And then there is this:
The Venus Project.

  1. WiseAss says:

    Extending out to sea, is probably the most plausable solution to a over-population problem on earth.

    It’s better, seafer and much much cheaper, than going to Mars, or even to the moon.

  2. sargasso says:

    #1. Don’t spring a leak.

  3. Rick says:


  4. Petrov says:

    #1 – I believe the better solution is liberation and education of women world wide. In most industrial nations, the birth rate is in sharp decline primarily because women have the option to pursue careers of their own.

  5. WmDE says:

    “We’ve never given scientist’s the problem of how do you design a society………”

    The Venus Project sounds like just what the Fuhrer ordered.

  6. Steve says:

    It struck me as sad hearing some of his profound pronouncements about our possible future coming out sounding like demented delusions of a nut. I always expected the world to get better as we put our techno advances to practical purposes. I thought by now we’d have utopia in sight. Instead it’s the same old absolute corruption by the wannabe absolute powers.

  7. bobbo says:

    Solution is simple. Just monitor the kiddies thru high school. Those with minimum IQ to be turned into food after bodies culled for useful parts.

    Food supply, over population, crowding, repuglican base, over influence of religion in the world==all solved in one easy policy.

  8. bobbo says:

    Solution already being implemented. Just how schizo is the UK?:

  9. JBell says:

    Back to the future.

    As an architect there are so many thing wrong from the theoretical to the practical why these cities can not and should not pursued. However, I like his 70 futurism style. I think Simcity’s building are partially based upon it.

  10. jbell says:

    Back to the future.

    As an architect there are so many things wrong, from the theoretical to the practical, on why these cities can not and should not be pursued. However, I like his 70’s futurism style. I think Simcity’s buildings are partially based upon Jacques’ ideas.

  11. Nimby says:

    I won’t argue the merits or even the aesthetics. I just want to know, after they delivered the compressed cubes if buildings, where will they find the giant hair dryer to re-expand them?

  12. mattyv says:

    Thank you very much for making my day.

    Its too bad that such ideas will very likely never be developed. Gotta admire this guys work and vision of such a utopia regardless of practicality.
    I say lets forget about theory for just two seconds to just entertain the notion, and imagine how kick ass that would be.

  13. ArianeB says:

    #7 Except it is far more likely to be the other way around. Totalitarian governments would probably kill the kids whose IQ is too high, thus quashing rebellion before it starts.

  14. mattyv says:

    Another question. For those who are familiar with these “memory metals”, in the clip we see a spring stretched and twisted and then it reverts to its original state. Would it not be a much greater challenge to “compact” them and then enlarge them as opposed to stretching and then simply going to back to its original size? Something tells me the former would be a much more difficult feat of engineering.

  15. Randin says:

    Oh shit, did I see a Big Daddy in one of those buildings?!?!


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