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And the beat goes on. Take note of your favorite hypocrite here and throw him out next election.

  1. GigG says:

    A hypocrite in Washington! I find that hard to beleive.

  2. The Warden says:

    Boy, some of will never understand how DC works.

    First, it’s legal. Hypocritical? Sure but legal.
    And this is over thousands of dollars when the the real issue should be over the billions and trillions this out of control government is wasting on a failed economic policy. Yet Today Show and others want to focus on a few thousand here and there.

    And this is the same campaign finance laws brought you by McCain and Feingold. They told us it would clean up politics but that was a lie. It’s just made it worse.

    The outrage needs not be on AIG but on the government who has wasted trillions over decades and decades. YEt the brain dead public thinks government is their daddy and daddy will take care of them.

  3. Harry Sack says:

    #2 – exactly. Once again big media fails.

  4. McCullough says:

    #2. DC Works? Huh, imagine that. I had no idea.

  5. Harry Sack says:

    Are these politicians hypocrites? Yes. At least the money is chump change compared to the raping the American public is getting at the hands of government sending billions and trillions to Iraq reconstruction and resources for a continued war in the middle east. Elect a 3rd party in the next election. Are people getting it yet?

  6. bobbo says:

    Hah, hah. Even in a crises where the bowels of corruption are on full display, “the media” and “the people” still can’t see this for what it is:

    hypocrisy? = = NO!


    Not politics or incompetency or shortsightedness or the system or a few bad apples.

    CONGRESS is an organized crime family in cahoots with corporations and the top .5% of the rich to loot America.


  7. Aaron says:

    In Your Face Money Laundering

  8. phiend says:

    It has hit the fan!

  9. ECA says:

    And I thought there were LAWS against this??


  10. bobbo says:

    #10–Whats it all about Alfie: “I don’t know if I’m still a Republican” /// don’t worry, you’ll always be a repuglican.

  11. bobbo says:

    #12–Alfie==no one could be as troglodyte across so many political and social issues as you proudly post.

    What kind of robot are you and when will artificial intelligence be achieved?

  12. bobbo says:

    #14–Alfie==hah, hah.

    Pat on head.

  13. brm says:

    The animation of PAC money going into Washington and TARP money flowing out of Washington is priceless.

    And Barney Frank saying something reasonable, for once, is surprising.

  14. contempt says:

    #16 Alfred1

    >>bobbo is nobody’s fool…

    I must respectfully disagree – bobbo has found his way onto the list of fools many, many times.

  15. amodedoma says:

    The really disappointing thing isn’t the fact that our politicians sell us out, what diappoints me is how cheap they are. $250,000 in february!, and they get hundreds of billions in return?!?! I would of hoped that purchasing legislation from the US congress would’ve resulted a little more expensive.

  16. bobbo says:

    It really is funny. Alfie can’t understand the point/joke/gist of my post and responds like a fool and then contempt does the same thing with Alfie’s post.

    How long can the idiot train get? Usually, contempt takes the caboose position, but there is still time for Paddy-O-Zero and LIE-BERTARIAN loser to gain a slot, sloppy though it will be.

    hah, hah. Shooting these fish isn’t worth the bullets.

  17. scott says:

    It makes perfect sense that congress would get money from the bailed-out companies. No one else has any money and why else would they have bailed them out?

  18. bobbo says:

    22–Oh Alfie==your punch is like the slap from a silly little girl. Probably your overly religious upbringing you violate by descending into the ad hominem. Why do you do it?

    But, any idiot can call out names. Let me see if I can SHOW you a better insult of my own post.

    ………… I think the key would be in asking why I was playing with trains, something along those lines. You see, the fish reference was to YOU, so the role reversal was of the retarded “I’m rubber, your glue” type of comeback. Not clever.

    So, while the name calling for me is just a quick label, there was substance in my pointing out that both you and contempt didn’t “get” what was being said. You made your funnier joke there about no one adopting poor idiot me and it went by contempt too fast. Thats why contempt got the caboose position.

    Your put downs are simple boilerplate I’m sure you use as a rotating stock response. Be more personal, more relevant. It might slosh over into your other life considerations.

    Well, ta ta==time to see if Terminator will also do a turn around and get better.

  19. Carcarius says:

    You say you want a revolution…. well, you know…

  20. jescott418 says:

    Hey, these institutions take their back pocket Washington politicians on expensive vacations and buy them nice things and contribute money to keep them in office. What does the American citizen do for them? They vote for these idiots time and time again! Running for office has to be the oldest con job in the world! Make more empty promises then your competition and win! If they really cared about taxpayer’s they would do more before they hand out money to make sure its spent right! Not try and fix the screw ups after its already out there!

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    I’m still waiting for you to show us some evidence that Obama sold drugs.

    I see your little sparring match with Bobbo went completely over your head. Maybe if you stopped and read what was written instead of spouting nonsence you might earn some respect.

    BTW, maybe Bobbo would be back in a minute, but at least he would have a reason to leave his house. Something YOU might think about.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Marxist ‘mentor’ sold drugs with Obama
    Alleged Communist Party member published book boasting of sex with minors

    Ok, so where is the evidence that Obama sold drugs? Setting aside that you quote a hack piece from the World Net Daily, the article you linked to has NOTHING even suggesting Obama sold drugs.

    Please, provide some evidence that Obama did actually sell drugs. And for the sake of honesty, try for something a little credible than a fascist hit site.

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #30 Alfred1, before you succumb to the idiotic temptation to trust WorldNetDaily as anything approximating an unbiased news source, take a look in their online gift shop.

    How many unbiased news outlets sell copies of the Geneva Bible, billed as the most precious cargo of the Pilgrims, who came to this land with a consuming passion to advance the Kingdom of Christ? This ain’t your average news source.

    Quoting from the WorldNetDaily description…

    “The publication and promulgation of the 1599 Geneva Bible will help restore America’s rich Christian heritage and reclaim the culture for Christ.”
    — Dr. D. James Kennedy
    Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

    They also sell a book called United in Hate, The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. WorldNetDaily is not exactly your best source for unbiased news and information about Obama, but you already knew that. You just didn’t care.

  24. bobbo says:

    #32–Gary==”nailed it!” Rare to find the source of the coolaide. Well done.

    Alfie–you are quite correct that biased opinion can, and should, be separated from “facts.” Most discussions, ideas, political positions have very little to do with facts and are all about bias. Before you defend yourself with a true statement, figure out if the true statement is relevant to the discussion. Hah, hah.

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Alfred1, until you can cite any reliable source for your “facts,” they are just more baseless allegations that need no rebuttal. The only source claimed by this publication (WorldNetDaily) with a well-known anti-Obama and anti-liberal agenda is unnamed.

    With WorldNetDaily’s extensive Christian affiliations, they obviously have a weakness for believing things that have absolutely no credible supporting evidence. Your allegations may as well have come from a publication called Voodoo Weekly for all the water they hold.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    If you can dispute the particular facts cited…then you have a counter…

    till then, showing bias proves nothing.

    Alphie, I can’t dispute them if I don’t have any facts presented. Nor will I present any evidence to prove a negative. It is impossible to prove a negative and so the onus is still in your court.

    Can you provide some evidence that Obama sold drugs?

    Then maybe you can prove to the rest of us you aren’t gay.

  27. noname says:

    republicans are hypocrites, who would have guessed.


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