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Looks like the big leaders are hiding from the crowds. Who can blame them?
Thousands of G-20 protesters jammed downtown London on Wednesday and some tried to storm the Bank of England, pelting police with eggs and fruit and rocking the barricades designed to control them.
Demonstrators shouted ”Abolish Money!” and clogged streets in the financial district known as ”The City” even as Prime Minister Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama held a news conference elsewhere in the British capital.
Demonstrators hoisted effigies of the ”four horsemen of the apocalypse,” representing war, climate chaos, financial crimes and homelessness.
Helicopters hovered above the protests and some buildings were boarded up in case the protests turned ugly. Many banks had extra security and hundreds of police officers lined the streets.
Fearing they would be targeted by protesters, some bankers swapped their pinstripe suits for casual wear and others stayed home. Bolder financial workers leaned out their office windows Wednesday, taunting demonstrators and waving 10 pound notes at them.
Musician and political activist Billy Bragg said the time was now to make a difference. “It’s better than sitting down shouting at the television at these bankers,” he said. “We cannot go back to the way things were before to the million-dollar bonus culture.”
And protest they should.
I hope that the photo of the police was cleared.
Al Qaeda obviously. And the communists. And the fascists. In fact, its the new commie-nazi party that is funding the whole thing…
#2, ‘dro,
Not everyone needs to be paid to do what they believe in. Most people that don’t share Cuba’s fine beaches with you will do something out of their heart; because they believe in what they are doing.
No, it would be a crime, and crime doesn’t pay. Its why Bush and his cronies are still free to travel within North America and not in jail.
# 5 Alfred1 said, “When folks realize China was trying to save the dollar…and that Obama and congress destroyed it…there will be hell to pay.”
Well, it’s part of the natural course of events.
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure.”
#8 I think it is getting close to “time”.
“When folks realize China was trying to save the dollar…and that Obama and congress destroyed it…there will be hell to pay.”
Boy that makes a lot of sense… Especially since you obviously understand Chinese philosophy and methods so well.
Idiot. You think that the President of the US can do anything? Your government is corporations and the lobbyists of those corporations. Everyone else is a figurehead.
#10 Actually, the US Gov’t is the Private Fed & bankers. That’s why they get trillions & big companies like GM & Chrysler are teetering and licking the boots of Omama & Congress. But, I wouldn’t expect someone from a 3rd world country to know this stuff…
#8&9==you two inbreds pissing all over the democractic process and common sense (or weal if you will) is not refreshing to any tree, liberty, or any other concept.
If Billy Bragg wants to abolish money, he can start with his own. Why is it that the most fervent Marxists are rich?
I agree with Paddy-O here. This disaster is the result of 20-30 years of bubble economics, combined with neo-feudalists engaging in class warfare against the middle class that was floating the whole world economy all along. These people killed the goose that laid the golden egg out of jealousy for the goose’s power, and soon they will find that all of the dollars and equities they hoarded for the last few decades are worthless without the growth that they have now, finally and for good, exterminated with their hubris and Ponzi schemes.
The continued absolute control of the economy by Goldman Sux and the Masters of the Universe is Obama’s greatest sin, in the end. If he had bucked the Washington consensus and hired some people associated with smaller banks that make a profit without engaging in financial terrorism of various sorts, we might be clawing our way out of this pit at this point. Under this ‘leadership’ however, we can only be sure that the people who get out of this pit are the fat cats, all on mounds of human bodies, because the blood into money trick is the only one they really know, in the end.
Watch this!
Heh. You’re now, or soon will be, in the 3rd world buddy. But, shouldn’t you be at the head of your industry right-now Mr CEO instead of writing comments from your grade 7 history book?
The Republic of the United states ended sometime in the 30’s. Incorporation of the States was the final move and now you’ve got a “democracy”… to paraphrase a certain “CEO” here… LOL!
FWIW, I could totally understand bailing out GM and Ford (not Chrysler). That could potentially prop up a company that does SOMETHING. Meanwhile trillions go to illusionists to keep the “best of the best”. Madness.
Chrysler can kiss ass. Cerebus LLC is a “100 billion dollar corp” according to their own marketing, so they should be able to kick up a few billion for one of their operations.
# 15 Named said, “The Republic of the United states ended sometime in the 30’s. ”
You are very close, and far more astute than I gave you credit for. My apologies. Yes, it actually ended just a little earlier when we approved income taxes, the Fed & annihilated the power of the states by taking the US Senate away from the State Legislatures.
#14–Li==well said, nice link. Amusing how much clearer it comes every week. Still to come: how clear it was to whom and when.
As your link says: decapitation is warranted.
BAH! I knew I typed the wrong digit! Maybe I need YOUR grade 7 history book…
# 19 Named said, “BAH! I knew I typed the wrong digit!”
Don’t know. The effects manifested strongly by the 30’s…
These protesters just like to cause trouble all the time, don’t really know what they’re protesting or why, except for the core communists organizing things. They should put these meeting in uncomfortable places, just to irritate the protesters outside.
It’s really heart warming to see that the Brits haven’t lost their sense of dignity. They’re not pussy whipped like Americans. Hopefully, they’ll drag a few bankers into the streets and murder the bloody bastards. I love the Brits, no matter how hard their government tries to oppress them, they manage to find a way around it.
#5, Alphie the Quaalude Queen,
as people realize how Obama ensured it would happen…
Hey, still wondering, when are you going to post that evidence that Obama ever sold drugs.
I know your credibility doesn’t hinge on answering that, it has already been shot to hell, but we would still like to know.
3rd world? Screw it: we’re heading to the 4th world – and the road is downhill.
Britons aren’t happy with the global economic meltdown which they didn’t cause and are making their voices heard. That’s a difficult concept for a fat ass Americans who spends most of their leisure time in front of the tv, eat fast food three meals a day and has no idea who the vice president of the US. It’s hard getting off the couch to get the mail let alone protest the biggest financial rip off in world history.
Good to see everyone is acting like the trained monkeys they are and turning on each other instead of myself and what I represent.
Our two party system will keep you all slaved to our wishes. Our figure head leaders which you believe and elect (haha jokes on you)will continue to do our bidding regardless of you protests and fighting amongst each other (our plan all along morons).
Fusion, Bobbo, Paddy, Pedro, Named, Alfred, Mike and all the rest I would like to personally thank you for all your help in keeping the focus against each other. Your childish bickering back and forth is immense help in wasting your own time and energy, allowing we, the elite, to to administer your slavery all that much easier.
Sparky – That picture was approved, we don’t really care, the no photography rules are designed to fill our enslaved storm troopers with a sense of security if they happen to go all cowboy on someone, which we enjoy watching on the evening news, reminding us how futile your struggle is against us.
We own you, get over it and get back to work.
Hey! I SAID that it was you that was controlling the government! I called you out, so GTFO!
Named – Losers whine, winners screw the prom queen.
Sticks and stones. And now I’m going on a date with your mom. Again…
I guess we should just go back to using cowry shells.
“Demonstrators shouted ”Abolish Money!” ”
Yeah sure that’s going to solve all our problems, not!
o Trillions of tax payer dollars have been used in bailouts
o The bankers get multiple bailouts to the tune of billions. They don’t have to explain where it went or why.
o The car companies will likely go bankrupt + have to justify getting tax payers money (unlike the banks)
o Unemployment is shooting up with the order of 600k new unemployed every month.
o Property values have crashed with a large proportion of people in negative equity
o Bernie Madoff + his like burn billions, and nobody else is involved
o The bankers/insurance companies _knew_ what they were doing. Made huge profits. Most of the top execs are still there making huge salaries.
o There’s no end in sight. There are a couple more shoes ready to drop – not least commercial real-estate.
The question is – _why_ aren’t Americans in the streets?
There’s plenty of real things to protest about – not least why the banks/aig are consistently being bailed out, when history (and the Japanese) show its stupid.
# 36 freddybobs68k said, “o There’s no end in sight. There are a couple more shoes ready to drop – not least commercial real-estate.”
Yep, most people aren’t aware of this one.
These people, however misguided, are protesting against what is essentially a gathering of the elite to thrash out an agreement on how to further fill their pockets and consolidate their grip on the public. What’s not to protest?
Of course the pointy heads on the blogs who claim to value liberty, and who put one their tinfoil hats and pretend that the state of the economy would be different under a Republican administration, call these people idiots and label them communists. Why aren’t YOU out in the streets protesting? Clearly you prefer to cling on to your guns and masturbate about shootin’ liberals.