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Found by Gary, The Dangerous Infidel

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Please note that young children should only attempt this under adult supervision.

  2. A Soldier and a Father says:

    Amazing but absolutely crazy! One mishap or gust of wind that close to the rocks….

  3. The Pirate says:

    Those guys are nuts. Go, go, go. All good.

    This video on that site is pretty good also.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Isn’t this the same base jump they did in the James Bond movie (with Roger Moore, I think)?

    I haven’t seen that movie since it was in the theaters, so it is a very old memory, but it looks to same to me.

    For many people, including me, that was the first time we’d ever seen a base jump.

  5. iPlummit says:

    get a real wing yo fall guys 😉

  6. eyeofthetiger says:
    Died Ski-base jumping yesterday in Italy.

  7. RTaylor says:

    Adrenaline junkies

  8. The0ne says:

    #7 I prefer to use the terms “cool” and “dumbass” at the same time. But that’s just me 🙂

  9. Lou Minatti says:

    They are dumbasses, many of whom will die in excruciating pain. Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? Are we supposed to celebrate their ritualistic suicide?

  10. father time says:

    A life not lived is a life not worth living.

    Some people are happy living in the pen with the other shepple, waiting for slaughter day.

    Some people want to do this, take pictures of themselves naked and post them on the internet, or do one of a multitude of other “stupid” things.

    And the shepple bleat their disapproval.

  11. RBG says:

    10 father time.

    Maybe you and they need a little one-on-one time with a buddist monk to help out there.

    A life not lived, is a life not lived. Unfortunately they take alot of their loved ones with them to some degree when the schmuck themselves.

    These guys will surely die with the next unexpected micro-burst or wind gust. Aircraft are taken down because of these.

    That said, this is the most gutsy (maybe literally) sport I have ever seen.



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