
WASHINGTON – A senior official in the Obama administration doused hopes today that the Canadian border will be treated differently than the beefed-up Mexican boundary where drug violence is escalating and countless illegal immigrants flood into the United States every day.

“One of the things that we need to be sensitive to is the very real feelings among southern border states and in Mexico that if things are being done on the Mexican border, they should also be done on the Canadian border,” Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security, told a Canada-U.S. border conference. “We shouldn’t go light on one and heavy on the other,” she said of the Canadian and Mexican borders.

“This is one NAFTA, one area, one continent, and there should be parity there. I don’t mention this to suggest that everyone in this room will agree with that, I mention it to suggest it’s something I have to deal with, and so I ask for your sympathy.” Her comments came after she testified at U.S. Senate hearings into growing drug violence at the U.S.-Mexican border that’s prompted President Barack Obama to redeploy more than 500 federal agents to border posts and the Mexican interior. He’s also redirected US$200 million to combat smuggling of illegal drugs, money and weapons.

The United States is concerned that drug wars that killed 6,000 people in Mexico last year will spill across the border. Mexico says that American guns are fueling the violence. Napolitano told the hearing it would probably take weeks to complete a contingency plan for sending U.S. National Guard troops to border areas. She later had a sobering message for Canadians hopeful that, under Obama, there would be freer movement of goods and people across a Canada-U.S. border that looks almost Utopian compared to the chaos at the American-Mexican boundary: it’s a real border and things aren’t easing up anytime soon.

“There is a lot of concern on both sides of the border … are we really ready?” she acknowledged.

Let me get this straight, this is being done to spare Mexico’s feelings? This makes absolutely no logical sense to me… I have to assume this is about increasing the size and budget of law enforcement, our only growth sector. Another stupid Obama appointee.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    There sure are a lot of knuckle draggers showing up here lately.

  2. PPCLI says:

    Snowbacks? That’s hilarious! I have to agree with #24. 2 entirely different borders. If you treat them the same way you risk doing some serious damage to the US/Canada trade. Here’s an example. We are a friendly country. We’re probably your best friends, warts and all. If our borders get tighter then it will be more profitable to trade resources and goods to other countries. Oil, natural gas, and raw commodities to name a few resources that would find other markets.

  3. JimR says:

    # 30 comhcinc… read your own link again… geez….

    Cultivation of Marijuana (hemp) stretches back from George Washington’s farm when Pot was the leading cash crop in the United States, to today, with annual profits surpassing $65 billion.”

    “Vancouver, B.C. is ground central for the most robust pot consumption in the Americas.”

    Vancouver Canada has a lot of consumers… no mention of any multibillion dollar industry like you have in the states. One could logically surmise that the USA is exporting some of their 65 billion bonanza to Canada, and if any of it was going the other way it would pale by comparison.

    Ignorance like yours is what is killing America. And no I don’t drink or smoke. But I don’t care if you do as long as you don’t make an ass of yourself in public.

  4. faxon says:


  5. Pinkie says:

    Mr Fusion,
    Go fuck yourself. I am sure you know how.

  6. comhcinc says:


    I would make some claim about willful ignorance on your part is what is killing canada but i am really not here to get in to some silly pissing match with you.

    you still are just proving my argument. if drugs are passing that easy over the border and we are going to continue the “drug war”, then we need to treat the northern border more like the southern border.

    you are trying very hard to change the argument but that is it. i never said pot isn’t grown in america. i never said all pot comes from canada. i said some pot (and X which you have still chosen to ignore) comes from canada. i linked to a site that takes about pot in canada.

    you are either just a normal ol’ troll or you are arguing in some misguided attempt at patriotism. either way you are just starting to look silly and i am done.

  7. Paul says:

    #20: Gullible is in my dictionary: I double-click the word, right-click and select “Look Up in Dictionary”. It explained it thusly:


    easily persuaded to believe something; credulous : an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money.

  8. JimR says:

    Paul… it was a joke. Think about it. 🙂

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Jim,

    Any reference that starts our “Well George Washington grew pot, …” has just dismissed itself from reality. Up until at least 1850 it was most common that farmers grew everything they needed. As most large plantations exported their tobacco and cotton in bales, they would grow HEMP for the fiber to wrap and tie the bales.

    Hemp is closely related but NOT the same as marijuana grown for smoking. Hemp was replaced by manila fiber later on as that was cheaper and stronger.

    But I am sympathetic to your point.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Pinkie Undies,

    Go fuck yourself. I am sure you know how.

    I assume you wanted to prove my point about the number of knuckle draggers showing up here.

  11. JimR says:

    #42… Thanks Mr Fusion… a history lesson is always welcome.


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