The medical journal the Lancet has accused Pope Benedict XVI of distorting scientific evidence to promote Catholic doctrine following his remarks about condom use and HIV.

The attack — which also said that the pope did not know what he was talking about and had put millions of lives at risk — followed his statement last week during a visit to Africa that the use of condoms increased HIV infection rates. This was later amended by the Vatican, which said that condom use merely increased the risk of transmission.

The pope’s remarks, made to journalists on a flight to Cameroon at the start of his visit, overshadowed his trip and provoked condemnation from health and aid agencies, as well as protests from the UN and the governments of Germany, France and Belgium.

Today’s Lancet editorial said the Pope’s statement was “outrageous and wildly inaccurate“. It added: “By saying that condoms exacerbate the problem of HIV/Aids, the pope has publicly distorted scientific evidence to promote Catholic doctrine.

“Whether the pope’s error was due to ignorance or a deliberate attempt to manipulate science to support Catholic ideology is unclear … When any influential person, be it a religious or political leader, makes a false scientific statement that could be devastating to the health of millions of people, they should retract or correct the public record. Anything less from Pope Benedict would be an immense disservice to the public and health advocates, including many thousands of Catholics who work tirelessly to try and prevent the spread of HIV/Aids worldwide.”

Good thing The Lancet editors don’t read the crap fountaining from the head-holes of American bible-thumpers. They’d have to increase the size of their publication just to keep up.

Thanks, K B

  1. JimR says:

    In doing some research this afternoon, I can’t find any aids organization that even remotely agrees with Dr. Edward C. Green. I expect he may be making some retractions come Monday.

  2. ECA says:

    Brain cells, are there any left?

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #32 JimR, until we get final word on that, maybe I’ll make sure the ol’ crucifix has a good sheen (wink wink, nudge nudge).

    And for anyone who may have missed it, the newest euphemism for masturbation is taken from #25, “polish the crucifix,” something that priests don’t do quite enough, judging by numerous lawsuits.

  4. Steve says:

    He has white horns.

  5. JimR says:

    Steve.. that is priceless!!
    I didn’t notice them before. No wonder he looks evil.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Sis,

    Ya but, … then he has to drink a few whiskeys to get the taste out of his mouth.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Selvy,

    Do you have a link for that “quote”?

    Although JimR (#28) didn’t provide a link, he did report where the article came from.

  8. Belief Systems Abound says:

    What’s interesting is that just about everyone debating HIV/AIDS is wrong. Viruses are dead, not living things that need to be killed. HIV is a myth. Testing is not specific. Condoms have holes in them bigger than any virus.

    The lies about the complex immune system and claimed cause by one virus is paramount to fantasies of Superman and Kryptonite.

    Disease conditions are complex, created, and not transmitted as if viruses were footballs to play catch with and never be able to let go of.

    Study and and search “aids lies” in various places if you are ready to risk exposure to the truth, and get ready to throw in the trash the misleading claims about condoms, claims sex is going to kill you, and nonsense about dead viruses that aren’t even bigger than flea poop.

    Are you scared of things as big as flea poop? If so why?

    Turn page upside down for answer.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    #31 bobbo
    “Risk Compensation”. An interesting topic.

    The question isn’t whether risk compensation is real, but whether it applies to condoms and the spread of AIDS.

    Apparently, it does. There has been discovered exactly this relationship #26 talks about.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Now for Fusion.

    Referring to post #23.

    The context of this thread deals with intentional choices between abstinence and condoms in the spreading of AIDS, not accidents.

    Not iv drug use, not transfusions, but sex.

    So don’t go BS’ing about how abstinence isn’t 100% effective. Are we talking about iv drug users here? NO. We are talking about the spread of AIDS through sex.

    Grow up. Stop picking apart every post to the point of making idiotic comments just to try to convince people you are smarter than everyone else.

    I’m right back to thinking you have an anti-social pathological personality.

  11. bobbo says:

    #40–Ah Yea==correct. If #26, you, and I weren’t correct the question would be simple. Instead it is complex. Even Mike formed a good question in response.

    So–if you were King of a Poor Country and knew that condoms prevent transmission of aids BUT that making condoms generally available increased a populations incidence of aids because of the Risk Compensation, would you make those condoms available and if you did, would you advertise that they prevent aids or not?

    Does making condoms available increase or decrease

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    #42, bobbo.

    Tough question.

    Fortunately, one which does have an answer.

    I would use the Ugandan approach.

    I would also supplement this approach with anti-viral medications for those who already have the disease.

  13. bobbo says:

    #43–Ah Yea==hah, hah. Imagine “The Congo” being more advanced than the USA. Next, they’ll do better in math and science.

  14. amodedoma says:

    Ratzinger – Benedicto – whatever this clowns name is, he’s giving a bad name to all religions. Catholicism is only growing in third world countries where missionaries work hard to recruit the ignorant. Jesus Christ should return to put an end to this nonsense.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    So, this blow up is over the Pope saying that condom use increases the risk of AIDS over the practice of abstinence?

  16. amodedoma says:

    Sheesh, wassup Paddy-O? Read the news much? I mean when he’s not offending Jews he’s offending Muslims. He’s put his church on crusade against birthcontrol and abortion. Sensitive subjects that need something more than an all blanketing prohibition. What he wanted to say in Africa was that condom use promotes sex for the motive of pleasure and not procreation. Instaed he directly relates condom use AIDS. The Pope should represent the values that Jesus held dear; love, understanding, tolerance, forgiveness… Instead he’s like a dogmatic dictator.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    I found what he actually said. Scientifically sound.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, Ah Yea,

    Apparently, it does. There has been discovered exactly this relationship #26 talks about.

    Bad link. The text is too fuzzy to read. Can you post that from somewhere else? Sheet, I couldn’t even read if the authors even graduated.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Ah Yea,

    The context of this thread deals with intentional choices between abstinence and condoms in the spreading of AIDS, not accidents.

    So any analogy or evidence that you are wrong are out of the discussion?

    Not iv drug use, not transfusions, but sex.

    Since you are referring to IV use and drugs, please read my post again. Please note how little emphasis I put on drugs and IVs. FYI, it was #23.

    So don’t go BS’ing about how abstinence isn’t 100% effective. Are we talking about iv drug users here? NO. We are talking about the spread of AIDS through sex.

    Are we? Darn, the headline reads

    Journal tells Pope to retract ignorant statements

    As for the spread of AIDs through sex, it has been established that AIDs is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids, including semen and excretions.

    And FYI, abstinence is only as good as those that practice it. Education and safe sex are far more efficient and effective than abstinence.

    Grow up. Stop picking apart every post to the point of making idiotic comments just to try to convince people you are smarter than everyone else.

    You said it. If you can’t take the criticism, don’t say it. You claim abstinence works. It doesn’t. People will always attempt to have sex. If you have the willpower to not have any then that is your own life. It isn’t wise to judge everyone by whatever twisted morals drive you.

    And there are many people that visit this blog I know are much more intelligent than I. You, repeatedly demonstrate you aren’t one though.

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  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 51 Mr. Fusion said, “You claim abstinence works. It doesn’t.”

    Umm, abstinence (abstaining from sex) does work to prevent AIDS.

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