If you have problems viewing the clip go here to see it.

  1. Twirrim says:

    Try that for flexibility, strength and control 🙂

  2. Gonster says:

    This link took me to an animated GIF talking about Voo Doo. Is that what you had in mind? I’m on a Mac and I was running Opera as a browser.

    I hope this isn’t infecting a bunch of your loyal fans!

  3. Mick Hamblen says:

    She’s not a gymnast
    but a little wooden doll
    with no muscle at all

  4. Prickle says:

    the Wii Fit had me doing that in just two weeks

  5. danijel says:

    Nah, you noob. Just close that window and click play again to see the video. First time dealing with ads on the internet?

    The video looks quite painful at moments. They should print a warning not to do this at home…

  6. the falsedvorak says:

    but is she any good in bed?

  7. John Paradox says:

    Ouch. I want to dig out the Ben Homosexual Ben-Gay just watching that!



  8. Steve says:

    I feel kinda creepy.

  9. faxon says:

    I started the video, and after about six or seven seconds, turned it off. I had a feeling where it was going, and I don’t want to puke.

  10. JimR says:

    She could give birth standing up.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    I pulled both hamstrings and an Achilles tendon just watching.

    Although some guys might like it, in my opinion she should have shaved first.

  12. deowll says:

    Remarkable. I leave it at that.

  13. Don says:

    I’ld hit that.

    Ya think she’s 18?


  14. Dallas says:

    Folks, don’t mess around with scorpions. Fascinating? Yes. Harmless? NO.

    This is why hotels in Arizona always have their drain pipes covered.


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