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Girl, 14, arrested after posting nude pics of herself on Myspace | KOMO News — Apparently the concept of exhibitionist is lost on these idiots. So this girl is a sexual predator? A threat to society?
Conundrum of the day. A 14-year-old girl gets naked and stands in front of a mirror. Is she looking at child porn? Should she be arrested for that too? The worst case scenario for this girl is that she is grounded by her Mom, not charged with a felony and ruined. What is wrong with these people? Where is the common sense in this country?
A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com – charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.
The case comes as prosecutors nationwide pursue child pornography cases resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail. Legal experts, though, could not recall another case of a child porn charge resulting from a teen’s posting to a social networking site.
MySpace would not comment on the New Jersey investigation, but the company has a team that reviews its network for inappropriate images. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tipped off a state task force, which alerted the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office.
The office investigated and discovered the Clifton resident had posted the “very explicit” photos of herself, sheriff’s spokesman Bill Maer said Thursday.
“We consider this case a wake-up call to parents,” Maer said. The girl posted the photos because “she wanted her boyfriend to see them,” he said.
Investigators are looking at individuals who “knowingly” committed a crime, he said, declining to comment further because the case is still being investigated.
The teen, whose name has not been released because of her age, was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography. She was released to her mother’s custody.
If convicted of the distribution charge, she would be forced to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan’s Law, said state Attorney General Anne Milgram. She also could face up to 17 years in jail, though such a stiff sentence is unlikely.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children should be looking for “missing” and “exploited” children rather than persecute this naive show-off and ruin her life and the family’s life. Good work. This trivializes and marginalizes real sex crimes!
Found by Aric Mackey.
She is in her minority. No sensible judge would allow this conviction. Her attorney will plea, she’ll get a lecture and probation and all will be expunged when she turns 18. This is the press hype.
Ever had a ‘Law and Order’ bumper sticker on your car? Ever vote for some sadistic cocksucker like Joe Arpaio because you liked what he was doing to the long-hairs, the druggies, the coloreds? Has it dawned on you yet that might have been just a bit of a mistake?
Chickens. Home. Roost.
Kill another Muslim, that’ll make you feel better. Be a patriot.
The future:
Picture a boot stomping on a human face, forever.
Have a nice day.
Just last week I was listening to a report on the radio about a Jr High-age girl sending nude pics of herself – via cellphone – to some friends… and the local police were hesitant to investigate – because it meant charging someone with “producing child pornography”.
Everyone thinks pedophiles are scum-bags, so we’ve written draconian laws to prosecute them… and now we’re realizing maybe there does need to be some “common sense” in the laws??
#32 so there is never an instance where some girl like this doesn’t get the shitty judge and a-hole prosecutor and ends up in jail? Never?
And why was she arrested in the first place? Are you saying this is just an exercise is wasting time and money? Is it a false arrest? Ifso there will be a lawsuit and another expense to the taxpayer.
You should be outraged not defending this bullshit.
My question is, how did the police find out about it?
Are we paying the police to browse social websites?
If the police have copies of the pictures, are they not guilty of possessing child porn as well?
And, what the hell was this kid thinking posting these pictures?
I fear police and prosecutors with to much time and money.We should cut their budgets and increase their workload.
Hmmmm, have you noticed that all of this is because of the internet?
We need to go back to the late 1800’s we never had any of these problems then!
You name it, it’s all because of the internet!!!
#10, zybec
I’m sorry, but until a kid reaches the legal age IT’S NOT enough to trust them and hope they won’t abuse that trust.
As a parent they are under YOUR care so damn well care for them, and that includes filtering EVERYTHING that comes through the tubes!!
And as soon as they hit that magic age just turn them lose?
So when is that magic legal age?
When they qualify for a Social Security Number?
When they can work at McDonalds?
When they can drive a car?
When they can join the military?
When they can vote?
When they can legally drink alcohol?
When they may become a police officer?
When they can get a Class “A” truck driving license?
When they may take the bar exam?
When they can run for Congress?
When they can be a Senator?
When they can become President?
When they may be appointed to the Supreme Court?
When they can collect their Social Security?
New Jersey is another place where the zero tolerance crap is out of control. RTaylor, you don’t know the state. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is convicted and given a harsh sentence. I have seen judges here throw the book at teenagers just because they made one bad decision.
JCD I’m wrote of the most likely outcome of this situation. Yes we have a reactionary and broken legal system, but it reflects the tough on crime stance politicians play to get elected. It’s the voting bozos that wants the State to be their saviour and protector that keeps the cycle going. Yes I’m outraged that education funding is cut to make sure some petty street dealer is incarcerated for years. I don’t blame the players, I blame the rules of the game. The damn system is so screwed up, I’m not sure anything short of a revolution will fix it, and revolutions have a bad habit of making things worse.
Throw the book at her. Then burn the book.
#6, #10, Did we read the same story? She posted some dirty pictures, it’s not like she killed anyone. There is a very simple solution to this.
Step 1. Print pictures.
Step 2. Call girl downstairs
Step 3. “Hey, what are these?”
Embarrassment ensues. Stupidity comes to a screeching and rapidly deleted halt.
I weep for a society that has more concern/outrage for what the cops did than for what this child did.
The real crime is that society thinks nudity is shameful or dirty. I’ve yet to see one human born wearing clothes. The original reason for clothing was to shield us from the elements … when necessary.
My bigest problem is the broad brush that gets you tagged as a “registered sex offender”.
IMHO the only crimes that should get you labeled as a sex offender are rape (including statutory rape) and sexual exploitation of a minor (including distribution of child porn).
The girl in question is a minor, and it is rightfully illegal for her to post explicit pictures of herself, but this should be handled as a juvenile ofense, and should not label her for life as a “sex offender”.
The vast majority of registered sex offenders got the label for doing something really stupid. Urinating in public could get you a public indecency charge and get you labelled for life. Soliciting an undercover cop, gets a small fine and a label for life. It ultimately weakens the effectiveness of the label.
#44, Jim W,
You think what the police did is justified?
Justice is doing what is right. It isn’t punishing everyone the same for everything, regardless of how innocent or how serious their misdeed.
This child did something quite similar to kids her age have been doing for centuries, experimenting with their newly discovered bodies. Making an example of her will do nothing to stop the practice.
I’m from West Virginia and there is a LOT of sex with miners there.
#44 Jim W: “I weep for a society that has more concern/outrage for what the cops did than for what this child did.”
Well then, as long as you’re weeping, society will be just fine.
And to think that in parts of this ever dull witted world, failing to wear a Burqa to cover your face will carry a heavier consequence than what this teen will receive. Other parts of the world, she could dance all out nude for the pleasure of a King and perhaps be “rewarded” by becoming his bride.
I think the ‘Paedofinder General’ will find her guilty in any event. Its the thought that matters in these situations don’t you know?
If your are unfamiliar with the “Paedofinder General” just search Youtube for a clip.
#39, your point??
Its legal (depending on the state) when its legal for her to appear naked in publications/videos without them getting in to hot water for peddling kiddie porn, as simple as that, and if that age happens to be 14 all well and good. However if it any number higher than 14 then her actions were illegal and her parents or guardians are responsible.
It really is as simple as that.
She has demonstrated CLEARLY that shes NOT mature enough to make adult decisions for herself and thus her parents were not doing their legally mandated job.
I can accept this stupid girl thought it might have been just a bit of fun to post off a couple of titty pics, but it wasn’t just 1 or 2, it was thirty explicit ones for gods sake.
Why are you defending her braindead decision to make these available on the tubes?
#36, And, what the hell was this kid thinking posting these pictures?
She wasn’t thinking.
As someone who has raised a three kids (boy and two girls) to adulthood, I can honestly say that at that age, they are lucky to be able to think of consequences more than a day or two out.
14 is also about the age when girls start thinking about their own “cave.” At that age, a boyfriend is all girls think about and they will do anything to keep one – including degrading themselves.
#43, Works every time. One of my daughters (15 at the time) left her diary open and laying on her dresser one day. In it she detailed a very . . . um, private . . . encounter she had with her boyfriend. When confronted with the issue she denied everything until presented with her diary. Of course, we were “evil” for reading her private diary. I explained, “In my house, there is no privacy for you kids. I can take the door off your bathroom if you don’t believe me.”
We never had any more problems out of her — that we knew about — though it was hell to live with her for a couple of weeks.
Note: I corrected the boyfriend’s attitude as well by showing him laws on statutory rape. I am not sure if he knew he wasn’t illegal but it sure got his attention.
#47, This child did something quite similar to kids her age have been doing for centuries, experimenting with their newly discovered bodies. Making an example of her will do nothing to stop the practice.
Correct. All you can do is stop HER from doing it. Trust me, her closest friends won’t even learn from the experience.
Trust me, her closest friends won’t even learn from the experience.
As parents of teenagers, we all know this is true. Very true. Yet, the judicial system and legislatures remain blind to reality.
LL…great post.
#52–LibertyLover==well done. At least you don’t carry your idiotic LIE-BERTARIAN views into your real life where your beliefs actually hit the road.
In much the same way that YOU recognized your kiddies could not act in their own personal short sighted “me first” without causing themselves great harm, WE the reasonable adults in America must prevent YOU and all other LIE-BERTARIANS from acting out their own juvenile self centered me first fantasies.
How you see this for your kiddies and not for yourself/the public is beyond me. LibertyLover==recognize people need to be protected/regulated against their own baser instincts. You’ve seen it when you were being responsible and caring—why have you stopped?
LibertyLover, I’m glad my parents weren’t anything like you. I wouldn’t ever trust you again. I had my first “encounter”, as you call it, at the same age. Guess what? I don’t regret it for a second.
#55–Dave==all people are more alike than different. Can you narrow your lack of trust issue down to what really concerns you?
What all kiddies should recognize is that they are chattel under the authority of parents who love and protect them. You have a lifetime of potential idiocy after age 18 to claim in your own name.
Slow down, enjoy your childhood. You can still grow up to be an idiot LIE-BERTARIAN which you sound like you are well on your way to being.
Spoiled children.
ref #30
when do we get to see the “evidence”, as per article…
#54, Bobbo,
Excellent rejoinder. One of the few very good posts LL made was all for the wrong reasons.
#51, Zybch
#39, your point??
Its legal (depending on the state) when its legal for her to appear naked in publications/videos without them getting in to hot water for peddling kiddie porn, as simple as that, and if that age happens to be 14 all well and good.
Because in #10 you said
so I asked you which legal age you are asking about. Ooopps, my bad, I didn’t realize it was such a hard question.
She has demonstrated CLEARLY that shes NOT mature enough to make adult decisions for herself and thus her parents were not doing their legally mandated job.
No one has attempted to say she was either mature or an adult. And just what is her parents “legally mandated” job? If you could, just tell us the New Jersey Criminal Code and I’ll look it up myself.
I can accept this stupid girl thought it might have been just a bit of fun to post off a couple of titty pics, but it wasn’t just 1 or 2, it was thirty explicit ones for gods sake.
Hhmmm, and you counted every one of them that were explicit and didn’t count the ones that were “just titty pics”. Ok, I guess that means you’ve been viewing kiddy porn.
Are you about to argue that it is ok because she sent them out on her own or you didn’t know she was only 14, hell, she looked at least 17.
The laws against child pornography were designed to protect and safeguard children from exploitation and abuse. Because she took the pictures herself, she obviously is not in need of protection. Using a hammer when a parental scolding would do is beyond overkill.
Trust is a two-way street. I suspect that if your parents knew you went behind their backs for your “encounter,” they would have been upset and not trusted you for a time.
Until someone is of legal age of consent, it is your responsibility to watch over them. Once that age is passed, they are adults and should be responsible for their own actions. Sure, I’ll help out when asked, but there comes a point where you have to cut the strings and force them to be adults and to act like adults.
Most likely if they follow the letter of the law this girl will do time and her life will be ruined.
Charging her was bleep stupid if they could avoid it at all.
The dumb bleep do gooders sometimes do more harm than the perverts.