An Eagle County employer not only promises to overlook a prospective employee’s crime connections, it prefers you have them.

“Wanted: people who hang out with crooks,” the Vail Daily classified ad says. “Drug use and criminal record OK. Must be willing to work odd hours.”

The classified ad, paid for by Eagle County Sheriff Joe Hoy, is apparently designed to appeal to the sophisticated confidential informant-newspaper subscriber in the posh ski resort town.

“Make some extra cash . . . ,” the classified ad says. “Give us a call and we will work out the details — confidentiality is guaranteed.”

More than a dozen people already have called in hopes of earning between $100 and $1,000 for turning in burglar pals not intimidated by elaborate security systems guarding Vail’s multi million dollar homes.

  1. GregA says:

    That sucks!!!

    At the same time… That sucks because this is they type of policing that works on the type of crime that is a problem, because the current american police practice of having hired thugs go around and beat up anyone who does not immediately comply with their threats fails on so many different levels.

    In addition to this, they should fire about 90% of the beat cops, and replace them with investigators. Then when a burglary happens, the investigators go around and… investigate. As far as I can tell that currently does not happen.

    But as it stands in my small town over the years… we have had about 10 murders all un-solved (its high because we have a gang). No brutal rapes that I’ve ever heard about. Every 5-6 weeks you hear about a burglary. All unsolved. People who want, freely buy drugs. etc etc etc…. My suspicion is that the murders breakins and drugs are the same few dozen people, who have learned how to avoid the police by…

    But wow, seatbelt compliance. probably 95%. License tag compliance, again probably >95%. No one speeds within the levels of current enforcement. No one runs red lights.

    How is it not obvious to LEO types why they fail so bad at enforcing the types of laws we need enforced, and only manage to enforce the types of laws that piss every one off???

  2. RBG says:

    I’m concerned that such a plan might not fully protect all the killers’, rapists’, and thieves’ rights & freedoms under the presumption of innocence. Or not.


  3. bobbo says:

    #2–Eric==”People up here steal pension funds, not cars.” ///

    Best line of the year. Thanks.

  4. ECA says:

    Thats the trick…
    GET the people to police each other..
    WORKS most of the time..until SOMEONE starts watching for MINOR crimes, or consensual CRIMES.

    Why pay out $40k per year when a $100-1000 will bring all the KNOW IT ALLS, that know who did what..

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Real fine police work there Lou.

  6. soundwash says:

    the only good snitch is a dead snitch.



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