“Open for Questions” is a new experiment for WhiteHouse.gov, the President’s latest effort to open up the White House and give Americans from around the country a direct line to the Administration.

This first round will deal with a chief concern for all of us: the economy. We’ve created a few categories to better organize the questions, and encourage you to search for a specific question before you submit your own in case it already exists.

This experiment is about encouraging transparency and accountability, so ask the President exactly what it is you want to know – but let others do the same. It is a community-moderated system, but remember that even though you may not like the viewpoint behind someone’s question, everyone has a right to their opinion. Also remember that Americans of all ages will be participating in this event, so be thoughtful about the words you choose. Participants are asked to follow some basic guidelines for submitting their own questions and flagging other questions as inappropriate.

Leave your opinion on how it went.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 Alfred1 said, “Letting people keep more of their money is NOT giving them anything.”

    For communist the gov’t owns everything. It is an easy way to tell who is really a communist.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    #36 Paddy-O-Troll

    Communist means the PEOPLE own everything. If the people are the government, then the government would own everything.

    Of course we wouldn’t want the people governing themselves, would we? How would the elite maintain their power base?

  3. JimR says:

    “If I make $100k doing my job and I own 20% of the company, which makes $1M then the 20% i.e. $200k is put on my taxes even though I don’t see that money because it is used to try and help the company grow. So my tax return shows a total of 250k”

    Ok, one last post because it seems I’m dealing with someone who has their bass ackwards.
    First, you CHOSE to take the money as dividends, and you CHOSE to reinvest in your company. You could have reinvested anywhere you like. You made $250 K in the example above so that your corporation didn’t have to pay any tax at all. That was a strategic decision to supposedly avoid taxes.

    It was a dumb move, and you had a more sensible choice… let the corp pay taxes at 34% or less instead of taking the money as dividends and paying over 39% personally. Either you are an incredibly stupid business man, or you really don’t know what you are talking about.

    And Alfred1, “Letting people keep more of their money is NOT giving them anything.”
    …So you’re the guy who chips in a dollar to pay for the $100 dollar meal 5 friends enjoyed.

  4. MadMike says:

    Why does Obama and his press sec think questions on marijuana legalization are a big joke?

    I don’t.

    Many people don’t.

  5. MikeN says:

    Better than his last town hall.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    What always gets me about these “Town Halls” is two things. You have to know that they’re as rigged as the election debates. The questions are all pre-screened, and chosen for what’s willing to be answer to. And second, the answers are almost always spun to be a complete reinterpretation of the original question. IOWs, they don’t get what was asked! And it can’t be accidental. But if they can’t dictate the question’s wordage, entirely. Then they do the next best thing, by spinning its interpretation off in the direction they want.

    I have to believe there’s this college course about how to do this, for debates. Cause it’s seems that most educated politicians are the best at it. But it’s just been kept a kind of dirty little secret from the general public, that these guys learn how to “twist your words” around in college, if they aspire to be lawyers or statesmen (or their speech writers).

    And don’t you also love how the press just falls into step, with whatever is said? And usually never questions the answers. All that political sophistry is just too sacred cow to criticize.

  7. MikeN says:

    Bob, you have $100k. Stop whining and spread the wealth around.

  8. Canada says:

    My father used to tell me “if ten people jump off a bridge into the river and you do not swim, do you jump as well ?”
    What a case of logic
    Its true that Canada is on the other side of the border , and that drugs are grown in British Columbia and make their way into the US market.
    However I do not see hordes of gangs controlling Canada in a most corrupt manner , nor hordes of Canadians sneaking into the US in a most flagrant means.
    In addition I do not see any Canadians longing for certain areas of the US to given back to Canada nor of Quebec French being the dominant language in any areas of the states nor of Canadian English TV stations
    Get off of it
    On top of that it all goes back to Sept 11 and being attacked by outsiders – very clearly and deliberately. And they were not even Mexican either come to think about it
    Our enemies must be laughing at our political correctness.


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