A Maryland woman involved with a group described as a religious cult pleaded guilty in the starvation death of her son, but insisted that the charges be dropped when he is resurrected.

The condition was made a part of Ria Ramkissoon’s plea agreement, officials said. She entered the plea Monday in Baltimore, Maryland, to a first-degree felony count of child abuse resulting in death, her attorney, Steven Silverman, said Tuesday.

Ramkissoon, a member of a group called One Mind Ministries, believes Javon Thompson, her year-old son, will rise again, and as part of her plea agreement, authorities agreed to the clause….

Ramkissoon and the others are accused of denying Javon food after the group’s leader, a 40-year-old woman who goes by the name Queen Antoinette, decreed the boy was a demon since he refused to say “amen” after meals, Silverman said.

“Ria would cling to him every day and try to get him to say ‘amen,’ ” Silverman said. Eventually, Queen Antoinette ordered that Ramkissoon be separated from the child, he said.

Javon is believed to have died in December 2006, court documents allege. Following his death, the group members put the boy’s body in a back room, and “everyone was directed to come in and pray,” according to the documents. “The Queen told everyone that ‘God was going to raise Javon from the dead.’ Javon remained in the room for an extended period of time (in excess of one week). The resurrection never took place.”

There’s truly no end to the downward spiral once you decide to separate your intellect from your search for the truth.

Thanks, K B

  1. bobbo says:

    “Well thats silly, I must say.” Whether resurrected or not, she still killed her kiddie. The law in its majesty should not lower itself to the delusions of the flock. How many cult followers are now similarly motivated?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Bobbo,

    Gee, I was about to say almost the exact same thing.

    I just hope they also try “Queen Antoinette” too.

  3. bobbo says:

    Fusion==were you thinking at all about that great scene in “Princess Bride” where Billy Crystal diagnoses the hero as only “mostly dead?” I’m thinking American Law should similarly be: Murdered for now. Close enough.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    I can just imagine the Judge chuckling “Ok, I’ll let you go free when he resurrects”.

  5. stopher2475 says:

    “A Maryland woman involved with a group described as a religious cult pleaded guilty in the starvation death of her son, but insisted that the charges be dropped when he is resurrected.”
    Sounds fair to me.

  6. Shawn says:

    And I thought Easter was a pretty good joke…

  7. bobbo says:

    Sillygism, lets see:

    If only idiots attribute any evil to “fascist liberals, and

    Alfie says that lack of critical thinking skills is a plot by the fascist liberals, then

    Alfie is an idiot.

    Gee, that works even if the premise is wrong. Amazing.

  8. mrmigu says:

    I dont understand how you can call scripture objective, when many of the texts were written, translated, rewritten and collected by many people with their own agendas

    Your posts seem to be either dripping with sarcasm or ignorance. I cant really tell which.

  9. bobbo says:

    #10–Alfie==I forgive you.

  10. Li says:

    Humility, non-judgementalism, and the ability to withstand criticism are the three hallmarks of any useful spiritual community in my experience. This group seems like it was 0 for 3.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Sounds fair to me. No chance of this getting her out of jail though. Prove of resurrection will probably call for the testimony of her son at her parole hearing. Not going to happen.

  12. Somebody_Else says:

    The things people will do for an invisible man in the sky. What a waste.

    Critical Thinking leads to belief in Christ’s resurrection…and Christian truth is known through study of Scripture, an objective reality.”

    Having faith that the bible is a true account of history is critical thinking? What a joke.

  13. bobbo says:

    #13–Li==useful in what way?

  14. Li says:

    Useful for the furthering of self awareness, personal power and enlightenment. Useful for the organizing of charitable purpose and the building of sound communities, united by love and compassion. Useful for the cool relief of fellowship and companionship in a world gone mad.

    Can we not see, even in this age of excess and collapse, that the only real currency is love? You can take your million (soon to be worthless) bucks, and I’ll take the love of my neighbors, and we’ll see who is fed and clothed when the hills turn brown.

  15. bobbo says:

    #17–Li==again well said. I could quibble as I’m sure you could as well. Those attributes seemed to be doled out more individually than communally.

  16. db says:

    quick quiz:
    Religion is to man as ___________ was to dinosaurs

  17. bobbo says:

    #19–“a ready food supply that turns out to be poisoned?”

  18. mrmigu says:


  19. lividd says:

    #19 db, I believe the answer is extinction. Oh and bobbo, your wasting your time, most here are highly critical free thinkers, which is why i bothered to click on this site in the first place.

  20. Cephus says:

    This is yet another example of how religion poisons people’s lives. It’s not like we need any more examples, there are thousands of them everywhere, but we seem to find more tragedies brought about by religious stupidity every day.

    I hope they throw the book at her and at Queen Antionette, both deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their lives.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Carlin attributed our schools refusal to do this…to “THEM”…I would identify “THEM” as fascist liberals…who for our own good, will tyrannize and dictate to us everything we do or think…”to save the planet…etc”

    Uummm, he was referring to the “religious” elite. Including all those idiot holy roller pastors, preachers, and priests.

    #8, Alphie,

    AND contrary to the slander, Christianity is NOT built upon such fallacious devices…Critical Thinking leads to belief in Christ’s resurrection…and Christian truth is known through study of Scripture, an objective reality.

    Wanna bet? Christianity is built upon the superstitious fears garnered from thousands of years of ignorance. Critical thinking will only open one’s eyes to the fallacy of all religion.

    #10, Alphie,

    Next time you are dancing limp wristed in the moonlight with your circle jerk friends…think of me…I’m sure it’ll go limp…like your head..dick head.

    I’m shouldn’t be speaking for Bobbo, BUT, I’m sure he is secure enough in his own masculinity that your suggestion speaks more about you than him.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Li,

    While you make good points and I seriously respect your opinion, I disagree. Your post comment seems hinged on that only religious behavior is capable of LOVE.

    I believe all of us are capable and, religious or not, we all will accept that which is good to the society as a whole. Having just seen one recently, in my opinion, both Ice Age movies summed that sentiment quite well. Good movies too.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen

    Scripture is the very essence of objective history…and if it isn’t, then every historical report isn’t either.

    Quite to the opposite, any historical document that relied upon scriptures is suspect.

    As for my sarcasm…I reply to sarcasm against religious folks like myself…as instructed by Scripture:

    5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. (Pro 26:5 KJV)

    Know an idiot when you see one.

    Mr. Fusion, April 01, 2009


    Hey QQ, when are you going to post that evidence that Obama sold drugs. I wouldn’t want you to be bearing “false witness” against someone.


  24. Benjamin says:

    Of course the whole discussion breaks down into bashing Christianity and even all religion based on the actions of a few crazy moonbats. How could it be different than the Virgin Mary on a stain stories with comments from Mr. Fusion and the other anti-religious zealots.

  25. cgmadden says:

    Why not execute the perps and exonerate them when they are reincarnated.

  26. mrmigu says:

    “Your…not “our” relationship…
    Don’t get your hopes up…I got guns.”

    Do you actually get the message behind the mythos that you are defending, or does your interpretation of “objective” reality allow you to own weapons and make threats?

  27. meetsy says:

    now, WHY wasn’t the “queen” also convicted?

  28. fpp2002 says:

    Wow, Alfred1, your misguided belief that the Bible is historically accurate is really quite sad. It is an ancient work of myth, legend, superstition, fairy tales, inconsistencies, contradictions, edits, re-edits, translations, re-translations, more edits, and even more translations. Nothing more.

  29. amodedoma says:

    Once again the pseudo intellectual elite criticizing religion. Don’t you guys ever get bored? Do you think you’re superior and feel the need to demonstrate your supposed freedom from ignorance? Superstition, oh yes by all means, as long as it gives structure to the values necessary to survive as a species.
    OTH, I think the womans nuts, but there are plenty of those and many are atheists.

  30. deowll says:

    “There’s truly no end to the downward spiral once you decide to separate your intellect from your search for the truth.”

    Was that what happened to the Hitler, Mao, and Stalin? They sure weren’t religious.


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