![]() Henry Ford’s Contribution to Global Warming |
California to reduce carbon emissions by banning black cars? — It’s harder to make black cars ever look clean too. My superstitious mother used to think black cars were evil, apparently the Air Resources Board agrees!
In yet another case of Regulators Gone Wild, California legislation may soon restrict the color options for your next car. The specific colors that are currently on the chopping block are all dark hues, with the worst offender seemingly the most innocuous color you could think of: black. What resentment could California possibly harbor against black cars, you ask? Apparently, the Air Resources Board figures that the climate control systems of dark colored cars need to work harder than their lighter siblings, especially after sitting in the sun for a few hours. Anyone living in a hot, sunny climate will tell you that this assumption is accurate. Similar legislation already exists for buildings and has proven successful at reducing the energy consumption of skyscrapers.
So, what’s the problem? Paint suppliers have reportedly been testing their pigments and processes to see if it’s possible to meet CARB’s proposed mandate of 20 percent solar reflectivity by 2016 with a phase-in period starting in 2012, and it’s not looking good. Apparently, when the proper pigments and chemicals are added to black paint, the resulting color is currently being referred to as “mud-puddle brown.” That doesn’t sound very attractive, now does it? Windshields, backlights and sunroofs are also slated to get reflective coatings starting in 2012.
Found by Guilherme Cherman.
While this idea is rather hairball, I’m liking the overzealous efforts to cut down on energy use!
Go California!
How about a better idea… do what Toyota is doing and add solar cells to the roof to keep the car cool while in the sun.
More of your liberties are dying at the hands of global warming alarmists. Total unadulterated bunk.
Today, they want to determine what color car you can drive. Tomorrow, the want to determine what you can drive and where. The day after that, they will ban automobiles altogether (except, of course, for the elite politicians).
The pigs are in charge of this Animal Farm. Of course, the pigs will still have their black limousines with black suburban security details. Meanwhile, you will be carted around in white cattle trailers. Some animals are more equal than others.
Let the Air Resources Board design the whole car. They must be truly excellant engineers and designers.
And then tie their budget to the sales success (or failure) of the automobile.
#3 typical republican. No problem with government surveillance, torture, the taking away of free speech, freedom of assembly and regulating your dick. However, don’t fuck around with my car!
What a bunch of f**king morons!
Not to mention that this is clearly racist – Morris Dees, take note!
We are all doomed – our country is being run by ignorant 13 year-olds who substitute myth and belief for knowledge and science.
This crap and the catastrophic “FDR” bailout plans of Obama, cases in point.
Time to stock up on Beer, Cheetos and Spam, and porno vids.
#6 – Dallas,
Perfectly said for the slam dunk!
BTW, I just have to ask … what kind of moran actually wants a black car in a hot climate anyway?
I agree Ron in post #2 about the solar panels on the prius. Unfortunately, they are not putting enough of them to also charge the battery.
One real problem with this legislation is that solar panels are typically black. I hope they’re planning to leave a loophole for solar panels.
Other than that, c’mon folks. We’re talking about measures that have no effect on your lifestyle. What exactly would you be willing to do to solve the problem? Would you cut your hot shower from 45 minutes to only 40?
Get a grip!
(just look up!)
The cars of today are marvels of ingenuity… like a 17 jewel swiss watch.
How many of you are still wearing wind-up watches?
Dallas, I think you are projecting your hatred onto me based on your prejudices and hatred of Republicans. I am a conservative libertarian, not a Republican. I agree with none of the things that you have used your broad brush to paint me with (well, except maybe that I don’t have a problem with waterboarding terrorist scumbags that want to kill thousands of Americans). And “regulating your dick”??? Um, WTF are you talking about? I have zero interest in anyone’s dick. Do you?
Instead, it is easier for you to paint me as a Bush/Republican lackey instead of arguing the actual topic. I did not vote for Bush and I resent your implication.
As for the automobile, it is the standard expression of American’s freedom and individuality. It may not be a great standard but, hey, it is whether you like it or not. I can tell you volumes about a person based on what vehicle they choose to drive.
Any regulation on the ownership of use of automobiles in the United States is a defacto reduction in our freedom. The automobile impacts our lives more than any other single consumer item, EVER.
And politicians have the automobile in their crosshairs. If you hate automobiles then you hate freedom as we know it in modern society. You hate personal choice. You hate individuality. You hate mobility and you hate freedom to travel.
No other consumer item in the history of time has ever expanded personal freedom more than the automobile. Removal of the automobile by elitist politicians will turn us all back into serfs.
# 11 Mark T. said, “Removal of the automobile by elitist politicians will turn us all back into serfs.”
That’s what communists want. Gov elite & serfs. The 2 classes.
Dallas, BTW, I was using George Orwell in my original post. And you accused me of being FOR government surveillance?!?
Read a book. Make that two, namely 1984 and Animal Farm.
@#6, 8: It is completely fine if it is personal choice to help energy consumption by picking non-black car. It is no different than any other Governmental usurpation of power to control our daily lives for Government to pick colors of the cars. It is not only black cars in California. It is no this, no that,… in a never ending cycle. Under a pretense of being green while actually attempting to social-engineer our private lives. What is difference is between banning black car or homosexual sex? None. Both are meddling up with personal choices. Just if you are on board with Green Fascists you fail to see that they are no better than the other kind that would prosecute you if they had any chance.
“Would you cut your hot shower from 45 minutes to only 40?” – only by my own choice. If Government attempted to install shower-length-meter in my bathroom I’d be equally outraged as if they wanted to install camera in my bedroom.
Paddy-O, agreed. Salut!
This is what happens with one party rule. The extremist nuts are in charge. Same goes for the federal government except most are too blind to see that.
Auto manufacturers need to just start limiting the types of cars made to California standards, and only let the citizens of that state choose from those few models. Let them get a taste of the road the government is taking them down.
Now the pendulum is going to swing hard back into the other extreme from where the republicans took it.
Swinging from an extreme inactive or laser fair economics approach (Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which allowed financial derivatives to be traded without any oversight or regulation) through the middle “checks and balances” approach (traditional industrial economy was a Newtonian system of opposing forces, checks and balances) on to a command and control economy and government (all checks, no balance).
That is, the U.S. is going from a republican “no checks and no balance” to democrat “all checks and no balance” system.
Either way the American people will have little to say and will be forced to kowtow to a new government order, where there is an ever dwindling middle class.
I don’t know who to blame, republicans, wall street, business greed or the dumb average American who doesn’t bother to question things?
“By mid-afternoon the black car had heated up to a temperature of 135 °F while the white car topped off at 126 °F, almost 10 degrees cooler.”
But assuming a car colored half way between black & white (ie. grey) would be accepted by the Paint Police. And that car might be 5 degrees cooler than a black car… Couldn’t that 5 degrees be quickly erased by merely opening the windows for a moment (as car instructions tell you to do)? Instead of banning half the paint colors?
If by slam dunk, you mean an utter air ball, then sure. It is the height of absurdity when the government is involved in the color that consumers choose for their car. Here’s a thought, if black cars in hot climates cost more to operate, let the consumer bear that cost. What a novel idea!
I happen to have a black car in LA…but park in an underground garage at work and my garage at home. I’m “sure” the government will take that into account in their banning of car color. What is next: banning A/C?
If the neoenvirowackos wish to purchase Priuses in fluffy bunny colors, by all means, do so. However, leave the color decisions for the rest of us out of the hands of government. Doesn’t the government have more important problems than the choices of car color?
Black cars look better in the shade
now i feel so dirty in an 80s sort of way
Ok this is a bit silly and will never fly but the news story might get a few people to think about how color effects there cars energy use, my guess is Paddy and friends will just order there Hummers in black from now on and never check there air pressure.
I had a black car once, I used to drive with the windows down to cool the car before turning on the AC. I have a white car now and I do the same thing. So what’s the problem?
Can’t by a clean disel car in california either, bunch of jerks…
So I’m watching the Chuck season 1 DVDs, and there are a bunch of black SUVs and minivans being used by both the good and bad guys. Because nothing is more covert than a jet black spy vehicle, right? But does anyone seriously believe that Hollywood is going to go with the CARB color change?
CARB was the one that bailed on all the Zero Emission Vehicles, back in the 90s. And what have this useless body done since then. Decided what paint color causes less COs emissions. First off, they’re totally wrong. It’s the interior colors that heat up the cars. But white tends to get dingy pretty quick. And people just don’t like sitting inside a white or cream upholstered car. Cause it a little like being in a pimp mobile, or something. It’s just wrong. So medium and darker colors are used to cover up the stains from food and dirt. But it heats up the interiors on a sunny day, like an oven. So painting the roof and doors a lighter color is going to do squat, to lessen this problem. But as usual, the automaker probably told CARB just what changes they’d stand for. And messing with the interior colors, WASN’T one of the options. So new exterior colors will be the new “green” thing, until it’s realized it doesn’t work. Like so many other things these types of boards do.
/soundwash moment -or two..
lol….the fruits and nuts of CA are at
it again. can’t wait to see how they
quantify the data to support the ban.
so what about the people who live up
above the snow line? maybe they like
having a toasty black car to wake up
to in the morning?
why bother with just black.. just
cut to the chase and mandate every car
be silvered and polished to a mirror
-with luck, enough light will be
reflected back to space so as to
cause CA to go into a deep freeze.
then we can put these yucklviches
in an ice museum exhibit titled:
“what happens when extremism runs amok”
-absurdity begets absurdity..
next: so are the Co2 crews going to
credit us Deniers the GHG emissions
from this months 5 Volcano’s that are
spewing horrible, earth warmy stuff?
i refuse to pay CarbonTaxes if these
selfish volcanoes are allowed to
vent their noxious brew with unbridled
abandon without being “fairly” taxed
as well. it better be retroactive to
10million BC at least..
absurd? i bet if they could, they *would*
all kidding aside
-for all us Deniers
-a little grail of well credited
i found an article on NationalPost
-“The Deniers”
“The National Post’s sensational series on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science”
i’ve gone through about 40% of it so far and
it looks solid, -comparing to my own research
using available studies and satellite data
on the net.. give it a read. it may augment
what you already know or give more insight
(or not) -either way.
Co2 people, well, we’ve *all* seen your data..
..dare to compare?
Mark T. said, on March 26th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
The pigs are in charge of this Animal Farm. Of course, the pigs will still have their black limousines with black suburban security details. Meanwhile, you will be carted around in white cattle trailers. Some animals are more equal than others.
It’s long past time for the slaughter to start… VERY LONG past.
Actually, the most efficient color for absorbing sunlight was determined to be Elm Green, not Black. That’s why so many trees use it. When did you ever see a tree with black leaves (not counting burnt up ones)? The sun’s rays aren’t 100% white light. Its spectrum is best absorbed by the few colors found in plant chlorophyll. After all, nature rarely wastes a thing, it doesn’t need. It’s just assumed that painting something black, will absorb sunlight completely. But it can’t absorb what isn’t there. And solar panels might just as well be painted medium green, to capture what the sun gives off. Or whatever mix of colors is best determined to covert the majority of its light frequencies into heat. I can’t believe that’s simply Black. But it’s been the default choice of solar designers for years. So why buck old wisdom, right?
But the thing is, eliminating black as a car color, will probably reduce the vehicle heating problem by a tiny percentage. They’ll still be absorbing sunlight unless they’re a painted a diffuse silver or white. And I’ve touched really HOT chrome bumpers in my time. So there are no bets on that color either. Why don’t they just insult the car interiors from the exterior surfaces? And use something that doesn’t give off suffocating chemical odors, or turn into napalm when the car is on fire.
And, of course, what might work for CA., doesn’t always work for the other 47 states. I think the rest of us would like our cars to heat up a little better, in the winter, to melt off the snow and ice, when its only 25 degrees outside. The same goes for the roads. You could make the asphalt less heat absorbing. But they’d be a bitch in winter to deice.
Screw Al Gore and his CO2 Chicken Little nonsense. It has very little ration thought as to what adopting any of these measures will screw up or cost us. It’s just another Carry Nation political cause. Something invented to build careers on. An excuse to rob our wallets.
Like all those expensive “Stealth” aircraft, that can still be seen by improved radar, and plain old eyeballs. But they took a far simpler (and cheaper) aircraft improvement concept. And turned it into a mega-billion dollar redesign, that gave us slower and more fragile aircraft. That are all destine for the scrap heap, real soon. But hey, careers and fortunes were made off them.
Nice to see California get serious. Eliminating plasma screens as well. Now they should limit computer monitors to 14 inches, and ban wireless routers.
Henry Ford said,” Our customers can have nay color they want as long as it’s black.”
But we all know he was a Jew hating polluter.
Think they’ll change their mind if told CO2 increases aren’t from industry?
First they ban black cars.
Then they ban black people.
It’s the slippery slope. I say “Nay”!
#27, Glenn,
Actually, the most efficient color for absorbing sunlight was determined to be Elm Green, not Black.
Not quite true. You are confusing what a plant does with what physics does. Leaves are green because of the chlorophyll in the cells that convert the sunlight energy into carbohydrates and sugars. In the autumn when the chlorophyll stops, the leaves turn their base color.
Its spectrum is best absorbed by the few colors found in plant chlorophyll. After all, nature rarely wastes a thing, it doesn’t need.
Not true by a long shot. Actually, it is the opposite as most energy in nature is NOT used. As far as I know, there is no natural use for gamma or X rays for example. There very well could be, but I am unaware of it. Higher end Ultra Violet is harmful to plants and animals.
But the thing is, eliminating black as a car color, will probably reduce the vehicle heating problem by a tiny percentage.
Yup. if this saves 0.001% then multiply that by a lot of cars on the road. Add that number to all the other small savings from all the other ideas and pretty soon you have a big number.
If this saves 1/2 gallon of fuel per year, over 100 million cars would be 50 million gallons of fuel annually. Add that to the 5 gallons per year for proper tire inflation. 20 gallons per year for not speeding or making rabbit starts. 25 gallons per year for having proper tune-ups. 1 gallon per year for using the proper engine oil. 5 gallons per years by not idling excessively.
Screw Al Gore and his CO2 Chicken Little nonsense. It has very little ration thought as to what adopting any of these measures will screw up or cost us.
Spoken like a true Liebertarian. Your concept of “personal freedom” is code for I only care about ME. Phuck everybody else.