has no leadership and can’t admit to themselves and take blame for the havoc they caused while in power, they go a little crazy. This is from the thoroughly conservative David Horowitz.

I have been watching an interesting phenomenon on the Right, which is beginning to cause me concern. I am referring to the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the “Bush Is Hitler” crowd on the Left.

Speaking of this crowd, have you seen any “I am so sorry” postings from that quarter as Obama continues and even escalates the former president’s war policy in Afghanistan and attempts to consolidate his military occupation of Iraq?

Conservatives, please. Let’s not duplicate the manias of the Left as we figure out how to deal with Mr. Obama. He is not exactly the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the Right are convinced he is.

I have recently received commentaries that claim that “Obama’s speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history” and “never has a politician in this land had such a quasi-religious impact on so many people” and “Obama is a narcissist,” which leads the author to then compare Obama to David Koresh, Charles Manson, Stalin and Saddam Hussein. Excuse me while I blow my nose.

This fellow has failed to notice that all politicians are narcissists – and that a recent American president was a world-class exponent of the imperial me. So what? Political egos are one of the reasons the Founders put checks and balances on executive power. As for serial lying, is there a politician that cannot be accused of that? And once, the same recent president set a pretty a high bar in this category, and we survived it. As for Obama’s speeches, they are hardly in the Huey Long, Louie Farrakhan, Fidel Castro vein. They are in fact eloquently and cleverly centrist and sober.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Phydeau said, “Even as an ex-president, he’s still way down in the approval numbers.”

    Hmmm, Obama’s approval ratings at this point in office were about the same as Bush’s. And that with liberals hating Bush and claiming he stole the election.

  2. Phydeau says:

    #31 quite correct, Paddy-O… and the difference was that liberals were willing to give Bush the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of his administration — remember his compassionate conservative promises? Us liberals had hope he’d actually make good on those promises. But right-wingers have been attacking Obama mercilessly right out of the gate, just like they did with Clinton. Is anyone surprised?

  3. Li says:

    #28 Actually, it was housing initiatives started way back in the 30’s and 40’s (Fannie and Freddie) that initially caused the big rise in housing prices, by providing an virtually unlimited amount of loan capital for an inherently limited resource. This had the natural effect of causing home prices to rise far faster than the inflation rate. The CFA was merely a foolish attempt to ameliorate the symptom (high prices) without curing the disease (virtually unlimited government backed housing loans). The only way that this is connected to the massive fraud we are seeing unwind right now is by the illusion that these conditions created; that housing prices would rise forever. This illusion is what gave the financial industry the cover it needed to perpetrate this fraud; as long as prices rose forever, they would never get caught!

    But, of course, nothing goes up forever. Oops!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Ah Yea,

    This is manifest by the derangement that anything Republican is bad.

    The Republicans are their own worst enemy. They have no one leading them and their proclaimed leaders are all fighting each other.

    They claimed the Obama budget was bad, but when pressed, that had no alternative. Then they claimed they did, but couldn’t produce any document. Months later, when finally they produce a document, it was an empty blue folder being waved around by Boener. A week later they come out with something offering nothing to Americans except a $1.6 BILLION deficit.

    They wanted to allow Americans to invest their Social Security in the Stock Market. Yup, we see where that one would have ended up.

    Yup, Republicans continually lied about WMDs even when it had been shown their weren’t any. Some still deny that to this day.

    Republicans deny they had anything to do with the whole financial sector collapse. As if Phil Gramm and George Bush never existed. As if the Bush White House turned over documents to Congress or didn’t lie their effen faces off.

    How the Republicans forgot Terry Schiavo. How they interfered in a woman’s life and her wishes; how appalled Americans were at the thought that they would pass such a bill in the middle of the night.

    Yes, Ah Yea, almost everything the Republicans did earned contempt. And, if you notice, they were handed their heads on a platter the past two elections. Americans know what the Republicans did without going into the histrionics shown Obama by the right wing nuts.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 33 Phydeau said, “#31 quite correct, Paddy-O… and the difference was that liberals were willing to give Bush the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of his administration”

    Umm, wrong. Libs were calling him an illegitimate President and teeth gnashing about SCotUS decision.

    Nice attempt at revisionism, try again…

  6. Li says:

    #30, Ah, but don’t forget that a few trillion of that 8 trillion was part of the first bailout, under Bush/Paulson last fall. If anything, the TARP program combined with the stranglehold Goldman Sux has on our Treasury produced a condition in which Obama had little choice but to keep throwing money at the banks, based on the political fear that he would get pinned as “The Man Who Killed the Banks” if he stopped the payouts.

    A foolish mistake, but I doubt that O had the balls to go all out, let them take their losses on their idiotic bets, and thus kill the banks. Because, frankly, if you set out to kill the banks, they often kill you back.

  7. MikeN says:

    >Bush DS didn’t really start to appear until after he took us into Iraq.

    No, it was there before 2003. Even in 2001 people were protesting about fascism from Bush and Ashcroft. Indeed they do this about all Republican attorney generals. You might be right that the Cheney derangement started a little later. Bill Sammon’s How Al Gore Tried to Steal an Election has some anecdotes from early in Bush’s term of BDS.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Good comeback Fusion. Well said.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 37 Li said, “#30, Ah, but don’t forget that a few trillion of that 8 trillion was part of the first bailout, under Bush/Paulson last fall.”

    Oh, that spending bill that was written by the Dems in congress and that a majority of Repubs voted against?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    #37 Li

    Also an intelligent and well though out reply. It’s a good day!

    Your reply does hint at my one concern about Obama. “I doubt that O had the balls”. Is he his own man or has he sold his political soul to someone else? How many others are pulling his strings?

    I know this is a “wait and see”.

  11. MikeN says:

    If Obama has made America loved again, why can’t he get Europe to commit more troops to Afghanistan?

  12. Li says:


    That doesn’t look like a party line vote to me. It was even more bi-partisan in the senate! Really, the fact that more D’s voted for it can be attributed to how easily manipulated by fear they were and continue to be; the threats of martial law that were bandied about certainly had to have some effect. Further, there is a certain ‘contrarian effect’ present amongst the R’s right now, unsurprisingly, that likely contributed to the (correct, but for the wrong reasons) votes against the bill.

    And Ron Paul voted no too, and he’s counted as a R on that list, though he really isn’t. . .

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 Li said, “Really, the fact that more D’s voted for it can be attributed to how easily manipulated by fear they were and continue to be; the threats of martial law”

    Really, the FACT is that House Dems wrote it. That is the FACT. Your musings are just opinion. Note the difference…

  14. Li says:

    Paulson wrote it, as I recall. Of course, his version, which was essentially “All your cash are belong to us.” was a bit too overt an act of robbery, so the D’s decided to sugar coat that crap in ‘protections’ and ‘oversight’ that has amounted to nothing, since the Treasury and FED steadfastly refuse to actually allow any protection or oversight, going so far as to say that they -can’t- release who is receiving our money lest people learn that those financial entities are actually bankrupt.

    Really, it’s a big huge stinking ball of crap all round, but partisanship is blinding you to how bi-partisan this failure has really been.

  15. ArianeB says:

    #23 you are not adjusting to inflation. The skyrocketing adjusting to inflation started in 1997

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 46 ArianeB said, “#23 you are not adjusting to inflation.”

    No, I’d have done so if wages were keeping pace…

  17. MikeN says:

    #46 yes the gold price tripled during that time.
    The CRA had its larger damaging effect when the Clinton Adminstration strengthened it, and used the approval process for bank mergers as leverage to force banks to do more ‘community lending’. Do a Lexis/Nexis search for redlining.

  18. ObamaSucks says:

    Barrack Hussein Obama is a disgrace. I can hardly believe he bowed to the Saudi King like a common slave. He is an embarrassing fool who continues to prove time after time that he is in way over his head. Resign now you great pretender.

  19. GF says:

    Bush Derangement Syndrome started with the Florida recount not Iraq. Do you remember the hanging chads and Al Gore’s crusade that didn’t end even after the Supreme Court decided the issue. At least Obama didn’t have to put up with that crap before he became President.

  20. cow-patty furniture says:

    #38, Stooopid Lyin’ Mike,

    >Bush DS didn’t really start to appear until after he took us into Iraq.

    No, it was there before 2003. Even in 2001 people were protesting about fascism from Bush and Ashcroft.

    Once again you fail to demonstrate any serious level of comprehension. The discussion is about Bush Derangement Syndrome compared to Obama Deranged Syndrome.

    You point out that there was legitimate protest about certain Bush policies while so far the right wing nuts have just been protesting against nothing. Such petty things as how bad a President Obama is because the Chief Justice blew the Oath. Or the presents the White House has proffered to visiting dignitaries. Or removing a bust of a foreign leader to be replaced by a great American leader. Or constant criticism about the budget with no meaningful alternative.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    I see the cowards are now hiding behind sockpuppets to defend Omama. LOL

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    You guys have very short memories, or are in denial.

    “Bush Derangement Syndrome” may have been first coined in 2003, but the symptoms were evident right after Al Gore’s concession speech.

    BDS and ODS are opposite sides of the same coin. BDS carriers think they were justified by Bush’s actions as do ODS carriers do.

    Both should seek treatment. It’s the Obamabots we need to worry about. They are the scary ones. (just like the Hitler youth)

  23. Guyver says:

    55, It’s strange seeing how the libs here don’t give Bush any credit for trying to fix Freddie and Fannie back in 2003. 🙂 They would rather argue that he caused the problems. Imagine that.

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    #51 Alfred1

    Why is it that you think Obama really is the anti christ? Is it because he’s black?

    Just curious.

  25. ObamaSucks says:

    #58 Hugh Ripper said “Why is it that you think Obama really is the anti christ? Is it because he’s black?”

    Get real the antiChrist will not need a teleprompter with someone else feeding him what to say. I just can’t decide which is dumber, Obama or you for supporting his insanity.

  26. Toxic Asshead says:

    I used to think BO was the anitchrist based on his promises. I’m more inclined now to think of him as Shiva the Destroyer of Worlds based on his performance.

    I’ve never seen a POTUS who was more unamerican in his actions. He’s an embarassment. He’s an incompetent buffoon – although that makes him a perfect fit for the clownfest that is Congress.

  27. Hugh Ripper says:

    #60 Soooooo questioning the reasons behind someone REALLY thinking he’s the anti christ is actually a sign of support for the anti christ? Gotta love that logic.

  28. Li says:

    I’m confused by all of the senseless blather that has infected this thread. Is there a reset button here?

  29. Phydeau says:

    Toxic Asshat wins today’s prize for sorest losing Republican. Congratulations, TA. 🙂

  30. LibertyLover says:


    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


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