New York Times Co., Which Wants Concessions, Threatens to Shut Down Boston Globe – — So the Boston paper is losing a million a week as is the SF paper. How does a newspaper lose this much money every week? I’d love to see some spreadsheets on this.

In a striking example of corporate hardball, the New York Times Co. has threatened to shut down one of its journalistic jewels, the Boston Globe, unless the New England paper’s unions agree to sweeping concessions.

The Globe quoted union officials last night as saying that Times and Globe executives made the demands in a 90-minute meeting with union officials. The unions were asked to quickly agree to $20 million in cost-cutting moves to avoid the potential shutdown.

The executives told the union leaders that the Boston paper will lose $85 million this year without serious cutbacks, the Globe report said. An employee briefed on the discussions was quoted as saying the Globe lost $50 million last year.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    I’ll help smash the presses to be used a scrap!


  2. dusanmal says:

    Notice how industry after afflicted industry on the brink of the disaster is falling down because of the Unions involved…

  3. KD Martin says:

    How does a newspaper lose this much money every week? I’d love to see some spreadsheets on this.

    You and me both. Just how much does that copy boy make a month? Maybe it’s “executive bonuses” averaged out over a year. Sure seems like a lot, doesn’t it?

  4. faxon says:

    This is good news. Finally, the tool news industry is failing. Who the hell needs them? Since Americans are so f-ing stupid anyway, there is no reason to try to salvage the population. All they want is idiot millionaires chasing balls around an arena, idiot fools pretending to be singers, or idiot millionaires dancing with floozies. Get ready, people. Things are going to get more and more interesting. Too bad about that nasty “Homeland Security”. Things will get ugly fast.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    Ah, yellow journalism hitting the skids. Hope NY Times & LA Times are next…

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Jesus H. Christ Alphie, you really are effen nuts. This was shown to be bogus a long time ago.

    We are still waiting for you to post that verification of Obama selling drugs. You remember, truth and all that shit. You wouldn’t lie to us about something like this. Would you?

  7. MikeN says:

    Hey Alfred, stop and ask yourself,
    How come every time Debbie Schlussel goes to a mosque undercover, a hatefest breaks out?

  8. MikeN says:

    So how much are these union contracts?

    This is hypocrisy from the Times, which always takes the side of unions and loves bashing business greed. Just three months ago

    The argument against unions — that they unduly burden employers with unreasonable demands — is one that corporate America makes in good times and bad, so the recession by itself is not an excuse to avoid pushing the [card-check] bill next year. The real issue is whether enhanced unionizing would worsen the recession, and there is no evidence that it would.

    There is a strong argument that the slack labor market of a recession actually makes unions all the more important. Without a united front, workers will have even less bargaining power in the recession than they had during the growth years of this decade, when they largely failed to get raises even as productivity and profits soared. If pay continues to lag, it will only prolong the downturn by inhibiting spending.

  9. MikeN says:

    350,000 daily circulation plus 500,000 on Sunday
    at 50c and $1 means 1.5 mil a week.
    To lose 1 mil a week means they are spending $130 million a year+advertising, lets say another $100 million. They are asking for $20 million in cuts. If that’s a per year figure, then that would make union salaries the #1 cost.

  10. brendal says:

    Mostly because they don’t carry your column…real journalism – a dying art.

  11. brendal says:


  12. Toxic Asshead says:

    Good news. If the NYT itself could fold next, American news may begin to stand straight once again without the pronounced Peyronie-like lean to the left it now has.

  13. Parkside says:

    Its downright amazing how arrogant the newspapers became
    They came to believe that the purpose of newspaper was not to report for subscribers and readers but rather to charge exorbitant prices for ads to car dealers ,electronic stores and the like
    It turned out that they were not the only game in town for either the news or car ads


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