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John C. Dvorak one again falls on his ass while blowing his own horn in front of a crowd.
Okay, who puled my teleprompter?
The villagers old adage “Big feet, big mugabe” would be reinforced for another generation, after Chuck’s snake-charming performance.
When Terence quit Lehman Brothers last year,he knew he’d eventually have the last laugh.
Work begins on another “Shovel Ready Project”.
Jay Cutler arrives in Chicago…
Doug was about to learn that Rodeo Porn had its inherent dangers…
“C’mon, I made you all laugh, what more do you want, food?”
Adam Curry gets horny at the West Africa Starvation, Vicious Beating, Rape and Comedy Festival during his standup routine. They liked him so well they made him the main course.
This is why rodeo clowns wear tennis shoes and not clown shoes.
What a wonderful holiday
What a vacation
Western yogi performs a colorful cleansing ritual involving the taming of a trumpet.
The Border Patrol experiences a failure of its sonic stun device. The new stain resistant uniform was a complete success though.
“Hey! Quit clowning around and get back in the band!”
Happy Birthday John!!!!! Thanks so much for all you do! I’ve enjoyed your technology insights over the years! You make every episode of TWiT great! Keep up the great work and enjoy your special day!
OMG! That’s not rainwater!
Seriously, you guys need to get yourselves a football team and I need to get myself a new agent.
This is what you get when the Gates Foundation runs OLPC.
Hey Baby! Come blow my horn!
With anticipation, the crowd held their breath while Chuckles of the clown bomb-squad attempted to disarm the trumpet…
The crowd watches silently as the test pilot is about to attempt the first ever fart trumpet assisted human powered flight.
Honored to have been chosen to receive Madame Gazonga’s entire $35m fortune in his bank account for safekeeping, Gordo the Astounding offers to demonstrate to the villagers of one small town his Astounding Trumpet Penis Growing Method.
WOW! It’s not often UNCLE DAVE makes a personal appearance!!!
And first … SECOND … time for his brother!
(thought I’d say hello)
Anybody, PLEASE…Blow my horn..
Michael Jackson makes his last concert appearance in Minot, ND.
The citizens of Tonopah, NV learn that George W. Bush will do anything to raise money for his Presidential library.
Binky the Strange distracts the crowd with his hilarious antics while Hillary Clinton goes round back and steals their cattle.
Mission Accomplished.
A-Rod distracts the crowd as Madonna steals another kid…