In the video here, the former Clintonite Dick Morris, who is now a darling of Fox News, tells Sean Hannity the globalists will put the “American economy under international regulation” and “those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN is going to take over… they’ve been crazy, but now they’re right.” “Those conspiracy people,” Sean Hannity interjects, “had suggested that for years… you’re not wrong.”

It’s the “international regulation of the financial institutions” we have to worry about, warns Dick Morris. It will happen under “IMF control… Remember, the IMF is run by the Europeans and backed by Americans.”

It seems all the Right Wing talk show morans are now jumping on this bandwagon. A prime example being Glenn Beck who is watching his ratings soar since he picked up the flag. But is this just because Obama is President? Where were they when we were screaming about this during the Bush Administration? Where were they when Bush Senior used this phrase in speech after speech. And what else has the Tinfoil hat crowd been right about? Are they finally opening up their eyes or is this just about ratings?

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    “It seems all the Right Wing talk show morans (sic) are now jumping on this bandwagon.”

    Heh! Weird capitalization and misspelled words. You’ve packed it all in there.

  2. faxon says:

    The question is not “is this about ratings?”. The question is, “is anybody paying attention to the extreme agenda of Obama?”.
    When all is said and done, the fact is, this President is wildly supported by the masses, and he is the most liberal and radical leader this country has ever seen. Unless Congress gets off of their collective, corrupt, and flaccid asses, and prevents it, he will then become the most dangerous and destructive. The world will never recover from an unrestricted Obama agenda. It’s not about tin hats. It’s about unrestricted power.

  3. Phydeau says:

    I think any responsible Republican would have done the same as Obama… but nowadays that’s a contradiction in terms.

  4. The Warden says:


    Do you actually watch in entirety or listen in full context to the right wing shows you disparage on a regular basis or do yo just take the excerpts that only help make your delusional rants on here?

  5. brm says:

    These guys are mostly all “neo-cons.” They hate any threat to our sovereignty (think: the UN), and always have.

  6. McCullough says:

    #1. Really Lou? How many times do we need to explain to you the meme we use for the spelling of moron. Would you like to comment on the story or just continue to make an idiot out of yourself?

    Since I know you are not new here, I’ll just assume you are a moran.

  7. The Warden says:

    And McCullough,

    where are you excerpting the quoted material from? Is that your opinionated writing or someone else. If it’s someone’s else, why haven’t you noted the source of it?

  8. The Warden says:

    Just a question that needs to be asked. Is what Dick Morris said wrong?

  9. bobbo says:

    I wonder how far we are away from “the Jews” being blamed for *all this.*

    Same wing nut BS.

    Name a single country in History that has ever surrendered its economy under international regulation.

    Yes, lets run around in circles about something that doesn’t make any sense and has never happened.

    You call them morans, I call them jerk-wads.

  10. Lou Minatti says:

    “Really Lou? How many times do we need to explain to you the meme we use for the spelling of moron. Would you like to comment on the story or just continue to make an idiot out of yourself?”

    I’ve never seen a blog where “moron” is spelled “moran,” but have at it. Meanwhile, care to address the weird capitalization?

  11. bobbo says:

    #12–Alfie–based on Dick Norris “predicting” A-the market will go down, and B-that Obama would win, you think he is a trusted source for any other types of predictions?

    Even if true, you continue to manifest your belif in Magical thinking.

    This would be nothing but amusing if you didn’t vote in the same manner.

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    “I wonder how far we are away from “the Jews” being blamed for *all this.*”

    What are you talking about? Jews have been the scapegoats for the past decade. Just replace the code “neo-con” with “Jew” when reading the average Daily Kos diarrhea.

  13. McCullough says:

    #14, Care to address the content of the post? No, you would rather attack grammar and misspellings because obviously that’s what is important to you.

  14. bobbo says:

    #14–lou==ever use a dictionary?

  15. ECA says:

    The fun:
    Is that no matter how many times we say, “DONT DO THAT”, someone is BACK trying to do it again, and again, and again.
    With all the concerns, we either get tired and they GET IT PAST, or we have other things to say, “DONT DO THAT”. and get sidetracked/side wiped/bushwacked(pun intended)..
    WHO can I give a WRIT, for my VOTE, against ALL the things we have to watch for?

    IS “ignorance of the law” a true defense? i would say yes.

  16. bobbo says:

    #20–Alfie==”of the first water.” That always cracks me up.

    I just looked it up. Comes from the diamond trade in reference to clarity:

    Thanks Alfie, I always learning something from your posts. Course, I do have to find it on my own, but still.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary… Oops… in this case it was necessary to include the WWW, so I fixed it for you. – ed.]

  17. typewad says:

    #13 Boobo


  18. joshjellel says:

    For the record, Dick says, “…remember, the IMF is run by the Europeans and the World Bank by Americans” not “backed by Americans”. He’s making a point of comparison.

  19. bobbo says:

    #22–typewad==I’m not familiar with any such thing for Brazil or any other country. Yes, South America suffered from colonialism which is not the same thing, and later many countries suffered from the economic requirements of gaining loans from the World Bank==all voluntary.

    Any specifics to direct my attention? Links?

  20. BigBoyBC says:

    Glenn Beck has been talking about this stuff back when he was on CNN.

    Hell bells, even Adam Curry had been talking about this prior to the Obamanation being elected.

    McCulough and you other left-wing hypocrites, better wake-up and stop blowing off everything right-wingnuts say, just because they’re the ones saying it.

  21. ECA says:

    Just cause you are a paranoid NUT, doesnt mean there ARNT any squirrels out there..

  22. Daniel says:

    I don’t know if that makes much sense. Would China give up its Walmarts and Mexico its biggest drug market, both without a fight?

  23. amodedoma says:

    Typical, the US only wants to be part of the international community when they’re telling the world what to do. Personally, I’ve seen those arguments when europe adopted the euro. Many member states were concerned about how it would affect their political autonomy. England wanted no part of it, now the pound has dropped from 1.6 euros to the pound in 2002 to nearly par now. A unified currency would remove a lot of loopholes for smartasses to take advantage of, as well as make things more stable. It would also make it much more difficult for bigger economies to push their problems off on the smaller ones. That’s probrably why Hannity doesn’t like it – it don’t gel with that america first and screw everybody else philosophy.

  24. soundwash says:

    -you can lead a horse to water..

  25. Orangetiki says:

    All I see is a bunch of sore losers trying to heckle the winner of the Prez election and try to make him look bad. Way to show what’s really important in life assholes.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Lou,

    Although this has been posted here many, many times, just for you is the origin of the word “moran”.

    And, before you ask, yes, the word gullible also has a special meaning at DU. Check your facts, please.

  27. BubbaRay says:

    Why, thank you Mr. Fusion. You have obviated the need to rely on the BRDDA.

  28. old world orderite says:

    BoBBo!!! this message is for you…Both parties have been funded by the same “interests” or (umbrella corporations) as i like to call them. youve spent the last 5 administrations with presidents talking about their contributions toward a new world order. A number of politicians that openly speak out for and against a new world order. The number one manufacturer of military pistols mass produces a new world order commemoritive model and everyone who talks about a new world order is a nutjob? Your a dumbass!! thank god people like you are not out there defending this nation. You dont even know whats best for you. I suggest you stop infecting this world with your biased slander and shut the hell up for us all…later

  29. Myah says:

    #32. Yes, you are absolutely correct. At this point anyone who doesnt see that Obama, Bush, The Clintons, Bush Sr. etc… arent on board with the Globalist view of an NWO is truly gullible. Glad we agree.

  30. lividd says:

    As a supporter of Obama, I must say Ive been disappointed since week one of his administration. change we can believe in? To date seems like Nothing has changed.


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