NYC Principal In Hot Water Over ‘Buddhist Chants’ – wcbstv.com — Geez, does a day go by without more and more weird stories like this? The principal is a former ballet dancer turned administrator.
Philip Scharper is under investigation by the city’s Department of Education for potentially crossing the line between church and state with Buddhism.
“He has tried to recruit staff members to be part of his faith and he has also hired a couple of people from his temple,” parent Tracy Shelton said.
The Department of Education is taking the allegations very seriously. Among them — that Principal Scharper handed out Buddhist chant cards while on school property.
The complaint, filed by someone at the school, said Scharper also led “Buddhist chants” against teachers on a “hate list.”
Only a Christian would call a Buddhism chant a hate list.
And if you think that’s overreacting see how the antidefamation leage reacted towards pokemon trading cards with manji symbols.
>>Geez, does a day go by without more and more weird stories like this?
Probably not.
How many schools are there in America? 100,000? More? That’s millions of teachers, administrators and staff.
You are ALWAYS going to be able to find some weird story about one of them.
Bottom line is you can’t make everyone happy…
I can’t think of a better subject to teach than Buddhism. I’m a philosophical Buddhist. I believe in the merits of mindfulness and meditation, but not the reincarnation side. It’s the most benign religion out there, and you could argue it’s more of a philosophy than religion, depending on the brand.
Would this even be an issue if the principal was Christian? In my public high school, the principal had essentially a shrine in her office. Complete with a statue and a place to kneel. There weren’t any complaints.
I don’t give a rat’s patootee, he is still apostatizing on school property and the taxpayer’s dime and time. NO!!! Fire his ass and anyone else that wants to suggest my kid (or any kid for that matter) needs to practice a certain religion.
I used to attend a school that had Bible class every Tuesday. What’s the difference?
“I can’t think of a better subject to teach than Buddhism.”
“I’m a philosophical Buddhist.”
surprise, surprise.
‘Hate’ chants- from a Buddhist?
Either he’s a piss poor Buddhist, or the story’s BS.
#9, Bad,
The story was written by an evangelical “Christian”.
skip religion of all kinds.,..
baptise yourself alcohol…
Monty P’s Philosopher’s Song
“He has tried to recruit staff members to be part of his faith and he has also hired a couple of people from his temple,” parent Tracy Shelton said.”
Yeah, like the Christians have never done this.
Buddhism never recruit people, it is the most passive and voluntary religion in the world. I think it is Tao/Dao cult, especially the one from Taiwan.