Aides to former Republican presidential nominee John McCain questioned running mate Sarah Palin’s ongoing second-guessing of the McCain campaign.

The McCain aides were responding to a report on CNN that the governor got a laugh when she told a GOP audience in Alaska she had declined to pray with McCain staffers prior to her debate with Joe Biden, who was elected vice president in November.

Describing the pre-debate atmosphere, Palin told the crowd last Friday, she was “looking for somebody to pray with, I just need maybe a little help, maybe a little extra.”

“The people that she has, either working at her (political action committee) or advisers in Alaska, aren’t exactly making the best decisions for her,” the staffer said.

Should not-so-Christian Republicans get prepared to follow sacred writ?

  1. Dallas says:

    Wow, I just saw this video to kill time.

    This country was THIS -><- close to that moron Palin in leadership position.

    The question is, did we avert a disaster by chance? Or, was this truly divine intervention.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    Wow, some of you must be wetting yourselves with joy. A post featuring Republicans, Sara Palin and Religion.

    Let’s see who posted the story? Oh yea, I could have guessed…

  3. bobbo says:

    #36–Alfie==if God isn’t directly intervening in the market isn’t he irrelevant and its up to us?

    Do you use the bible as guidance for your stock investments?


    God told me to invest in the stocks that went up, but it was the devil who told me to buy the stocks that went down. “Somehow, I couldn’t tell the difference!”

    Religious wing nuts. woot, woot!!!!

  4. Dallas says:

    #37. Bigboy? Ok, whatever. Anyway, putting this type of blog for public debate here is a public service. The whole point of dvorak blogs is to expose the absurd, the hypocrisy, the foolishness.

    It’s all the more rediculous knowing it’s mostly real and that people actually subscribe to this stuff. I enjoy adding sarcasm and making fun of the dingbats that actually defend this stuff. It’s comic relief.

  5. Flip Wilson says:

    Palin is proof that God is dead. QED.

  6. soundwash says:

    #41Alfred1 said,

    “You’ll learn how relevant God is…as you are thrust down headlong into a fiery hell”

    hey..someone remind bobbo to bring marshmallows
    (and a vacuum cleaner?)

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    It is impossible you hear voices in your mind…sound doesn’t carry in a vacuum.

    Say what? That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Sound does travel in a vacuum and technology rested on that fact for a few of decades.

    “squawk, Houston, we can’t hear you, there is a vacuum outside the space capsule, squawk”

    If you were trying to be witty, you failed miserably. You did, however, demonstrate once again how childish you are.

    BTW, when are you going to post that evidence that Obama sold drugs?

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, soundwash,

    hey..someone remind bobbo to bring marshmallows
    (and a vacuum cleaner?)

    Now that’s funny.


  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    Book 1, Chapter 1

    And the Lord said “Let there be light”

    And you could see for fucking miles in every god damn direction. You could even see that cocksucker hooking up a fucking tow truck to your stupid illegally parked car.

    Then the Lord said, “Let there be rain”. And it pissed like hell all fucking day. Backed up the motherfucking sewers too. Talk about shitty weather.

    Then the Lord said unto Moses, “Come forth”. And the fucking guy came in second. Blew the trifecta. Whoa!!! Was God ever pissed about that! Geeze, he had a bundle wagered too on that chariot race. So he kicked the fucking asshole out of Egypt.

    And to this day it has been our tradition not to trust fucking A-Rabs. Especially if they walk like an Egyption.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Palin told the crowd last Friday, she was “looking for somebody to pray with, I just need maybe a little help, maybe a little extra.”

    Where are all the Liebertarians with their “Personal Responsibility” rants?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze, I haven’t heard such taunts since I was in grade school. It must have taken you a long time to come up with such original material.

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    If Palin needs other people to pray with her, she’s not ready. She needs to work to strengthen her incantations so she doesn’t need any support group.

  13. bobbo says:

    #53–Alfie==hah, hah. Yes, a legend in your own mind.

    Actually, I lost a challenge to you a few weeks ago and I don’t think I confirmed that I did read the bible passage you identified. It was one of the more famous ones, feeding the multitude from a single loaf of bread and other issues. Struck me as just a fairy tale, not a parable or morality tale, or anything of worth that is instructive/useful about life. Just a fairy tale. Seems like your quote from proverbs would have been more useful and instructive?

    One reason you get quickly taunted is that your arguments are not seen as reasonable, therefore reasonable discourse really is as proverbs says.

    This shows that certain groups of people really don’t have much of a shot at resolving their differences because “discussion” has its limits and applicability. Makes me think of the Arabs and Jews. The groups won’t resolve their viewpoints until forced to by some outside group or they get tired of killing each other and learn to leave each other alone–hard to do when they want to occupy the same space==be it desert or blog.

  14. bobbo says:

    #55–Alfred==I take your point, but there is no logic to religion, only belief and repetition in illogical dogma. (No “facts” either.)

    Can there be truth in illogical dogma? I used to say it was impossible, but I have mellowed and simply say: “I’ve never seen an example of it.” The mathematical proofs are beyond my understanding.

  15. bobbo says:

    #59–Alfred==you are not being logical.

    Was it logic or the Holy Spirit that lead you to christ?

    Evolution is a fact. Logic might take you to some other theory than Darwinism to explain it but it wouldn’t take you to any particular faith. Why one of the many forms of Christianity over all the other similarly anti-factual religions?

    You are right only when you say its all subjective==meaning your own emotions.

    BTW–thanks for explaining your choice of bible passages. It means so much more to those who have it explained, because to anti-theists like me, the words alone are a fairytale without meaning. Dogma is like that.

    Parable: a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. /// Well ok but how good a parable can it be if a non-believer gets nothing from it? Not very “teaching” in its effect. But like evolution, it does take some initial study before acceptance/rejection is competently approached.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    You must be born again, as Christ said:

    First, your grammar sucks. depending upon whom you refer, it will be either “the Christ”, “Jesus Christ”, or “Christ (last name)”. Christ is a title.

    Second, if you care to believe in some fairy tales, that is your problem. It is indicative of your mindset though.

    There are no contemporary record confirming there ever was a person named Jesus, named as the Christ. Over the years there has grown more and more evidence refuting the existence of a “god” as defined in the Bible.

    Third, your need to quote scripture as if it carries any weight is another of your follies. Although it might sooth the savage beast within yourself, outside it only shows you can’t make an argument on your own.

    Taunts, ad hominem, is the debate tactic of the logically challenged…its what people do who do not know how to prove their points…

    Rather than discuss the reasons why they are right, they divert attention from the issue to something else…

    Ya right. I’m still waiting for that evidence about Obama. Remember? The ad hominem attack you threw in accusing Obama of selling drugs when the subject was Bill O’Reilly’s obscene audio book? I’ve asked repeatedly and you seem to want to go everywhere else with your rants instead of answering a direct question.

    You misunderstand why I prefer reasoned argument…

    The only reasoned argument you have ever made is , … uuhhh, hang on, mmm, … gee, I guess you haven’t. Your arguments all seem to focus on two things, Obama is the devil incarnate and you have to believe in YOUR brand of Jesus.

    Or, my “opponent” present facts or a perspective I was blind to…and that forces me to reconsider a position.

    So many times you have been shown irrefutable proof and still you deny it. They offer links to scientific journals, professional journalists reports, video evidence, and still you deny it. You invent lies and refuse to admit defeat when shown how wrong you are.

    And you think we are the fools.

  17. bobbo says:

    #62–Alfred==thanks – – but – – its been awhile since I have talked to a born again bible quoter. Very disconcerting.

    Its very much like trying to discuss whether or not we should increase troop levels in Afghanistan and the response is constant singing of different verses of the Star Spangled Banner. Know what I mean?

    Ok, I’m back to Alfie now. Fusion==chill.

  18. rr says:

    “In critical thought, any theory that isn’t falsifiable cannot be true, evolution is not falsifiable…”

    An untrue statement. There are several ways to falsify the theory of evolution:
    1. Find any modern cat or any modern mammal skeleton among Pre-Cambrian fossils.
    2. Find the entire fossil record laid down in one geological strata dated to 7,000 years ago.
    3. Find that humans and chimps share no endogenous retroviruses.
    4. Find a human fossil skeleton with signs of dinosaur predation.

    “Theory is not fact, you contradict yourself in your next statement: Evolution is a fact.”

    Evolution is a fact. The fact that species change, that’s why you’re not a clone of your mother. The theory of evolution is what causes the change in species. That is supported by a mountain of evidence that only the willfully ignorant avoid coming to grips with.

    “Common sense tells us a building has a builder, and a building left to itself doesn’t evolve into the Empire State Building…it breaks down into its simplest elements.”
    This is simply question begging and an infinite regress. Who made the builder?

    The reality is that you know literally nothing about what you are talking about.

    Christianity isn’t an excuse for ignorance.

  19. rr says:

    Alfred1 said, on March 27th, 2009 at 2:43 pm

    “I get some satisfaction knowing a majority of you will pay for your blasphemy…”

    You must be a member of the Church of the Holy Schadenfreude. I can only imagine what your circles are about. ROFLMAO


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