• T-Mobile to do an Android Netbook/tablet.
  • A scheme is afoot. Microsoft wants Windows 7 on Netbooks. They claim people are returning Linux Netbooks.
  • You can now downgrade Win 7. Ha!
  • Rumors about Google and Twitter boiling over again.
  • U2 bails out on Apple and goes to RIM.
  • Skype on the iPhone to be banned in the EU.
  • Suns board rejects IBM deal.
  • Dell memo is fishy.

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  1. Greg Allen says:

    Microsoft is probably telling the truth about people returning Linux notebooks. Linux is not for the average person.

    I’ve come to believe that Linux is best for either total geeks or total non-techies.

    As for me, I absolutely love my Aspire One Linux machine but I’m not geeky enough to understand Linux but I’m too techie to be satisfied with the original install.

    But I LOVE the 15 second boot-up!

  2. Palooka says:

    Androids? isn’t that something you can get from not eating enough fiber?

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    “U2 left mac, which mean one of the members of that partnership is not cool anymore. I’d love to see people ranting about who’s not cool now: mac or U2”

    U2 was cool in 1987. I am not so sure that guys in their 50s are the best way to attract younger customers who are into bands like Coldplay. In fact, other than their music U2 has devolved into something of a joke. I am sure that Bono, Inc. would disagree.

  4. Zybch says:

    As the only remaining PC tech in my area, I keep getting requests to switch out linux from their cheap netbooks for windows (vista and XP). Linux simply isn’t there as far as the ‘average’ person is concerned, its no faster or batter at doing any of the things they find important.
    Remember, most people want to keep using netbooks as they do their current PCs and are simply unable or unwilling to make the many compromises that keeping the netbooks 100% linux forces them into.

  5. orangetiki says:

    1) why does T Mobile have to make a laptop / tablet with Android? I thought Android was to be for everyone. Well hopefully HTC won’t make the hardware

    2) If Microsoft can make 7 work on weak notebooks then good for them.

    3) Downgrade win 7? already? Now I worry about #2

    4) No comment on rumors

    5) U2? does anyone care about u2? I haven’t heard a good song from then since Joshua tree ( half kudos to beautiful day )

    6-8) Wah wah wahhhhhhhh

  6. wakb says:

    John, I must ask you this since you bring up the Ubuntu/Linux thing a lot..

    Are you really content with file dialog box in Firefox on these systems? One thumbnail at a time? Freakin joke

    As for the rest of the news bit–Microsoft is putting itself in a hole by allowing downgrade rights. Maintaining two parallel OS? Seemingly forever? Heh

  7. Nadrew says:

    Schwartz & McNealy can continue to receive millions of dollars/year in compensation while the company continues it’s slide into oblivion. Why would they want to sell the company and only receive 3 years golden parachute? Screw the shareholders. It is obvious that management is only in it for themselves…

  8. Toxic Asshead says:

    You want to make a Linux for the average user? Write a shell/UI that mimics the Windows UI so cloesely that the end user doesn’t know they’re not running Windows.

  9. Steve S says:

    Toxic Asshead said,
    “Write a shell/UI that mimics the Windows UI so closely that the end user doesn’t know they’re not running Windows.”

    Unfortunately that will not help with the other big expectation that people who buy Netbooks often have. That is that their shiny new Netbook will flawlessly run the gadzillions of Windows programs (and games) that are out there. I know there are solutions such as WINE but according to the authors “Wine is still under development, and it is not yet suitable for general use.”.


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