
LONDON – It’s not every day the American president’s driver is told to move his bulletproof car.

But Queen Elizabeth II’s handlers made the request Wednesday after President Barack Obama’s reinforced Cadillac limousine was found to be blocking the garden entrance driveway at Buckingham Palace. After it was moved, Jaguars carrying Prince Charles and other members of the royal family pulled up for the queen’s reception for leaders attending Thursday’s G-20 summit.

Obama and his wife, Michelle — wearing a black and white dress, pearls and a black coat — were two of the first dignitaries to meet the queen, who wore a salmon-colored dress and her trademark pearls.

During their private meeting, President Obama and the first lady gave the queen a personalized iPod with video footage of her 2007 visit to Washington and Virginia. She was also given a rare songbook signed by composer Richard Rodgers.

In return the queen and her husband, Prince Philip, gave the Obamas a signed portrait of themselves.

As far as I’m concerned he could have given her a side of beef……but really, an iPod? Did he load it with his personal music choices or what? Oh, brother.

  1. thadco says:

    I think the book was the serious gift and the iPod simply an Americana trinket. Everyone keeps taking this out of context because of his earlier gift gaffes. This time he seems to have gotten it right.

  2. ArianeB says:

    You know what this means..

    Now we are going to have to list songs we would like to see Obama give the Queen

    Her Majesty – The Beatles
    Surrender – Cheap Trick
    Kids in America – Kim Wilde
    She’s So Cold – Rolling Stones
    Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who

  3. McCullough says:

    #2. Please don’t forget “God Save the Queen” – Sex Pistols!

  4. All this Obama gift coverage is just silly I can’t remember one gift that Bush handed out that ever made the news. Any way you can always use another iPod I have 2pods(old one is a bit narcoleptic )and my wife has an iPhone. We use them all the time and have given iPods as gifts.
    Now a lifetime subscription to go with it that would be a gift that keeps on giving.

    Besides those trying to find fault with anything Obama does should be stifled by the Richard Rodgers Songbook gift. Now lets see if the Queen Mom puts either of these on eBay.

    I miss the days when the media was trying to find fault with anything Bush did. Oh what good times.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – Alfred1 – Obama is the most incompetent president we have ever had.

    Lack of long-term memory?

  6. # 5 Alfred1 said, on April 1st, 2009 at 5:36 pm
    Obama is the most incompetent president we have ever had.

    No, he is as competent or more so as any of our smarter presidents. He just competently makes decisions YOU don’t like or disagree with or think will lead to the end of the world. He is willing to try to fix these messes not just patch it up and let it ride until the next generation. He is to the left of Eisenhower(last good Republican pres.) and to the right of FDR(before my time). Don’t worry in 4 years there will be plenty of country still here to vote on how we think he is doing. McCain wouldn’t be doing a better job. Polls show now most Americans think America are on the right track, before the election most did not and the GOP was not and still is not offering to change that track they took us down. And I do mean DOWN!

  7. McCullough says:

    #7. “Lack of long-term memory?”


  8. Greg Allen says:

    >> Jägermeister said, on April 1st, 2009 at 5:55 pm
    >> Lack of long-term memory?

    Long term? Short-term! Like two months!

    Anyway, a state-of-the-art iPod, especially if loaded with music, is a gift the Queen might actually use.

    As opposed to some sort of overpriced “high brow” trinket.

  9. MikeN says:

    >I can’t remember one gift that Bush handed out that ever made the news.

    That’s because Bush didn’t hand out movies that won’t play in British DVD players.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    At least it wasn’t an oyPhone with built in surveillance camera and no subscription.

  11. moss says:

    So, uh, none of you even read the post much less the linked article?

    “…personalized iPod with video footage of her 2007 visit to Washington and Virginia.”

    Really perceptive crowd.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    Your lucky the guards / police didn’t see a black man in a limo and arrest him on probable cause.

  13. bill says:

    We (the colonies) are expected to act like this… Our president is a real genuine ‘American’. HA! The Queen will remember the gift. She has a ton of fancy junk. I bet the grandkids fight over it.

    What is interesting will be the news coverage about the visit..

    I bet the European press will give him some slack. They have their own politicians to pummel. The US press will not, they want nothing more to create some controversy that will sell windows or artificial grass or cars…

    My elderly mother asked me yesterday if I have ever heard of Michael Savage!! Let’ say I’m glad I don’t live near her in Florida anymore!
    I can’t repeat what she said!!

  14. McCullough says:

    #13 . moss- “…personalized iPod with video footage of her 2007 visit to Washington and Virginia.”

    Well..that changes everything! Har!

  15. BubbaRay says:

    So, uh, none of you even read the post much less the linked article?

    “…personalized iPod with video footage of her 2007 visit to Washington and Virginia.”

    Really perceptive crowd.

    C’mon, moss, you know me better than that!

  16. moss says:

    #16 – doesn’t change the point – which was that no one read the post or the article.


  17. Stars & Bars says:

    Obama is one of the Queen’s subjects. He knelt before her as did Michele. Why would a President kneel before the ruler of a foreign nation? Did you ever wonder why Norman Schwartzkopf, a U.S. Solder, was knighted by the Queen after the first Gulf War?

    Queen Elizabeth do not want you to see this documentary.

    Fully documented.

  18. mentor972 says:

    I actually heard on the news that the iPod was loaded with show tunes.

  19. Robart says:

    This why I come here. It’s for the high brow political banter. I can’t wait to see what real news (damn I wish I had that jingle) we will be discussing next.

    Really kids, can’t we find better things than this to divide us?

  20. deowll says:

    The presents were fine. I’m sure they will think of something to do with the lovely picture they got.

    Obama has rolled the dice on many issues. He has spent a staggering amount of money. He has more or less nationalized the two car companies and a lot of big money institutions at least for now. Some things like health care he’s going to “fix” though where the money is coming from is anyone’s guess.

    Give him time and he will get a lot of praise for all the good that he’s done or make Bush look like a popular president.

  21. k.g. says:

    I think Obama’s handlers realize that it would be in really poor taste to be handing out lavish gifts to queens and prime ministers at a time when many people here can’t afford basic essentials. Besides, they blew all their money on lavish gifts for Wall Street 😛

  22. huskergrrl says:

    It’s a cool gift. I believe the Queen already has an iPod which was a gift from her grandchildren, so she has some familiarity with the device.

  23. #16
    Yes I read that and heard it on NPR this morning it did not seem as interesting to me as what music he might have preloaded on it. After almost 60 years of queenning and 82 years of being a Royal I just don’t thing she is into watching old coverage of herself on a micro screen. Now if it were for John Edwards…

  24. ReadOtherSites says:

    And to think, you guys thought this gift wasn’t special.

    Uploaded onto the iPod:

    * Photos from the Queen’s 2007 White House State Visit
    * Photos from the Queen’s 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
    * Photos from the Queen’s 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
    * Video from the Queen’s 1957 Jamestown Visit
    * Video from the Queen’s 2007 Jamestown Visit
    * Video from the Queen’s 2007 Richmond Visit
    * Photos from President Obama’s Inauguration
    * Audio of then-state senator Obama’s speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
    * Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address from Hotair by Allahpundit What do you want to bet the damn thing came with a US 110V charger plug?

  25. Dreamer says:

    I’d rather receive an ipod than a signed photo of whoever I was visiting, even if it’s the queen of england. Sounds like they both could use a gift giving course

  26. echeola says:

    The queen has stated that she likes iPods and owns one herself. It was full of footage of her. That should be right up the alley of a person that gives the POTUS a signed picture of herself as a gift. She was also given a rare songbook as well.

  27. JimR says:

    Why bother with gifts at all? It’s not like they need any more stuff.

  28. BigBoyBC says:

    I just saw the video of Obamas meting the Royals. Who ever was responsible for schooling the Obamas on protocol or even basic eticate should be fired.

    I mean, it wasn’t as bad as spewing all over the PM of Japan, but the first lady introducing herself to the queen and the prince before the President, wow.

  29. Bob says:

    I am not a fan of Obama, but would you guys please for the love of god, put someone in charge of gifts. I mean its obvious he can’t handle this himself.

    Of course had Bush done this, it would be world wide outrage, and would be front page on every liberal newspaper on the country. But since its the Obamesiah, its all good.


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