Daylife/AP Photo

Barack Obama has unveiled his administration’s new strategy in Afghanistan, including the deployment of an additional 4,000 US troops to train Afghan forces, following a review of policy on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The new strategy includes proposals to counter a persistent Taliban and al-Qaeda campaign that spans the two countries’ shared border, and additional development aid for both nations.

Obama, who ordered the review of Afghanistan and Pakistan shortly after taking office in January, said a new strategy was essential because intelligence indicated al-Qaeda was “actively planning attacks” on the US from Pakistan.

“This is not simply an American problem, it’s an international security problem of the highest order,” he said.

Here’s the full text of his statement.

  1. chrisindarwin says:

    OH, Theres a strategy now, cool.

  2. Dallas says:

    Finally, We are back to focus on the real threat.

    Bush got his revenge for Saddam calling Daddy Bush a girly man. That revenge has cost the US a trillion dollars and 100’s of thousand dead.

    Back to fighting the real enemy 7 years later.

  3. MikeN says:

    Yes, if Bush does a rethink of strategy, he fails to understand that the war is unwinnable. If Obama does it, it’s a good thing.

  4. ECA says:

    Can we get a BIG FENCE up, faster then the one for MEXICO??

    Are we going to monitor EVERY goat path out in the middle of “NO WHERE”..

  5. GigG says:

    Sounds like the surge to me.

  6. The Warden says:

    It’s Surge Lite. Looks like BiBarack is actually listening to the military instead of his uninformed consultants.

  7. smittybc says:

    Wait a minute. Where’s Code Pink? Where are the thousands of Europeans chanting “No blood for oil.” What happened to the illegality of the war? What happened to no more Gitmo? No more detainees in foreign lands without representation and being tortured? We couldn’t afford the Iraq war but now we are multiplying by 4 but because why? It’s OUR guy now and we can now afford it. Nothing’s changed, in fact it has escalated in Afghanistan (he took 12,000 from Iraq and put in 17,000 into Afghanistan; you do the math). In terms of Iraq Bush=Obama.

    The amount that people get played by media and the left (I know redundant) is staggering. Hey Dallas why don’t you just admit you got PUH__L-A-Y-E-D.

  8. Alex says:

    “In terms of Iraq Bush=Obama.”

    While I won’t argue that the beginning of your rant makes some sense, this conclusion is totally out of nowhere.

    Now if you were to say Afghanistan = Obama’s Iraq, then, *maybe*. The problem with Afghanistan is that we took our eye off that prize a long time ago (Bush’s fault, I think we can all agree), and now I think it’s just too late. If your dog pees on the carpet, you don’t whack him on the nose four days later, because he’ll just get confused.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    The view of the world from outside the Oval Office, is alot different from the view within.

    Second guessing Executive decisions, is alot different than actually having to make them.

  10. jobs says:

    #3 Now we can waste trillions of dollars and thousands of lives and feel good about. War is so much more right when you have a good leader.

    Go team!

  11. bobbo says:

    Every war 12,000 miles away involves talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Even a teleprompter can’t hide that fact.

  12. zorkor says:

    Oh yeah, another strategy. How exicitng…

  13. amodedoma says:

    OK here’s the scenario, before becoming presi it’s all ‘bring home the troops’ now we need a rethinking of strategy. He knows something he didn’t know before. The whitehouse and certain priveledged individuals have known for some time now. Apocalypse is just around the bend. The US is going to need a strong military to keep order at home while people are going from homeless to starving in the street. Maybe also to aviod states trying to seceed. They have to keep that military preparedness high, for all enemies foreign … and domestic.

    Ok, ok, I’ll go take my meds now, where’s my tinfoil hat?

  14. jcd'slovechild says:

    #3 It sounds like you’re back from the corner plying your trade to spout the party line. Think a bit for something more interesting to say or write some new canned responses pal.

    Anyway, it seems we’re not long for moving east into China

  15. Johan says:

    There is something really disturbing about that picture. I can’t put my finger on it though.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    I have a real bad feeling about this Af build up. I think he should just pull all the troops out.

  17. John E. Quantum says:

    The solution to the Afghanistan war involves Pakistan. Along with the military focus there needs to be very strong diplomatic pressure on Pakistan to suppress support that the Taliban obtains there. Hillary can do it, I know she can.

  18. Mr Truther says:

    Why does the old country joe and the fish song “feel like im fixin to die rag” keep running round my brain.


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