Click pic to embiggen, if you dare

  1. Luc says:

    #28 wins!

  2. Thomas says:

    Dvorak said WHAT about Apple?!?

  3. jerry says:

    just another fan of “Its JerryTime.”

  4. BigBoyBC says:


  5. leestevens says:

    Bobo was told watching too much internet porn would have dire effects.He knew he had gone to far when the ball bearings he put in his man sock, hit him in the nuts while doing the the Twist and Shout.
    He said his next outfit would be a lovely yellow chiffon number, because he had always wanted to play “Little Bo Peep”.

  6. John E. Quantum says:

    Psycho Killer, Qu’est-ce que c’est?

  7. Ron Larson says:

    The Ron Jeremy of WoW.

  8. Twirrim says:

    S&M Man tried to counter the negative views of him amongst the super hero community with the use of a crafty PR campaign.

  9. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Geezus 33, how did you find those?

    Wait, don’t tell me.

  10. Shubee says:

    One of the ugliest Klingons that I have ever seen.

  11. 9yo says:

    It’s Mr. “Fusion”

  12. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Mr. Rogers evil twin.

  13. Troublemaker says:

    Um… no. I think I’ll pass on captioning the photo.

  14. Winston says:

    “Oddly, Brad soon felt the sting of rejection.”

  15. oplama says:

    Look out! it is the Dell iPhone killer!

  16. Anarchy says:

    I have that desktop wallpaper!

  17. kyle says:

    Maybe he isn’t the guy the GOP hired to energize the party… but they got the same hair and outfit!

  18. chuck says:

    Adam Curry demonstrates why No Agenda will always be audio-only.

  19. somedude says:

    caption: I’m a PC

  20. oplama says:

    one trigger, one button

  21. cgp says:

    Casting for the next Star Trek movie. Ten extra extras required as ‘wobba wobba’ warriors.

  22. Selvy says:

    Oh wow, it’s Jack Black doing a PSA for!

  23. oplama says:

    DUDE, your getting a Dell.

  24. McCullough says:

    America’s next Top Model.

  25. Ian says:

    The real Al Queda?

  26. Poppa Boner says:

    Someone pass the eye bleach!

  27. oplama says:

    And now here is Conway Twitty!

  28. Swampper says:

    I did not give permission to use my image and likeness on this website. Please remove my picture immediately!

  29. oplama says:

    Hollow Point the Hedgehog
    It is a cross between Weird Al and Ron Jeremy.

  30. garyk says:

    The Cave Man that makes all the other Cave Men hang their heads in shame.


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