Does anyone really think there is such a thing as privacy anymore in this country? And remember those now quaint times when we believed the Constitution and Bill of Rights protected our freedoms? Ah, good times, good times…

  1. zorkor says:

    Its pitiful to think the so called terrorists hate your freedom and democrazy. This is what the jewish media spoon fed the typical Americans so that they can fulfill their jewish under by using your soldiers for their plans. The result is not hard to see nowdays, America is going down the drain and thanks to your belief that terrorists are after your freedom and democracy.

    Its just a big pack of lie….or lies should i say.

  2. RBG says:

    I suspect that the vast majority of unconvicted Americans know nothing of that cartoon above in their personal lives. And to eliminate it for the rest of them would be like providing the resources needed to go from 99% of light speed to full light speed. Maybe it could be done, it’s just not worth it.

    8 Uncle dave. “Don’t like the rules, go play somewhere else.”

    That include American citizen’s too?

    16 Mr. Fusion

    “Hey, when are you going to post that link that shows where Obama sold drugs?”

    Yes, I’d like to know too. All I can find are references in President Obama’s book where he admits to being a cokehead and a pothead.


  3. bobbo says:

    Freedom: the power to impose one’s beliefs on another.

  4. deowll says:

    I can remember when I thought people had the right to mind their own business and live as they pleased and say what they thought as long as they stayed off their neighbors property.

    Those days are long gone.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #43, deowll,

    say what they thought as long as they stayed off their neighbors property.

    Ya, well they had to stop that. Too many people were peeing on the lawns while standing on the sidewalk.


  6. Go Tom says:

    As always, Toles is spot on.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Nice rant. I can picture the amount of spit all over your monitor.

    Dallas said precisely the opposite, even claiming his celebration of Christmas was a practice of his religion in the public square…

    While it is not my place to answer for someone else, to anyone with a brain it is obvious Dallas is being sarcastic. And you fell for it.


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