There it was, an old term with new urgency: post-Christian. This is not to say that the Christian God is dead, but that he is less of a force in American politics and culture than at any other time in recent memory. To the surprise of liberals who fear the advent of an evangelical theocracy and to the dismay of religious conservatives who long to see their faith more fully expressed in public life, Christians are now making up a declining percentage of the American population.

According to the American Religious Identification Survey that got Mohler’s attention, the percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 percentage points since 1990, from 86 to 76 percent. The Jewish population is 1.2 percent; the Muslim, 0.6 percent. A separate Pew Forum poll echoed the ARIS finding, reporting that the percentage of people who say they are unaffiliated with any particular faith has doubled in recent years, to 16 percent; in terms of voting, this group grew from 5 percent in 1988 to 12 percent in 2008—roughly the same percentage of the electorate as African-Americans. (Seventy-five percent of unaffiliated voters chose Barack Obama, a Christian.) Meanwhile, the number of people willing to describe themselves as atheist or agnostic has increased about fourfold from 1990 to 2009, from 1 million to about 3.6 million. (That is about double the number of, say, Episcopalians in the United States.)

While we remain a nation decisively shaped by religious faith, our politics and our culture are, in the main, less influenced by movements and arguments of an explicitly Christian character than they were even five years ago. […] As crucial as religion has been and is to the life of the nation, America’s unifying force has never been a specific faith, but a commitment to freedom—not least freedom of conscience. At our best, we single religion out for neither particular help nor particular harm; we have historically treated faith-based arguments as one element among many in the republican sphere of debate and decision. The decline and fall of the modern religious right’s notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life.

On a vaguely related topic, there is the debate in the world on the freedom to defame religion.

  1. Ralph the School Bus Driver says:


    AND compare charitable giving of liberals and conservatives…the latter put their money with their mouth is…they really care about people…

    … looks at dick …puts quarter on dick … waits for conservative to come along… hopes it is a charitable farmer’s daughter … who is charitable …

  2. Todd Peterson says:

    That was really great news! The world certainly needs less religion.

    But i am sad that there are only 4 mill atheists in the US. Such a low percentage is certainly a BAD sign.

  3. Carcarius says:

    #24 – pimping Bill Maher??

    I’ll say this, nobody ever started a war in the name of Buddha.

  4. LotsaLuck says:

    Since close to 90% of Americans still believe that there is a God, the flight from Christianity means that those folks will probably settle amongst the ranks of new-agers, or cultists, the ‘religion of science’ ( warming, etc.), or maybe just become ‘Christmas and Easter Christians’.

    Of course, Islam is still quite vibrant, and has shown an ability to fill the spiritual vacuum.

    Not too worried, though. Most of the loss of professing Christians comes from ‘mainline’ churches that have watered down their beliefs. Evangelicals and Catholics still seem to be increasing.

  5. scolfax says:

    Only 4 million people in the US claim to be atheists. There are many, many more.

    Would you walk around the street today claiming to be an atheist? Those Christians would lynch you.

  6. zorkor says:


    Because anything related to Buddha is false and a lie. Buddhism is a religion for the morons and weaklings who cant even pee before asking the toilet for their permission.

    Only socially rejected follow buddha.
    Sorry for being emotional here. I just couldn’t stop it.

    Islam is the best! Yeehaw!!

  7. Scott M. says:

    I wonder if the person who runs this website uses this kind of topic to create artificially high site visit statistics.

    In which case this comment section reminds me of the scandal involving cage matches between the developmentally delayed in Texas.

  8. RBG says:

    Using the same logic, we should also include a photo of Obama’s boarded up White House.

    “A detailed examination of presidential popularity after 50 days on the job similarly demonstrates a substantial drop in presidential approval relative to other elected presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries.”
    Wall Street Jounal

    31 Mr. Fusion. I think Alphie meant President Obama sold his soul for his cocaine.


  9. Cursor_ says:

    Well then the US will go back to the way it was before 1840.

    God doesn’t need humans to defend him. He made that QUITE clear at the Garden of Gethsemane.

    And for all those that didn’t get the memo…

    Eye for an eye passed away unless you are jewish or muslim.


  10. Thomas says:

    Once again, you are picking the parts of your holy text you wish to consider and ignoring the others. Numbers 3:15-16 implies that infants younger than one month old are not considered persons. Leviticus 27:6 implies that that infants younger than one month old have no value. In fact, Exodus 21:22:25 that you quoted furthers the idea by saying that attacking a pregnant woman such that the child is killed is not murder. Instead, the attacker must “pay as the judges determine.” Exodus 21:23 is stating that if any mischief that *follows* that determination will be punished in the manner of eye for an eye.

    The Bible treats unborn children as property.

  11. Carcarius says:

    Why are there so many quotes from the Bible being posted? Anything written by Man can be twisted by Man. What’s the point in quoting the Bible?

  12. Thomas says:

    I would think the answer obvious. Nothing is more powerful in showing the hypocrisy of Christianity than the Bible.

  13. contempt says:

    #45 Thomas
    >>The Bible treats unborn children as property.

    No, people treat unborn children as property. Some things never change.

  14. fpp2002 says:

    #47, no kidding. I know very few Christians who’ve actually read the entire Bible. If they did, they’d probably realize how full of shit it is.

  15. minor deity says:

    As a group, Christianity is out of touch as their leaders want to stick to old philosophies (usually grounded in hate). Look at this last Pope asserting a leap back in time.(ya ya Pope not speak for all Christians)

    As a group, Jews is out of touch as their leaders want to stick to old philosophies (usually grounded in hate). Look at this last Netanyahu asserting a leap back in time.(ya ya Jewish tradition has no central leader of the faith)

    As a group, Islam is out of touch as their leaders want to stick to old philosophies (usually grounded in hate). Look at this last Ayatollah asserting a leap back in time. (ya ya on one Islamic ruler speaks for all of you)

    As a group,…ect, ect

    The arrogance, “I’ right because God said so”. How could any of you think you know what God if such a being exists wants? You are just putting your own interpretation or worse yet believing someone else’s interpretation of the sacred writings that may or may not have been transcribed correctly from some one who else who thought they knew what God wanted.

    Just pointing out that what Dallas said goes for the lot of you now learn to get along and stop mucking up the world for the rest of us!

    Brian’s Sermon on the Mount
    Man: I think it was, “Blessed are the cheesemakers”!

    Gregory’s wife: What’s so special about the cheesemakers?

    Gregory: Well, obviously it’s not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.

  16. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Man, it looks like I may be fucked out of a job.

  17. Thomas says:

    RE: Numbers 3:15-16

    Again, you have proved my point. If children were valued in some way equal to that of adult men or women, they would have been given a value and yet they were not.

    RE: Leviticus 27:6

    As above, if children under a month had some value related to that of an adult it would have been presented here. Clearly, children were not valued sufficiently.

    RE: Exodus 21:22-25

    Again, you are reading what you *want* to read and not reading what was written. The Eye for an Eye punishment is related to actions **AFTER** the judgment; not the act of killing the child itself. Thus the phrase in Exodus 21:23 “And if any mischief follow,…”. In other words, the attacker must abide by the ruling of the judges OR face eye for an eye retribution.

    RE: “As the judges determine”

    Again, you are throwing your own interpretation into the mix in the remote chance it will somehow make your argument valid. The judges are clearly those that determine the appropriate punishment for killing the child which, given other text in the Bible and especially Leviticus, is clearly not the equivalent to murder. Had murder been the punishment for killing the child, it would have been stated simply that the person would be put to death as they are for a variety of innocuous infractions in Leviticus.

  18. #1 – Higghawker – He has outlined the result after death…

    I can’t wait for the rapture to happen. Now, if you take all the other religious folks with you, the rest of us will live the rest of our days in peace.

    #2 – LinusVP – It’s like if you’re not sick, why go to the doctors? If your affluence can’t make you happy anymore, folks will look to the spiritual side. Which I think is a good thing.

    Nope, it’s a sign of a weak mind.

    #4 – contempt – A bit of advise – enjoy ice and air conditioning while you can.

    Is this a sign of the loving religion you adhere to? Seriously… I’ll enjoy all conveniences of life. I don’t need follow some story – that was written down by dozens of con men over 100s of years – to control my decisions.

    #7 – contempt – Christianity is a relationship with God not a religion.

    *LMAO* 😀

    #23 – Alfred1 – Liberals could care less…then to assuage their conscience…they demand Government STEAL other peoples money (via exorbitant taxes), and give that to the poor.

    Doesn’t that make Jesus a liberal? Or even communist?

    #35 – Carcarius – pimping Bill Maher??

    Why not? It’s a good documentary.

    I’ll say this, nobody ever started a war in the name of Buddha.

    Because Buddha isn’t a God.

    #36 – LotsaLuck – Evangelicals and Catholics still seem to be increasing.

    Could that be because they’re breeder extraordinaires?

    #40 – Alfred1 – Observe the premise…eye for eye, tooth for tooth etc.

    How about you move to Saudi Arabia? I mean, they’re stuck in the past… just like you.

  19. Crap… forgot to close the link… ed to the rescue. 🙂

  20. minor deity says:

    The World Ends Tomorrow And You May Die!

    Hey just keep your own noses clean and when the Rapture comes I’m sure you will be on the first buses out of town. Don’t worry your pretty little heads over us I’ll deal with the Antichrist and other such tribulations lord knows I need the exercise/exorcize. You people let us know this was coming(thanks), you’ve done your part know please just move to the back of the bus and sit down. Oh and if Mother Teresa or Rosa Parks gets on don’t just sit there plugged into your Zune listening to your audio book Bible get off your butt and offer the lady your seat. Where are your manners?

  21. Phydeau says:

    Oh puhleeze. Declined from 86% to 76%. So instead of an overwhelming majority of Christians, America only has a huge majority. Stop the presses. 🙂

  22. ECA says:

    Can I suggest something that ISNT on the poll?


    And how many of these faiths THINK that they belong in POLITICS?? how many have there own LOBBY group? 1.

  23. Hugh Ripper says:

    Every day I thank God that I live in a country where organised religion is viewed with scepticism by the majority of the public. (irony intended)

  24. bobbo says:

    #59–hugh==good point. The main factor saving society from religion is the basic hypocrisy and self-centered nature of man.

    contempt for god actually thinks he is a christian but will deny it without thinking in order to “win” an argument on a blog. Most people, religious and otherwise, are like this. Our values are thin veneers over our animal instincts.

    It makes people disagree with/hate religions they didn’t choose, but further to even actually reject the religion they have chosen because it is not “exactly” the way they druther.

    That gives us Catholics practicing birth control and bishops giving respect to politicians who support birth control etc.

    People being people, its the only thing that saves us from ourselves.

  25. #61
    Ok I was fine with dealing with the Antichrist I’m sure I could straighten him/her out, but now that Alfred1’s been booted off the Rapture Bus for being a hypocrite this place is going to be hell.

    Alfred1 you still have time to repent now apologize to Fusion and the rest of the web world and start to practice what you preach.

    Don’t let it be people like you who are responsible for the decline of Christianity, that might make your God very angry

  26. bobbo says:

    Alfie knocks at Peters gate. Helllooo? May I come in?

    Peter looks in that big book and says: Sorry. You made a false claim against Obamagod and after many entreaties for you to simply tell the truth, you refused. No hate filled liars in Heaven Alfie. The down elevator is down the road a few yard. Toodalooh!

    Alfie==just give Fusion is owed pound of flesh and admit you misspoke. Every honest person admits it. It helps move the blog along like a good bowel movement. Stop being both the excrement and the blockage.

    Apply this lesson to the rest of your life, and you might shit out a good idea.

  27. fpp2002 says:

    #65, Alfred1, you are not “proving” anything by quoting your antiquated book of myth, which you claim is some kind of authority. Your logic is completely bogus, thus all your arguments are invalid.

  28. He has proved not only his physical ability to copy and paste but also his mental ability to do so.

  29. fpp2002 says:

    #69, who would is stuck? What does that mean exactly?

  30. bobbo says:

    #67–Alfie dipshit==good analogy. I don’t know anyone that “loves” Mother Nature. Mother Nature is to be recognized for the reality she represents and be challenged and contested against for the safety and benefit of human kind.

    That which is not human is not human kind. Those alien entities should be contested regardless of how powerful they are.

    PS–Note to Pope==please follow Alfie’s bible passages here and get off the “every sperm is sacred” bandwagon. Unborn children are less than human, perhaps an alien in human kind until baptized?


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