Pa. town’s firefighter of the year arrested for arson – — Haven’t we seen one TV script after another about this?

A former assistant fire chief in Coatesville, Pa., who was named Officer of the Year in 2004 has been arrested for arson, The Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

Robert F. Tracey Jr., 37, was arrested at his fire station in Coatesville, a town of 11,000 people west of Philadelphia, where he now works as a captain, WPVI-TV says. He was featured in one of its reports as recently as January about arson plaguing the city.

  1. Benjamin says:

    Is this common? Seen this in the plots of several TV shows. It sounds like Norton and McAffee creating viruses to drum up business.

  2. mr. show says:

    CRIPES! I’ve heard of job security but this is ridiculous.

  3. AdmFubar says:

    well no wonder he was firefighter of the year… helps when you have insider info…
    on another note, the us economy burned itself to the ground… film at 11 (or should that be bits & bytes at 11 these days??)

  4. Dallas says:

    Not unusual.

    Same reason why police departments attract large numbers of abusive egomaniacs hiding behind a uniform.

    Same reason why those preoccupied with prejudice, discrimination and violence toward others hide behind the veil of ‘religious beliefs’.

  5. BdgBill says:

    Damn, I wish I had a job that was so boring I would risk jail just to create some work to do.

    Seriously, I would gladly trade 90/10 Boring/Terror split over the 55 hour a week steady grind I’m chained to at the moment.

  6. The0ne says:

    Sometimes I feel your pain too. However, I soon realize my crap isn’t as bad as most of the people I’ve know, met and seen overseas and here. It’s all relative 🙂

  7. sargasso says:

    The fire service is a cowboy magnet.

  8. ECA says:

    I think he was trying to keep busy..
    If he hadnt, he would have needed another job..

  9. amodedoma says:

    Love that photo! Jim Carey back in the good old days. Token white comic on an afroamerican varieties show called Living Colour.
    As for the scumbag arsonist firefighter, it seems to me this isn’t the first time a story like this has popped up. Maybe it’s time to require psych evals to get to be a fireman. There ought to be some way to keep the pyros out. I understand that to a pyromaniac the firefighter job must be a very attractive profession.

  10. jcd'slovechild says:


    Don’t forget…the same reason why blowhards post overgeneralizations on blogs.

  11. denacron says:

    Captain Beatty lives!

  12. orangetiki says:

    Why do you think he got fireman of the year? he knew where all the fires were.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    I feel the plot for my next book coming on, …

    How the Republicans screwed the economy on purpose so terribly, so they could reclaim the White House in 2012 after the Democrats, with their “Tax and Spend” gets it sound again.

  14. Greg Allen says:


    Is it common? I think so. I see articles about this pretty often.

    Here is one:
    “When Heroes Turn Into Outlaws; Firefighters’ Arson Arrests Raise Complex Questions”

    But I suspect that firefightes don’t “turn into” arsons but that arsons are attracted to firefighting.


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