If Craig Blair gets his way, anyone filing for unemployment or food stamps must show that they are drug-free. He’s a state lawmaker in West Virginia who has introduced a bill to require random drug testing for benefits.
Craig Blair says unemployment, designed to get people back to work, is impossible if the recipient uses drugs.
“The message that we’re trying to send is, first of all, we need to respect taxpayers and how their monies are spent,” the Republican said. “And drug addiction is in epidemic proportions, and not only in West Virginia but throughout the United States.”
His bill would require random drug testing for any government assistance: welfare, jobless benefits or food stamps.
Someone who failed the drug test would get the benefits and 60 days to clean up. If he failed the next test, he would lose benefits for two years…
Graham Boyd, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Drug Law Reform Project, calls it “typical political theater…If anything, [you’d think] people would be more compassionate now that people have lost jobs,” Boyd said.
Random lie detector tests for elected officials, members of Congress?
Two very clear sides here on comments. Those who expect drug users should be supported by the Government, and those who disagree. Our two parties are cleanly divided over this one, aren’t they? So, it’s easy to see what the Liberals think, and what the Conservatives think. No changing anyone’s mind. That’s why this country is going to hell. Depending on what world you live in, it’s the other side’s fault. Take your pick. Me? I am against dopers getting my tax money. Instead, give it all to AIG executives, right? Actually, I just want to get the hell away from the craziness. Is it possible?
Note to liberals: Keep track of how much your taxes go up from this point forward. Tobacco is only the beginning, little green friends.
#71 Two very clear sides here. Those who think drug users are citizens and should be afforded the same rights as other citizens, and those who cynically think drug users (but not tobacco and alcohol users, no no) are inhuman parasites deserve a kicking and special law enforcement attention.
Easy to see which group are the hypocrites.
#74 Man, your such a tightass. I only hope that one day you get to experience poverty and question your irrational hate of the poor.
#76 Oh you hate me. Why is that Pedro? Why must you make this personal? I thought we were buddies…
And what stupidity would that be, mate?
#80 Pedro
>You have to help those that really deserve to >be helped whether is a poor person or a >company in need.
Who makes the call about who ‘really deserves’ help? I take it your not a Christian. What would Jesus say to that?
I know many ‘dopers’ and ‘boozers’ and most of them lead normal peaceful productive lives. I have no wish to see them, or anyone for that matter, persecuted and criminalised if they are suddenly cast into poverty or unemployment.
As for the London protesters, I care little about ‘making the world leader do the right thing’, because they serve the elite and don’t give a rats rectum about you and I. However, it pleases me to see them inconvenienced and I’m glad that many people took to the streets, regardless of their individual motives, to make as much noise and uproar as possible to show that not everyone will take their shit quietly.
The anarchists smashed up a bank because they hate bankers and see them as the root of all evil. Cant say I disagree, and the bank will get over it.
>Abolish money, fer cryin’ out loud!
Clearly this is a reactionary slogan. I personally see it as pretty stupid, but I know where the anger comes from.
>And, you have to admit that hating stupidity >is way better than hating poverty.
I have no idea what your on about here. Perhaps you should have thought about it more.
#22, Stooopid Lyin’ Mike,
Got a link?
Ya, try this
#82, ‘dro,
What is this with wanting people to go to London? Are you too busy sunning yourself in Castro’s paradise to bother attending yourself?
Effen lazy as—le
#51, Cow-Patty, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,
It is actually paid into by the employer…
You cut that short.
It is actually paid into by the employer… on behalf of the employee.
so what if i ate a poppyseed bagel that morning?
instant fail – yet i dont do drugs
As a WV resident and someone who works in Emergency Medicine, I supported this new law. A significant percentage of those who refuse to work have substance abuse problems. I see the people who abuse the system and use our tax dollars to buy their drugs. The first week of the month is always the busiest in the ER for drug overdoses and the end of the month is the busiest for drug seekers. Most of these people don’t have jobs, they “get a check.”
This law was an attempt to stem the problem. So, look down your nose, if you will, but I applaud Craig Blair’s efforts.
#86, ‘dro
Get back to me when you figure out what you intended to say.
>The Federal Law requires only that you be attempting to find work. There is no other means test allowed.
Where in your link does it say this?
#93, Stooopid Lyin’ Mike
Read it Lyin’ Mike. I really want to believe you can read. Seriously, I want to give you credit for more than being Cow-Patty’s stooge.