
WASHINGTON – A senior official in the Obama administration doused hopes today that the Canadian border will be treated differently than the beefed-up Mexican boundary where drug violence is escalating and countless illegal immigrants flood into the United States every day.

“One of the things that we need to be sensitive to is the very real feelings among southern border states and in Mexico that if things are being done on the Mexican border, they should also be done on the Canadian border,” Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, told a Canada-U.S. border conference. “We shouldn’t go light on one and heavy on the other,” she said of the Canadian and Mexican borders.

“This is one NAFTA, one area, one continent, and there should be parity there. I don’t mention this to suggest that everyone in this room will agree with that, I mention it to suggest it’s something I have to deal with, and so I ask for your sympathy.” Her comments came after she testified at U.S. Senate hearings into growing drug violence at the U.S.-Mexican border that’s prompted President Barack Obama to redeploy more than 500 federal agents to border posts and the Mexican interior. He’s also redirected US$200 million to combat smuggling of illegal drugs, money and weapons.

The United States is concerned that drug wars that killed 6,000 people in Mexico last year will spill across the border. Mexico says that American guns are fueling the violence. Napolitano told the hearing it would probably take weeks to complete a contingency plan for sending U.S. National Guard troops to border areas. She later had a sobering message for Canadians hopeful that, under Obama, there would be freer movement of goods and people across a Canada-U.S. border that looks almost Utopian compared to the chaos at the American-Mexican boundary: it’s a real border and things aren’t easing up anytime soon.

“There is a lot of concern on both sides of the border … are we really ready?” she acknowledged.

Let me get this straight, this is being done to spare Mexico’s feelings? This makes absolutely no logical sense to me… I have to assume this is about increasing the size and budget of law enforcement, our only growth sector. Another stupid Obama appointee.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Static416 says:

    Haha great idea! Except in this case it’s intended to prevent Americans from fleeing north.

  2. Thinker says:

    Here we go! In ten years, will we even recognize this country?????

  3. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Is that a guy dressed up as a woman? Fugly…

  4. jbenson2 says:

    The new Obama movie:
    “Political Correctness Gone Wild”

    p.s. That’s a perfect header-banner for Napolitano and her boss.
    “I’m with stupid”

  5. Stinker says:

    Sounds to me like a woman who wan’t everyone to ‘play fair’ to me. (though if a guy said the same thing it would still sound as stupid)

  6. MikeN says:

    IF they want to spare MExico’s feelings, perhaps they shouldn’t be sending agents to the interior of Mexico.

  7. zeph says:

    Huh. Does Janet still have a job? Amazing.

    S’pose she’s only off by 180 degrees. We need to treat the Mexican border the same way as the Canadian border.

  8. jbellies says:

    They took the “Free” out of NAFTA a long time ago, that’s a dead horse long killed. I’m not sure if there was “Free” even in the beginning.

    To build the 3,000-mile long fence to keep out the dozens who every year escape boring old Canada, will be an engineering task so huge that … they’ll have to bring in foreign workers–and contractors!

    Hidden bonus: if you build it right, it could double as a snow fence.

  9. denacron says:

    I get it now! Change….. yes we can!

    I live 30 miles South of Canada. Most of my life I have lived no more than a two hour drive from our neighbor. I don’t like the direction our country is headed with border relations.

    There are a good number of Border Patrol with seniority who want better living conditions, so they choose to be moved to this border. Maybe someone is trying to justify them remaining employed on such a peaceful border?

  10. mrmigu says:

    Perhaps next time I go south of the border perhaps i should claim that im trying to find a job shoveling snow where i can get paid under the table…..

  11. Paddy-O says:

    Napolitano is an idiot. She just wants the Northern border strengthened to prevent Americans from fleeing Obama & his insane policies.

  12. Mikey Twit says:

    We hosers are way more destructive to your country than them gringos, eh?

  13. comhcinc says:

    i have seen a couple of shows on tv recently that show all the pot that is being grown up in canada.

    when i was a younger man i had a friend that was a pretty big time X dealer. i know all his stuff came from canada.(or at least through canada)

    so yeah if we are going to continue with this silly “drug war” we got going on i can see the need for stronger broader control measures on the northern border.

  14. B.Dog says:

    Didn’t she play “The Bitch of Buchenwald” on that one TV show?

  15. qsabe says:

    Senseless statements like this do a lot of harm. Obama needs people with experiance beyond the southern border. Ifen youse aint a Cowboy, youse aint shit attitude doesn’t play away from the western redneck cowboys.

  16. Dave W says:

    Jeez. At least the Canadians make you stop and ask you if you have any ATF related items. Going into Mexico, you barely even slow down.

    Oh, they’re taking about coming IN to the US. Never mind.

  17. ArianeB says:

    I like Janet Napoitano, but this is a bit too PC for me.

    The truth of the matter is, Mexico is quickly becoming a failed state. It depends on oil revenue to operate, and current contracts (with guaranteed $70 a barrel) run out at the end of the year. Gangs practically run the border towns now.

    I would not be surprised if we had to send troops in before Obama’s first term is over. That won’t happen on the Canadian side.

  18. JimR says:

    I see that 90% of you have it right. I like the Canadian jokes too, eh.

    Oh, and comhcinc (#15)… I’d call you gullible, but as it turns out, ‘gullible’ has no meaning. Apparently, it can’t be found in the dictionary.

    I live in Canada and have never seen a growing living cannabis plant. Regardless, you are lumping cocaine and guns into the same category as cannabis, a plant that does nothing more than give you a mild buzz… much less than the effects of alcohol.

  19. brm says:

    I used to live near the Canadian border, and now I live in Arizona. She’s nuts.

  20. Steve Canuck says:

    It’s going to be a real pain putting that big fence up over the Great Lakes (that’s shared between Canada and the US).

    It might be difficult to do in North Dakota also, as for one month each year that turns into Lake Winnipeg South and you can boat across it.

    Oh well, at least you aren’t hurting the Mexican drug lords feelings.

  21. married to a canadian says:

    This won’t fly when she finally realizes that her boss has relatives up there.

  22. bobbo says:

    What we “should” do is tell Mexico that they will be treated like Canada when they look like Canada.

    What Mexico will think: we need to develop a (relatively) non corrupt police/military/governmental system.

    What we actually mean: when the snow stays on the ground 6 months of the year.

  23. Special Ed says:

    Pull my finger!

    /Thought we might be captioning that picture.

  24. comhcinc says:

    @#20 yes i am lumping pot in with cocaine and guns because they are all things that are brought into the united states illegally. there is a lot of money to be made in all three and a lot of violence surrounding all of them.

    who cares what kind of high it is that isn’t the point.

    btw i live in alabama and i have never seen a KKK rally, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

  25. JimR says:

    re:#26:“@#20 yes i am lumping pot in with cocaine and guns because they are all things that are brought into the united states illegally. there is a lot of money to be made in all three and a lot of violence surrounding all of them.”… etc

    1, you are wrong about where the pot is coming from
    2, show me one statistic where “a lot of violence” is attributable to MJ
    3, I didn’t say that most of the KKK rallies in North America are in Alabama either. If i had claimed that i would be surprised that you never saw one.

  26. mrmigu says:

    guns are being EXPORTED from the us to places like mexico and canada, and are responsible for a lot of the violence South and North of your borders.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #28 Guns are responsible for violence? Really? Explain.

  28. comhcinc says:


    1 the pot? the pot? are you saying that there is only one source for pot? really? but like i said, like you i am basing my argument on a little first hand knowledge and a couple of tv shows including http://www.monstersandcritics.com/smallscreen/reviews/article_1446200.php/Nat_Geos_Explorer_Marijuana_Nation_tonight_Dec._2

    read the article (and catch the show if you can) it talks a good bit about canada

    2 i am talking about drug trafficking. are you saying that you don’t believe that violence doesn’t surround drug trafficking.

    3 no you did not. you claimed that you have never seen a living pot plant and then tried to use that logic to contradict my statement that i have seen a lot of shows recently talking about all the pot that is in canada. i then attempted to show you that your logic was flawed by applying it to my part of the world.

    JimR do you smoke pot? ( not really important i just want to know) Are you high now? ( this could be important)

    I also brought up the fact that my friends use to get a lot of X from canada. you have not argued that point so i guess you must agree.

    I agree. the gun thing was JimR and i was just responding to it.

    my point has been along that while the reason for this might be silly, that a lot of things slip through the northern border and maybe it isn’t such a bad idea do guard it more closely.

  29. dg says:

    No problem. Let the USA spend billions on a huge fence with concrete and barbed wire across the thousands of miles of Canada/US border. Then we can mount guns on our side of the border and keep all the damned American wetbacks out!

    After all, you’ll all be poor because of the economic meltdown, short of oil and gas, and too hot because of global warming. Nice and cool up here, and we’ve got lots of oil!

    Sounds like a really good plan! Thanks USA!!!

  30. Gasbag says:

    I thank God that I don’t live in the USA after reading this


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