Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean the state won’t come after you. What did the school say was the reason?

“The problem is a software problem.”

It’s always the computer’s fault, never the operator.

  1. ECA says:

    Ya, its a software error?
    I think its MORE to the problem or program integrity.
    I will bet they STILL havnt gotten past BETA WARE. or they did a recovery and LOSt the current data.

  2. Universal Turing Machine says:

    Yes, why do they always blame me 🙁

  3. Steve Jobs says:

    That’s what happens when you use Windows.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Well, much to my surprise, they at least were keeping attendance.

    I do feel for their loss, but if I were in that situation I would probably have been pissed for a moment, realized the computer error, thrown the letter in the trash, and gone on with my life.

    How are they getting on with their lives when they are constantly reliving their sorrow this way?

  5. Poppa Boner says:

    If that had been me, my father would have dug me up and set me back in the class room. I guess he’s kinda where I got being an asshole from.

  6. Fake Steve Jobs says:

    Oops, helps if you put Fake in front…

  7. Reminds me of a friend at high school who decided not to attend gym class ( or whatever they called ).
    Not only was the phys-ed teacher a moron but he had somehow obtained a PHD and would not respond unless addressed Dr. H.
    The kid never went once , never attended one class and was designated in his report card to his parents as having severe “behavioral issues”
    The non student went on in his life to become a cardiologist
    Well at least the person who had the behavioral issues had least has a proper degree

  8. deowll says:

    Sure it was a computer problem. Somebody forgot to tell the computer she was dead and to drop her.

    Those kinds of computer problems occur all the time.

  9. Neodiablo22 says:

    This is less of a software problem and more of a database referential integrity issue. They probably have some of her records deleted or expired from the system (graduation info , phone lists records, donations). The table that stores attendance probably never was expired when her student ID was when she died. The real tragedy here was that they have a crappy DBA working at the school.

  10. Steve says:

    >>It’s always the computer’s fault.
    Until some stooge says “well the computer says blabla”. Then they stick to it like glue, blindly deferring to The Computer.

  11. bill says:

    I bet they use SAP

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    An apology and blaming a “software issue with a private company” doesn’t cut it. Whenever a child dies suddenly today, almost every school calls in counselors for the students. It is a big deal and the entire school, including the teachers and administration.

    This was just pure incompetence.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    A tempest in a teapot. The school called the parents and apologized. In the big picture, this is nothing.

  14. eyeofthetiger says:

    Surprise they didn’t issue a warrant to the Queens subjects.

  15. eaze says:

    Why is a private company being used to monitot attendance at a public school?

  16. ECA says:

    School and life=Ace employment services?


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