
  1. lock_down says:

    “Tag Team us. I dare you.”

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    Roller derby queens of 1969

  3. John Paradox says:

    Xena and Gabrielle discover that insulting a witch is not a good idea.


  4. bobbo says:

    “We ain’t the bread in your sandwich.”

  5. ECA says:

    This gives a new meaning to a SANDWICH…

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    John and Adam’s hormone replacement therapy gone completely wrong…

  7. Inge Aning says:

    “Get in touch with your feminine side” – The male bonding class gone wrong

  8. Scubasteve says:

    “Too much penis”

  9. thePenguin says:

    “After only 6 weeks on the juice, Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds both noticed that their bodies had changed a bit…”

  10. SighGone says:

    Remember Cougars hunt in packs.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    Ugly & Uglier.

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    That blonde kinda looks like Patrick Swayze

  13. Ralphie Boy says:

    Wow, those are nice beasts, er I mean breasts, er I mean beasts.

  14. The DON says:

    Quick, pass the beer goggles, then we can have some fun 🙂

  15. Jadik says:


  16. Viking707 says:

    Sly Stallone and Hulk Hogan secretly have twin sisters.


  17. Rabble Rouser says:

    “Ve’re Ingrid und Olga, und ve are goink to PUMP YOU UP!”

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    Republican women (that would explain why their men go out for gay sex.)

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Angel,

    I so fear you might have something to that comment.

  20. t0llyb0ng says:

    Chrissy Hind & Lauren Bacall with a bad facelift

  21. Burke says:

    Mantwat and Fuzzkill, in the morning.

    No Vagina podcast.

  22. meetsy says:

    Looks like a poster for gynecomastia (bitch tits) to me! Or an ad for man-bras

  23. BobHand says:

    They’ll ride you, but not how you’d like.

  24. Paul says:

    Two heads, one body, four breasts.

    Total Recall casting call for mutant females.

  25. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I don’t think they are church ladies.

  26. Thomas says:

    John C. Dvorak and Sebastian Rupley pose before their appearance in the San Francisco Gay Pride Drag Race.

  27. Hugh Ripper says:

    The result of too much tofu.

  28. oplama says:

    So thats what happened to my ex-girl friends.

  29. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’ll die of alcohol poisoning before that looks hot.

  30. Scott M. says:

    Like art, the viewer’s comment often tells more about them than the viewed object. In this instance, “40+ and Fit” might work to promote the activity.


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