Warning: NSFW Audio 

Worth hearing again.

  1. Buzz says:

    “Nobody seems to notice; nobody seems to care…”

    While listening to Carlin rant is sensitizing, often ironical and worth thinking about, let’s face it, he was not 100% accurate in his appraisal.

  2. The Pirate says:

    He doesn’t need to be 100% accurate.

  3. MrVendetta says:

    Definitely true well said.

  4. Carcarius says:

    Carlin was, and still is, great.

  5. BillM says:

    I don’t think I saw it anywhere……does anyone know when this was recorded? Material-wise, it could have been anytime in the last 50 years!

  6. sargasso says:

    Wonderful, how universally appealing and accurate this is.

  7. RBG says:

    Yes, yes. The politicians don’t want education.

    The politicians have the judges and the media in their back pockets.

    They want to keep people in the most meaningless jobs possible. The politicians only care about themselves.

    I wonder if there ever could be a way to make a buck out of paranoid rantings? I mean if you make them half-way funny? I wonder if there are people who would willingly turn off their minds and just eat that stuff up?

    Apparently so.


  8. bobbo says:

    “What we need is a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.” ///

    And thats exactly why we are so screwed.

  9. noname says:

    How are we going to be critical thinkers when we don’t have a reliable and accurate press or media?

    Once the media started allowing distortion of reality of the news with spin and lies by politicians, businessman and other interest groups; Americans, cease to be critically informed citizens and have instead became sycophants to TV’s talking heads and Murdochian viewpoints.

    I don’t think the internet is a sufficient antidote to this. The internet is rightly not deemed reliable and accurate by the vast majority.

    We are screwed.

  10. Stars & Bars says:

    Your owners do not want you to see this documentary.

    Watch “The Obama Deception”


    Don’t believe what you see?


    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  11. Stars & Bars says:


    [Thank you. – ed.]

  12. bobbo says:

    To the question asked: “Do we have choice?” The answer is yes. Carlin got the answer correct but the question/issue wrong. Corporations do not control this country. They wouldn’t spend those millions on Congress if they did. There is no concerted effort, no collusion, only a bunch of people similarly motivated: to make as much money as possible. Poor people are motivated to that end as are rich people. Rich people can bribe Congress, poor people can’t.

    The winning strategy as Carlin also rants about elsewhere is Congress pimping the voting public by appeals to: guns, bibles, and children. You could add a few more like “fair trade” and “taxation is theft” to give a fuller picture.

    The American Public is too full of bullshit thinking, religious thinking, misplaced self centered thinking, to think critically about how they are best served and voting appropriately.

    “Basically” anyone voting Republican votes against their own self interests. Retarded in a real way. Mislead. Blind.

    If you make $150,000 per year and vote to have the inheritance tax removed or even lowered – you are retarded and self destructive, yet your vote counts just as much as anyone who has the best interests of America critically in mind.

    If the any thought of George Carlin struck you as “thats right” take a step back and look at how you vote. Don’t be who George Carlin talked about.

  13. hhopper says:
    Carlin told the truth about as well as it can be told. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  14. bobbo says:

    #9–noname==”How are we going to be critical thinkers when we don’t have a reliable and accurate press or media?” /// hah, hah. Yeap, how can we be critical thinkers if the media doesn’t tell us what to think. Good one.

    Just noticed the NSFW header. Was that added later for the humor or the sincere warning? But yes. 99% of business owners wouldn’t like this message even though they are victims of it like the rest of us.

  15. exileguy says:

    Social commentary is never completely accurate, because it comes from thought & emotion. Emotion always colors facts, it can’t be helped, it is the way it is.
    George Carlin had the knack to see through immense piles of bullshit and get to the point.
    And the point is, we are controlled by those things that make us comfortable, the toys that keep us occupied so we don’t have to think, and the things we are allowed to buy that everyone else has.
    We trade our freedoms and curiosity to be content, and we miss what is happening around us, so we don’t have to do anything about it.

  16. RTaylor says:

    It’s been the same way for millenniums, what make you think it’s going to change? All a revolution does is change the players. It’s the nature of the beast.

  17. bobbo says:

    #17–emhodew==I agree its both parties, but the Repuglicans really are worse, leading the way. What has happened is the worst of either party being adopted by the other party. Dems now takes bribes and pass Repuglican business interests while the Repugs pass social spending programs with deficit spending.

    Vote against republican policies/anti sound social policies regardless of which party puts them forward.


  18. bobbo says:

    #10–Stars and Bars==I think Obama’s keeping the Bank Structure in Place (rebuilding the bubble) and increasing the troop levels in Afghanistan are both very troubling and either one could sink his presidency, “but” its a bit early to be writing/filming his obituary.

    Bias so strong, it stinks.

    Where is the media that will tell me what to think (better?).

    The very same video a year from now may show this one to be prescient, but right now it is silly.

  19. some guy says:

    Talk like this is enough to get somebody killed.
    Wait a minute, isn’t he . . . .

  20. ECA says:

    with a happy work environment, and a happy life, and a happy EVERYTHING, crime would go down..
    So why foster, ignorance?
    So you dont see that CRIME PAYS.
    IF you can show that WHAT is happening IS’ happening, you can bring it to court..but you AINT GOT THE MONEY/POWER/ability to FIND those ones on the top responsible for what is happening.

  21. bobbo says:

    #22–Alfred==what in your critical thinking skills concludes that the increasing wealth disparity between the top 1% and the rest of us is sound social policy?

  22. bobbo says:

    “From 1982 to 1997, the richest 1 percent of Americans captured 56 percent of all the nation’s growth in financial wealth-and 47 percent of all growth in income. As a result, the concentration of wealth in the United States has grown to its highest level since 1929.”

    From the first website I could find. It “sounds” biased, but facts are facts?


  23. bobbo says:

    #24–emhodew== “bobbo,
    What can I say. You have been brainwashed and are in denial.
    Obama is the problem.” /// Already Obama is the problem after two months in office?

    I wonder just exactly what YOU think the problem actually is?

    Please be as specific as possible.

  24. emhodew says:

    Do you think the “liberals” are poor? They are part the 1% ruling class. It takes money to buy power. And with power you get money.
    Yes they control education. They want your critical think skills diminished so you don’t see their power/wealth schemes.
    In DS9 the Ferengi were evil not because they were businessmen, but because of their un-ethical business methods. You know, the same methods used by big corperations in this country.

  25. emhodew says:

    Obama promised that we would have on open government. All bills would be posted on line for at least 5 days before he signed them.
    No bill has been posted on line before he sign them. No bill has lasted 5 days before being signed.
    Now the health care commission is being set up in such a way that they do not have to have open meetings.
    What do you think this means?
    I saw this coming over 25 years ago.
    Not the specific events, but the direction. I have been railing against the public school system and it’s failing policies for the last 25 years. I said then what George is saying. They don’t want us to be able to have higher level cognitive abilities. No philosophy or reasoning for the average people. Of course their children don’t go to public schools. Neither do mine.

  26. bobbo says:

    #27–emhodew==well done, thank you, “but:”

    1. Obama promised that we would have on open government. All bills would be posted on line for at least 5 days before he signed them.
    No bill has been posted on line before he sign them. No bill has lasted 5 days before being signed. /// So the problem we are facing today is that bill have not been available on line in the past and are still not available today???? Is THAT what you think bunky or did you post juuuuuuuussst a little bit too fast. Then of course, what will you “think” a month from now when all bills are posted – – problem solved?

    2. Now the health care commission is being set up in such a way that they do not have to have open meetings.
    What do you think this means? /// Havent seen this yet. What where the stated reasons for the closed process? All depends on their final product doesn’t it? A bad plan from an open process is not valued over a good plan from a closed process. As all our laws so far have been made in a closed process, I wonder what you think an open process really is? Can you verbalize that? Really rather silly when you start to analyse that.

    3. I saw this coming over 25 years ago. /// hah, hah. I’m sure you did. What “this” are you referring to?

    4. Oh, sorry. “This” is: Not the specific events, but the direction. I have been railing against the public school system and it’s failing policies for the last 25 years. /// So Obama is responsible for the direction of failing of the public school system for the past 25 years huh? Even when he was going to school in Indonesia? Wow. I’m surprised he even ran for president, he should have just assumed the office when he felt like it.

    I sure hope you think about how silly you sound. Try again. Take overnight and post something on the road to reasonable the next chance you get.

  27. emhodew says:

    As I said. You have been brainwashed and are in denial.

    You will not look askew of anything you God Obama does or says.
    The problem is he is just a figurehead.

    The ruling elite have been working to destroy our freedoms a very long time.

  28. bobbo says:

    #29–emhodew==does that coolaide taste so good you can’t even read a single thread?

    As I said. You have been brainwashed and are in denial. /// Yes, condemn whatever/however you decide is in some kind of opposition. It won’t even matter if the specifics you finally cough up are devoid of rationality==kinda like the Repuglican Budget Plan. yuk, yuk.

    You will not look askew of anything you God Obama does or says. /// You are a new poster and haven’t read my early and often criticism of Obama: he is rebuilding the bubble and sending troops to Afghanistan==both bad. But even in this very limited thread, I have said nothing supporting Obama AND I have posted: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE.

    The problem is he is just a figurehead. /// Yes, thats always good for a vague conspiracy theory. You aren’t a conspiracy nut are you emhodew?

    The ruling elite have been working to destroy our freedoms a very long time. /// Oops, I see that you are.

    Ok===no rational discourse, no connection to facts, no logical dialectic. Continue the Rant.

  29. bobbo says:

    #30–Alfred==when the crescendo of an argument is a reference to the Ferengi the entire orientation of the poster is suspect. But, ignoring that – – –

    Liberals control edumaction? – – ok, I’ll go with that but fyi, no liberal I would respect controls education, but we’ll save that for another thread.

    You cherry picked this to speak against Critical thinking education in schools /// I did? Going back I cherry picked economic disparity which I think is THE ISSUE of concern over all others==but you think it is Darwinism being taught as science. Ok.

    One of my favorite non-sequitors that George Carlin actually riffs on quite successfully: Violate gods wishes and he will send you to hell for eternity – – – but he loves you. Yes, good sound critical thinking for our schools.

  30. emhodew says:

    Look at the moral principles our leaders exhibit. Do you really think they would do anything for someone other than themselves?
    Do you really trust people like that to make the kind of changes they propose in secret? For that matter why would they want to do this in secret?
    What would they have to hide if what they are doing is going to be so good for everyone. You can call me a conspiracy nut. But if you wait for the results to judge the plans, you will find yourself behind the 8 ball every time.


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