
A 25-year-old transsexual man in Barcelona has announced that he is pregnant with twins, prompting debate in Spain about the ethical use of reproductive technology. Rubén Noé Coronado Jiménez, who is reportedly nine weeks pregnant, interrupted hormone treatments and postponed plans to have a full sex-change operation in order to get pregnant because his 43-year-old girlfriend could no longer have children.

After emailing the 158 fertility clinics in Spain, he found one in Barcelona willing to help him prepare his atrophied uterus for insemination by donated sperm. “I have a right to have a baby,” he told reporters. “We are going to be a father, a mother and two children. I don’t see the problem.”

Coronado is not the first transsexual to become pregnant, but is reportedly the first to have twins.

Mar Combrolle, president of the Association of Transsexuals of Andalusia, denied Coronado’s pregnancy was “a contradiction”. She said: “The desire to have a child knows no sex. I think any biological man who wanted a child would give birth if he could.” She added that she recognised that not every transsexual would postpone a sex change in order to become pregnant.

If you took the religious moral panic out of the equation, this wouldn’t even make it outside medical journals.

  1. Jamie (SMS) says:

    #33 Paddy-O Said, “If it was pertinent to the thread I’d think more on it.”

    Has that ever stopped you before, why should it now? My question was completely relevant to the conversation (regarding gender identity being inherent or mutable depending on science, etc.)

    In fact, your response was less pertinent than my question was. Oh, right, your purpose is to make yourself think you have a point by only semantics and nitpicking. Never mind, carry on.

  2. Billy Bob says:

    Kids deserve parents who do not suffer from major psychiatric disorders. That has nothing to do with religion.

    Yes I know that psychiatry caved to activists in the 1970s. It didn’t change the science of the matter.


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