Aides to former Republican presidential nominee John McCain questioned running mate Sarah Palin’s ongoing second-guessing of the McCain campaign.

The McCain aides were responding to a report on CNN that the governor got a laugh when she told a GOP audience in Alaska she had declined to pray with McCain staffers prior to her debate with Joe Biden, who was elected vice president in November.

Describing the pre-debate atmosphere, Palin told the crowd last Friday, she was “looking for somebody to pray with, I just need maybe a little help, maybe a little extra.”

“The people that she has, either working at her (political action committee) or advisers in Alaska, aren’t exactly making the best decisions for her,” the staffer said.

Should not-so-Christian Republicans get prepared to follow sacred writ?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    What is with all the unnamed sources? Any reporter who went to J school knows that it is a huge no no, as it is indicative of a journalist being a liar…

  2. marlow says:

    #1 – you are out of touch with virtually every background press conference/response of the past half-century, either party. No one from the McCain camp is going public with disagreements with the chosen leader of the christian right.

  3. ArianeB says:

    Like on Fox News where they use “Some Say…” all the time?

    Religious piety only attracts a maximum of 30% of the American population. Granted its a vocal and active 30%, but still a minority.

  4. homehive says:

    Two quick responses:

    1) The Republicans are the Party of God, only as much as the Democrats are the Party of Satan.

    2) Atheists DO tend to prefer the Democrats, so where else can the religious/superstitious go?

  5. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    Funny, Republicans used to be the party of Atheists, but that was for political reasons. Republicans used to believe in individual freedom and limited government. Meaning if you wanted a gay marriage or were an atheist, that’s just NONE of the governments business. That would the VERY height of government intrusion into our most most personal lives to make pronouncements on those sort of things. But since the 1980s and Reagans courting of the southern religious right in a bid to capture the southern states, the Republicans have shifted to believe that government should be limited in regards to BUSINESS interference but take an active role in directly personal lives (deciding valid marriages, allowable sexual positions for 2 adults in a private home, government enforced moral standards, etc). So the religious folks DO tend toward the Republicans now a days since the Republicans dropped their libertarian wing and replaced it with the religious right wing.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 2 marlow said, “#1 – you are out of touch with virtually every background press conference/response of the past half-century”

    No, I’m very much “in touch” with the fact that the press often prints outright lies.

  7. billabong says:

    McCains group hated Palin.She got no help from them not even a prayer.This women will guarantee an entertaining election in 2012.

  8. erving says:

    How does Rush stand (or sit) on the dominance of the biblical nutballs being in charge of this retreat to ideological purity of bodily fluids?

  9. marlow says:

    #6 – you mean like “mission accomplished” or look at these pictures of WMD’s in Iraq!

  10. John Paradox says:

    Remember that their version is YHWH, the Old Testament ‘god’ who nuked cities, ordered his followers to commit genocide and steal land, and who personally sent bears to kill/rip apart forty two children.


  11. Grandpa says:

    I think all those traitor Republicans can go to hell.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 marlow said, “#6 – you mean like “mission accomplished” or look at these pictures of WMD’s in Iraq!”

    Umm, no. Direct, verifiable quotes aren’t news media lies. That’s reporting. I see that you serious comprehension problems.

  13. Rob says:

    So how’s that prayer bullshit workin’ out for you Sarah?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    What is with all the unnamed sources?

    They are people that still work in political circles. If they came out as dissing one of their own, their careers could be finished, no matter how correct they are.

    Since the sources have been verified and validated by others, there is no reason to name them.

    Then, when the accusation is backed up by Palin herself, well, …

    But with all those top political connections of yours, I would have expected you to know that already. You do remember what McKinnon kept on her desk?

  15. Erik Blazynski says:

    god is is heaven with a chalk board and he makes little tic marks when people pray, she needed one more to put her over the top and no one would do it. As a result, she lost the debate and lost the election.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    The extremeist religious nuts are strong enough to hijack the Republican Party. That is the problem right now.

    We have Boss Limpdick appealing to the moran members.

    We have Micheal Steele trying to lead the conservatives and intelectuals.

    We have Palin trying to lead the religious wackos.

    These three groups are all tugging in different directions. There might just be a breakup and a new party formed.

  17. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    Lets not be too bitchy about her wanting to pray. That’s fine. I don’t care if you believe in Jesus, Thor, Isis, Quin Yin, Vishnu, Zeus, FSM or whatnot. Even within religions there isn’t agreement. The Baptists don’t agree with the Catholics, who don’t agree with the Mormons, who disagree with the Amish on interpretation of of gods role for us. Whatever magical invisible unprovable sky being you want to worship or pay to is just fine! Just don’t use the government to force your particular religion/cults views on my private life. If there’s a rational statistically significant scientific reason for passing a law, so be it, but it can’t JUST be done because some issue angers your sky god. There has to be more than that!

  18. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    Now THAT was a Freudian slip! I meant “pray to” not “pay to”. LOL

  19. Floyd says:

    #19: Very nice slip–appropriate too.

    Palin’s problem is that she is a member of some fundie religion which is apparently into prayer circles. Most Christians aren’t, so she was probably looked at by her Republican advisers as if she was from outer space–which she might be.

  20. pcsmith says:

    Republicans are divided into two factions: one worships God, and one worships the Almighty Dollar.

    I guess that makes it a coalition party.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    Just remember that all ‘god’ is, is dog spelled backwards.

    Maybe the GOP is the party of the rear end of a dog!

  22. Dallas says:

    Seems to me God picked Obama as God is all knowing and powerful.

    Why is the Republican party against God’s wishes?

  23. jealousmonk says:

    Yes, Republicans are the party of God. It is turning out to be quite the albatross too!

  24. green says:

    Pro-atheism = pro-reality
    Pro-religion = pro-imaginary being

  25. Guyver says:

    26, From my agnostic viewpoint, atheism requires as much faith as religion does. Both viewpoints have no tangible concrete proof for their stance. Both “extremes” are faith-based.

    That being said, an interesting article surfaced on New Scientist which discusses that a belief in a God lights up certain areas of our brain which have evolved most recently (in brain scans):

  26. MikeN says:

    Are these the same McCain advisers that spread lies about her not knowing Africa is a continent and South Africa is a country, or who’s in NAFTA?

  27. Dallas says:

    Is the latest GOP twin pack Limbaugh/Palin to groom? It’s been a week so I’ve lost track who has emerged from the GOP sewer.

    If it’s still Limbaugh, I’m not sure God will approve of a sweaty drug addict to use his good name. Maybe that Sanjaya/Mr. Rogers love child from Louisiana had a chance.

  28. bobbo says:

    Every war 12,000 miles away involves talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Even a teleprompter can’t hide that fact.

  29. bobbo says:

    #31 was a response to Obama’s Afghan speech. How did it get here?

    Here should be: There is no religious test for office but does that mean that being retarded should not be a disqualification? Time to amend that pesky piece of paper. Our Theist forefathers had no time for retards who needed other people to pray with before deciding what to have for breakfast.

  30. soundwash says:

    god needs a party??



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