Har! The Moral Voice of America indeed.
Found by the Warnerian.
By McCullough Wednesday March 25, 2009
Har! The Moral Voice of America indeed.
Found by the Warnerian.
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Erotic, not pornographic-unless you are as F’ed-up as alterboy Oreilly is.
What a talented speller and reader he turned out to be.
How do you go from this cheesy erotica shit to a moral voice for America.
I can’t reconcile this shit.
#3–Ian==the gonads in a young man produce semen and sex hormones. In an old man they produce bile.
About typical for most bestsellers. Even William Buckley had the ‘obligatory sex scene.’ They should hire an ensemble cast for the audio versions, unless this was intended as comedy.
Who said Oreilly was the moral voice of America?
I do love his rant that was caught on camera and I thought it was dirtier than this BS.
#6, Diesel,
Who said Oreilly was the moral voice of America?
O’Reilly does. That is his whole persona.
#7 Mr Fusion
Much as I like some of the things he says I just don’t think I like him as a person and he sure as hell doesn’t speak for me.
he’s just another dumbass in the media…
Good for Mr. O
Bill worships a big god, and with such a big cross wedged up his butt I thought he was incapable of such thoughts. I’m surprised this is about a male female encounter he seems to spend so much time thinking about same gender pairings these days.
Larry Flynn Shakespeare he ain’t.
Where’s the part about the loofa?
Having read the novel, it certainly wouldn’t qualify as pornographic, except in maybe a Mel Gibson sense.
It is about a network reporter who takes revenge and kills all of the network people who wronged him in the past.
I don’t think people quite got it.
He says hey baby put down THAT PIPE and get mine up.
So its DRUGS & SEX.
Now isn’t that dandy?
You can smell the lib panic in the air. LOL
rofl…that’s porno??
-can anyone still doubt that mainstream media is all about fantasy/ratings and nothing to do with reality/substance?
-would love to see o’reilly’s face when commenting on that clip.
lol i heard about this book (and that scene) years ago. al frankin pretty much reproduced it word for word in one of his books.
Next Bill O show:
BO: “Go ahead fair and balanced caller”
Caller: “Hi, Bill. Love your show. Thanks for keeping those hypocrite, lying libs in check.”
BO: “Yeah, yeah, what’s up”
Caller: “Hey, wassup with that porno audio book you did. Did you really want to stick that pipe up that child’s privates? Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
BO: “Cut the fuck’n tape….Go ahead fair and balanced caller”
Sure but did he record/write it before, during, or after being a school teacher. Friggin’ hypocrite. Anybody who takes Oreily seriously deserves to be in a coma. Yeah you can trust the cultural warrior, he’ll save you from the radical left agenda. If you can believe that, you are gullible. Yeah, I know it’s not in the dictionary….
Typical left nutballs, you can’t logically argue against the message, so you scour through every bit of a persons life looking for something to try an destroy them personally. If this is the worst you can find you should go back to rummaging thru Bill’s garbage for some better material.
To Republicans it’s okay because:
a) It’s fantasy so it’s no real proof of an orgams.
b) It’s not gay sex.
“you can’t logically argue against the message, so you scour through every bit of a persons life looking for something to try an destroy them personally”
Straight out of the Karl Rove play book.
#14, Alphie,
Good…now Obama’s past drug associates and customers need to come out…and tell us all about Obama’s words to them…
Its relevant.
Please explain how it is relevant. And please post some source for your accusation Obama sold drugs.
We all realize your extreme fanaticism. We also are aware of how your god told you to forgive and love your fellow man. If it was good enough for Bush and Boss Limpdick to do drugs, it should be just peachy for others to have experimented.
You do remember experimenting. Like when the Youth Pastor gave you that pill that made you dizzy.
Not high class. When did this occur and why should I care? He wasn’t running around with terrorist or something.
#17. “You can smell the lib panic in the air. LOL”
Panic? What the Fuck are you talking about? Your mommy really needs to up your meds son.
#29–Fusion==I don’t see what is written by a struggling author as fiction as a young man as establishing hypocrisy of any sort for positions taken later in life “unless” O’Reilly criticized someone else for the same thing without revealing his own efforts.
In fact, having committed the sin/crime he is in the best position to comment on the harm it causes.
Alfred is becoming quite inane and irrelevant, thats true without hypocrisy no matter what the background of a commenter.
#30, Bobbo,
I don’t see what is written by a struggling author as fiction as a young man as establishing hypocrisy of any sort for positions taken later in life
I agree. But apparently Alphie wants to “invalidate” Obama as a bad President for having experimented with drugs as a teen. Like 90% of Americans have done, including, by his own admission, Alphie. In my opinion, very few people should have their juvenile actions follow them through their whole lives.
BUT, if you later on decide to criticize others for similar actions, be prepared to be called out for it. BTW, this was published around 1998 and O’Reilly wasn’t that struggling a person.
The hypocracy
The Book
Those who Trespass: A Novel of Murder and Television
By Bill O’Reilly
Published by Bancroft Press, 1998
ISBN 0963124684, 9780963124685
288 pages
#31–Fusion==that recently huh? Popular novelist Grisham jokes that he can’t write sex scenes so he doens’t even try.
Bill-O should take the same advice==that passage that is provided is about as lame as I have ever heard.
I’ve played with the notion of writing fiction myself but years ago heard that a good author will not use phrases they have read/hear before. Being about as unoriginal as possible, that guideline keeps me from even trying. Didn’t hold Anne Rice back any at all however.
I’m jut a critic, not an artist.
#30, Bobbo,
Please excuse me. All this talk about O’Reilly has given me an extreme need to shower.