“I was thhhherrrrofied!”

Three anglers claim they were arrested under anti-terror laws in Woodley after using laser pens to frighten ducks away from their bait hooks.

[…]Former Lib Dem councillor Tom McCann said: “When I was in the Thatchers at the weekend and they came in and told me what had happened to them, I couldn’t believe it.

“These were all local men who knew some of the police officers involved. They were fishing on a Friday night. It doesn’t seem possible to me that the police really thought they were terrorists.”

Reading East prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Lib Dems Cllr Gareth Epps said: “Liberal Democrats repeatedly warned that the thousands of new criminal offences created under this Labour Government were dangerous and mostly useless.

“Now we have the surreal spectacle of local fishermen being thrown into the cells using anti-terrorism legislation. Local people are owed an explanation and those arrested an apology, as I understand some of them want to take this further, understandably.”

In a vaguely unrelated issue, UK wants to monitor all social network conversations.

“We have no way of knowing whether Osama bin Laden is chatting to Abu Hamza on Facebook. Or terrorists could be having a four-way chat on Skype,” he said.

And then there are the posters designed to induce fear.

(Click pics to embiggen, ensconced in pdf goodness.)

  1. wiglebot says:

    UK personal Debt and National debt is so high they can’t afford paranoia.

  2. sargasso says:

    Very, Monty Python.

  3. Troublemaker says:

    Hopefully this sort of crap will keep up and citizens will finally wise-up and start taking care of their elected officials… for good.

  4. RBG says:

    And now for… the rest of the story…

    “At the police station, he was interviewed by police officers and told there had been an incident on February 26 when an airline pilot has complained of laser lights being directed on to his aircraft in the Woodley area.”

    Doofus: “These little laser ‘guns’ are perfectly harmless as I understand, but they make the ducks go away.”


    “The pilot of a passenger jet was blinded by a laser device as the aircraft came in to land at Durham Tees Valley Airport, police said.”

    “The KLM jet, with 40 people onboard, landed safely after the co-pilot took the controls on Sunday night.”

    “A Cleveland Police helicopter was also targeted as it searched an area around the airport near Darlington”

    “A police helicopter pilot blinded by a laser pen bravely kept flying and tracked down the yob who aimed it at his cockpit.”

    “Police officials said Air Tac 2 was flying near Palmetto Street and Hunting Park Avenue at about 10:30 p.m. when Tavarez used a silver, pen-like green laser to briefly blind the pilot.”

    “In April 2008, following a series of coordinated attacks on passenger jets in Sydney, the Australian government announced that it would restrict the sale and importation of certain laser items”
    Wikipedia, laser pointers

    “OTTAWA (Reuters) – At least 33 pilots in Canada, including some flying large commercial airliners, have complained about being flashed in the eyes by bright lights that could be lasers, officials said on Thursday.”

    “A Pentagon spokesman later said that (pilot) Daly received minor eye injuries as a result of being struck by a low-level laser beam, as did (co-pilot) Barnes”

    Starting to clue in?
    Or maybe you think it’s more appropriate they have this sort of flight-related law in the fishing regulations instead?


  5. PPCLI says:

    Talk about a government getting a bad case of the paranoia’s. It’s getting ridiculous.

  6. Noel says:

    Those posters are insane. The Orwellian future has come to the UK. Before long “Child Heroes” will be reporting their parents left right and centre. Does anyone know where those posters are displayed?

  7. MikeN says:

    Weren’t you guys cheering the other day when someone was caught trying to set a bomb because of his online postings?

    Why not complain about the British using infrared cameras in planes to spy on houses, all in the name of fighting global warming?

  8. furrypotato says:

    It’s ironic that we British Public are too busy to notice all of these Orwellian new policies appearing, because the media has been saturated with news about a vacuous, racist, Z-list, Big Brother(the tv show) contestant dying.

    I guess we get what we deserve these days. Our most popular national newspapers are basically nothing more that celebrity gossip magazines these days.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, just when I though England couldn’t get any worse.

    Now here is a poster form prominent Englishmen which makes the right statement.


  10. Alex says:

    It makes me sad to say this… but the UK is a toilet!!! Plain and simple. I really wish they would get their collective finger out of Canada’s and Australia’s butts. The UK is really dragging them down.

    I’m still waiting on the day they tar, feather, and horse-whip that stupid queen of theirs. I’m never going back there again. Too creepy and the people are morons to put up with all of that sh!t……GET OUT or get a new government.

  11. Universal Turing Machine says:

    Hang on,

    I thought they used improvised Explosive material

    Shouldn’t we be more aware of someone buy shit loads of fertilizer and peroxide.

  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    The Queens subjects can fish? Who woulda thunk it?

  13. amodedoma says:

    Hey, am I the only one concerned for the health and wellbeing of the local waterfowl? A laser pointer directed at the eyes of these animals could cause them severe retinal damage.
    On the other hand as a kid my daddy taught me to skip stones for just this situation, not at the ducks just near them. Scares the crap out of them.
    Anyways, they could have busted them for cruelty to animals and not attracted international attention.

  14. eaze says:

    Just a side note about the anti terroism hotline, thats the number they use to round up all of the witnesses that saw what they dont want reported in the media.

  15. RBG says:

    The same old government-orchestrated-9/11, flying-saucers-are-on-Earth, Kennedy-killed-by-the-mafia, we-didn’t-land-on-the-moon syndrome.

    Likewise some people just want there to be a fascist state conspiracy so bad they can taste it.


  16. RBG says:

    And just for #5 PPCLI a small correction to #4 CF laser-blind story, Barnes: pilot, Daly: a US intelligence officer. (Seems they were fishing too.)

    “A Canadian naval officer is seeking compensation for an eye injury he says was caused by an encounter with the Russian navy.
    Capt. Pat Barnes claims he and an American intelligence officer were exposed to a laser while checking out a Russian ship off the coast of Victoria, B.C. in April of 1997”

    Luckily terrorists would never think to do such a thing as unsportsmanlike.



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