1. Hmeyers says:

    Human silliness.

    Well meant signs of affection or attempts at respect shouldn’t be distorted.

    It’s not like he threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister and who knows if Putin really liked Bush calling him “Pooty Poot”.

    To hell with protocols as long as the attempt is sincere.

  2. Holden Caulfield says:

    Just DO NOT BOW TOO ANY king, we’re the United States of America and we’re on as equal a footing with ANYBODY, not sub-servant in the slightest. Did the Suadi Arabian King Kiss our President’s ass for all the oil we buy from his family? No? Then F him!

    And, will somebody keep reminding Oblahblah that he’s the President now? Its a position on a MUCH higher standard than his previous community organizer life.

  3. bob says:

    Now Holden, there you go feeling put-upon again

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 Phil Ken Sebben said, “Ted was guilty the and got off on legal technicalities”

    Bzzzt. Wrong. The US AG is asking for the case to be dismissed. Not because of technicalities, but because of gross misconduct by the prosecutor that lead a jury to find unfairly him guilty. He doesn’t want to retry the case as he knows that the evidence won’t support a conviction. LOL

  5. MikeN says:

    Doesn’t he have a protocol officer? Or is he deliberately annoying the Brits? Not talking about a special relationship, handing out gifts of DVDs and an pod with his speeches, referring to England and not Britain or UK, etc.

  6. jescott418 says:

    Actually I think the US media made more about this then the UK. I think it was on the Today show and they kept asking Couric about the hug and not about the important G20 meeting.
    Typical for US media.

  7. Jim says:

    I just love idiots. “Oh, let’s argue about protocol mistakes that weren’t actually protocol mistakes, and pretend that we are really knowledgeable Britons.”

    Blindly following “protocol” means you have an inability to be flexible, which makes you useless in today’s world.

  8. drben says:

    New Katie Perry Single:

    “I hugged a Queen and I liked it”……

  9. nlnnet says:

    At there is here no talk of an armless Michelle.

  10. MikeN says:

    #37, Obama bowed to the Saudi King too.

  11. Carcarius says:

    That’s not even a hug. Who writes this stuff? Hey look, Obama and Queenie hugging… meanwhile the US just agreed to the IMF regulating world markets. Nice!!!

  12. Greg Allen says:

    There is one upside to the conservatives having ended America’s supremacy in the world: we get to be as touchy and resentful as the Brits!

  13. madge says:

    As a Brit i would like to point out that NOBODY as far as i can tell has “got their knickers bunched” over this. All the reporting I have seen has taken it as the warm and relaxed gesture it was meant to be. Misinformation JD.

  14. 888 says:

    Come on people, what’d ya expected?

    I bet Michelle’s “advisors” have already reminded her many times “not to high five” the Queen, and she didn not, didn’t she?
    You should be thankful for that! šŸ˜€

  15. B.Dog says:

    Cong.-personage Pelosi is no expert on the constitution like the decider peeps, but a 1.1 trillion dollar deal/treaty may have given her touchy-fealty honors, technically.

  16. john says:

    The only people making a big deal out of this are wankers like Dvorak.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Your being charitableā€¦the oversight is deliberate and purposefulā€¦just as most of the ā€œslobbering mediaā€ is ignoring the trashing of our dollar, the waste in the stimulus and budget, the lies Obama speaksā€¦

    No one is holding a gun to your head to visit DU. If you prefer to visit some “Christian blog” don’t let any of us stop you.

    Talking about deliberate, when are you going to post some verification of your claim that Obama sold drugs?

  18. Norman Speight says:

    Can someone point out to those corresponding morons that bowing to someone IS NOT, NEVER WAS, AND NEVER WILL BE, “SUBSERVIENT”.
    It is a way of saying “I respect you” in the way that THEY say it, not – as the permanently ignorant interpret – “I am subserviant to you”.
    If you are going to comment on manners please have the timerity to learn protocol first. It isn’t intuitive, it isn’t what you think it is, it isn’t what you invent to support your views, it may not relate in any way to your ‘culture’ BUT to respect it, to understand it, to act according to the rules of the culture, society, country you are in shows you are have understanding, shows you are actually open to respect the long held views of others.
    No. It isn’t subserviant except in the view of those who invent to support their self-acknowledged bad manners. They also seem to glory in their ignorance, bit like the pigs we have in our pens.
    Wonder why Americans are hated, shot at, despised, treated with contempt by so many? That’s why. And the very many good, well mannered and understanding ones, who have contributed more that anyone else on the planet – indeed in the entire history of the planet – have to suffer the outcomes of the bloody ignorant, have to pay for yet more troops, suffer more of their youngest and brightest being shot, blown up, spit upon.
    Reason. You didn’t even attempt to understand in the first place, it is why you are in the position you are now.
    Don’t, please don’t, mistake this for any degree of acceptance of the violators of humanity, the Mugabes, the Saddam Hussains the others of their ilk. I want them dead faster than you do. But. They are the minority and easily dealt with. The good well outnumber the bad, and, the good are the thinking ones, it is their protocols,, beliefs, habits, you should seek to inderstand. They will reciprocate. Then the good ones are able to topple the bad ones.
    History tells you this over and over again yet too many still believe in the Pentagon inspired crap. It’s about as realistic as Rambo, Schwarzenagger or bloody Doctor Who. The Violent ARE called for, when everything else fails (WW1, WW2, Gulf War and possibly/probably Afganistan) but only a moron or a religious nutter takes steps (contempt for a culture being one) that leads to a need for (note this) the deaths of others in your society. NOT YOU, OTHERS.
    If you cannot respect foreigners, have some respect, some consideration for the young sons of Americans.

  19. Daniel Dacey says:

    pedro he pretty much summed you up and you could’nt even see it.

    Time to sign up for Afghanistan son.

  20. hiyaemilieee says:

    In reply to # 37: You , obviously , have no respect for any other culture . If you go to another country , you should learn some of their culture , it’s just POLITE . Especially if you are a person of power , learning some of their culture is just common decency . Bowing to the Queen shows RESPECT for her , and the British culture . You expect respect ? try showing it .


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