An afternoon shootout at a busy Burger King restaurant in Miami left a potential robber dead and the customer who shot him seriously wounded. The bloody event unfolded about 4 p.m. Tuesday at the restaurant at Northeast 54th Street and Biscayne Boulevard. It was a time, employees said, when it is usually crowded with schoolchildren and people getting out of work early. The robber entered wearing a ski mask. He approached a clerk, showed his gun and demanded money, said Miami police spokesman Jeff Giordano.

A customer eyed him and the two started arguing. The customer had a concealed-weapons permit and his gun — and the two exchanged gunfire. The robber crumpled to the floor and was pronounced dead at the scene. The customer, with several gunshot wounds, was in serious but stable condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center.

Officers divided witnesses into several groups outside the restaurant to gather information about the incident. Employees waiting to start their shift called friends and family members on their cellphones to pass the time because they were not allowed through the police tape. ”I just hope all my people are OK inside,” said Cynthia Thomas, who has worked at the Burger King for five years. “It is scary.”

Around them, drivers on busy Biscayne Boulevard gawked at the scene.

There are times when it would be unwise to get involved. This would probably be one of them.

  1. Jetfire says:

    #23 What I was saying it has nothing to do with how smart the Officer is but more their attitude.

    #27 “If you carry a weapon that won’t put a perp DOWN with one halfway decent shot, I’d say, don’t carry it”
    You really don’t understand CC or the human body. Unless you want to carry a .45, .44 mag or .500 S&W most handguns won’t kill you in one shot. Unless you get lucky and take out the nerve system. A lot of people don’t like the big caliber guns because of the kick. You also don’t want to shot though a person and hit some one else. Most of the time you won’t know you hit a person. You can shot someone in the heart and he can still return fire and kill you.

    That’s way your taught to shot multiple time and make sure he/she is no long a threat.

  2. Jim says:

    #28. “I don’t work on theories, only facts.
    I hope I never again find myself in a shooting situation though. Scary as hell.”

    That’s some fantasy world you got going on in that head of yours lad. Now give me your Mommy’s phone number, we need to have a talk about those meds.

  3. . says:

    I feel for the guy because he got shot too, but he did make a mistake. He should not have engaged the criminal verbally, he should have just drawn is weapon and fired. But, I think he learned that. I don’t know how well trained this guy was, but it’s good that he killed the perp. I also conceal carry, usually a 9mm. Will it kill someone in one shot? it can, but probably won’t. That’s why you shoot twice to center mass and transition to the head. If it’s there, you shoot.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Jetfire,

    I don’t care where you live, if there is a homicide, a small county force will call in the State Police to help. Every State in the union will assist local forces whenever they can. Most will also assist in the prosecution and defense if necessary.

    Diesel is quite correct.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, and Real Leading Troll Extraordinare,

    What can be said that Diesel and Bobbo haven’t already said? Or others have said before. You are a stoopid poser. No Law Enforcement Officer would ever suggest you try to cover up a homicide, or any crime for that matter.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    To all the nimrods who think the good guy should just have shot first.


    This happened in a busy Burger King with several other customers and staff present. There is a busy street with cars and pedestrians outside. Shooting first means someone innocent could get hurt, either by a miss or the bullet going through the robber’s body. In the shoot out, more innocent people could have been shot.

    The recommended course of action is to give the perpetrator the money and allow him on his way. No life is worth the couple of hundred bucks he would have gotten. Even the police are trained not to shoot when civilians are present.

    Yes, if someone else did get shot, the good guy could conceivably be sued for starting the shoot out. It would be negligence on the good guy’s part.

  7. brm says:

    #35 Fusion:

    Why do you use “retired mall rent-a-cop” as an insult?

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    #36, Fusion.

    Exactly right.

    It’s disturbing that so many are so willing to so easily kill. It’s serious business, not a video game where the dead come back for round two.

    It seems that most here do not realize that this customer is going to be legally tied up for quite a while, and if the powers that be think he acted rashly, this good samaritan going to see lengthy prison time.

    The only way this guy is going to avoid becoming Bubba’s love slave is by having others testify beyond a reasonable doubt that it was kill or be killed.

    Lacking that, he may well end up wishing he was dead.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and bobbo.

    Maybe if people get tired of the current black president, they might vote for the OTHER black candidate?


  10. Ah_Yea says:

    (Referring to Alan Keyes..)

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    Geez, I’m shocked that Mr Fusion agreed with something I said, to hell with the shooting….

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, brm,

    Cow Patty has claimed multiple previous occupations and incidents as qualifying his expert position. As I recall, that was added to his handle when he used his experience as an armed Mall Security Guard to back up a gun issue.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, Ah Yea,

    Careful, you’re scaring the Republicans.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Mr. Diesel,

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    I probably agree with you more than you give me credit for.

    I respect your opinion for the simple reason you explain yourself. You don’t usually make rash attacks. If you noticed on another thread recently, it was the unsupported attack on the expected future actions by the President that you sold your home.

  15. Mr Diesel says:


    Oh yeah, THAT thread………

    I still believed based on what I have seen so far I’m going to get screwed by the current government.

    As for this thread I heard that Obomba was voted (or won in some other way) gun salesman of the year. So far his biggest contribution to any kind of economic recovery has been in gun and ammo sales.

    Sad to say I voted for the guy last year……
    (In the elections, not for gun salesman.)


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