Political commentary done to the tune of ‘Mrs. Robinson’.

  1. stan says:

    Holy Crap! A political post not praising his Lordship Obama and the Pelosi Holier than Thou Liberals in San Fran?!?

    Just when I was about to delete the Dvorak blog from igoogle this happens?

    Indeed, these are troubled times.

  2. stan says:

    Ohhh Nevermind — APRIL 01 – April Fool’s on me.

    I knew something had to be wrong to criticize the current administration.

  3. bobbo says:

    The only actual complaint in the video was that “Taxes Hurt Families” and “Taxes Destroy Freedom.” Both patently false until taxes are overbroad or confiscatory and then only for those who are paying them.

    I’d bet 5 Buck, just like Joe the Plumber, the people complaining about tax policy actually benefit from them?

    Love the tune though.

  4. bobbo says:

    #4–Eric==Your first sentence agrees with my point but it is written as if in opposition. Which is it?

    Inflation is not taxes. Taxes don’t cause deficit spending which is the first cause of inflation. Failure to tax more/spend less aka failure to balance the budge is what causes inflation over the long run. To focus just on the tax part of a multifactored equation is worse than being just silly and in the main has brought us the deficits that better messaging would have avoided.

  5. Dallas says:

    Dvorak – please throw Stan and the rest of the whiners a bone. Anything will do.

    Something pretty about Palin or how good Limbaugh looks with his comb over.

  6. Pete says:

    It was good until they brought up the traitor. Reagan. Too bad he didn’t live for the hanging he deserved.

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    Ha! Reagan is the answer, eh? The man who *invented* the astronomic deficits that the video is complaining about?

    The video was apparently made by kids who don’t remember anything before 1990…

  8. Buzz says:

    Certainly no political preconceived bias here!

  9. Cephus says:

    I was going to say the same thing. Loved the video, right up until Reagan came onscreen. Sorry, Reagan, while he had a lot of good points and I did vote for him at the time, is largely responsible for the long, slow slide into massive national debt that we have today. He was the first borrow-and-spend Republican and it’s only gotten worse since.

    Fiscal responsibility my ass.

  10. MikeN says:

    >deficit spending which is the first cause of inflation.

    No it’s not. Just take a look at deficit vs inflation historically, and you’ll see it’s not the case.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Stooopid Lyin’ Mike

    Do you have the slightest clue about macroeconomics?

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 11 MikeN said, “No it’s not. Just take a look at deficit vs inflation historically, and you’ll see it’s not the case.”

    Correct. If you are spending $ that actually exists (like stealing from the SS Trust fund) or borrowing $ that really exist then it doesn’t. If you however, print the $ that you are funding the deficit spending with, it does.

  13. ramuno says:

    Good April’s Fool’s Joke…Reagan Hood!


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