
If there’s a bright spot in this gloomy economy, it’s a new place in Middletown where the motto is “To protect and serve … doughnuts.” Police Doughnuts — yes, that’s the business’s name — has “gone gangbusters” since opening about three weeks ago, said owner Ken Borders, a retired Louisville arson investigator and former state trooper.donutpolicepatch_ezr

Borders is unapologetic about the name.

“Being in police work for 32 years, it’s been a standing joke that cops and doughnuts, they go hand-in-hand,” he said. “I just figured that it would be a catchy name.” Borders said Police Doughnuts is meant to recall a time when officers really did hang out at doughnut shops, whereas today’s police “are all into this fitness crap.” Located in a strip center on Shelbyville Road near Juneau Drive, roughly across the highway from the Louisville Metro Police 8th Division headquarters, the doughnut shop is “decorated” as a sterile police bureau. There are no tables or chairs because Borders wants to avoid a requirement that he install handicapped-accessible restrooms.

Posters of Barney Fife and Wile E. Coyote adorn the walls, and Borders’ 1975 state police photo sits in a frame near the register. The store goes “on duty at 0700,” according a sign on the door, “and closes when we sell out.”

The shop’s best advertisement is a 2009 Ford E-250 van that Borders parks near Shelbyville Road. It’s painted with a big badge and a “Police Doughnuts” logo.

I’ll bet that’s one doughnut shop that won’t be robbed.

  1. billabong says:

    McCullough you over estimate the intelligence of people who rob donut shops.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    Marketing genius. I’ll bet being across the street from the precinct shop doesn’t hurt.

  3. Paddy-O2 says:

    If it wasn’t for liberals, we could have whole dougnuts without holes in them.

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    Remember when people bought a dozen doughnuts. We were like 50lbs lighter. WTF

  5. tcc3 says:

    What is the conservative infatuation with Doug’s nuts?


  6. Dallas says:

    #2 actually , the idea of calling a business “Police Doughnuts” should give any potential robber a reason to pause.

    I’m surprised there are not more businesses with the word “police” on it.

  7. brm says:

    ‘is meant to recall a time when officers really did hang out at doughnut shops, whereas today’s police “are all into this fitness crap.”’

    Amen. I barely remember ‘beat cops,’ and the days when cops weren’t all shaved-head glove-wearing ex-military.

    In those days, you could strike up a friendly conversation with an on-duty cop, and not be harassed for identification or asked “where are you going?”

    Too bad those days are long gone. Now we have a para-military force that sees the rest of us as “civilians.”

  8. sargasso says:

    Sometimes, a doughnut, is just a doughnut.

  9. EvilPoliticians says:

    Ken Borders better obey every traffic law now. The “paramilitary” cops #7 brm refers to will give him a rough time if not.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    The largest doughnut chain in Canada was started by a former cop. Although Tim Horton’s took its name from the hockey player, the actual work was done by the cop.

  11. daizyujin says:

    Ah I actually live right outside Louisville. I need to go check it out.

  12. DaddyBear says:

    I got a dozen mixed doughnuts from them a couple of Saturdays ago. Good doughnuts, nice people. Nice gimmick, and if they keep the quality and service at a good level, they may have found their niche.


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