Just when you think you’ve read about or thought up the stupidest thing you could think of, along comes something even stupider.

The cowboy-style high-heeled boots are made more for crawling than walking as they are aimed at infants aged from newborn to six-months-old.

The six-inch high boots are made from patent leather, have silk lining on the inside and some even come with silver spurs on the back.

They come in two colours of black or pink and the designers claim they are “sassy” and bring “hysterical laughter” to both baby and mother.

They have soft heels but are otherwise designed to look exactly like the adult version.

Children’s organisations have branded them “ridiculous” and “totally inappropriate” for youngsters.

The boots have been designed and manufactured by US firm Heelarious and are available to buy over the internet for £30.

A British shoe shop that already stocks the stiletto shoes for babies is set to start selling the bootie version.

  1. richardbt71 says:

    So we start dressing little girls like sluts as soon as they come out?

  2. Personality says:

    Perfect for those molesting abusive parents who put their kids in beauty contests.

  3. Alex Wollangk says:

    While I personally think this is stupid, why worry about what parents put on their kids’ feet?

    I VERY highly doubt that there is a link between these “boots” and child abuse. People like to dress babies up. Just look at how popular Anne Geddes’ photography is. (This goes in a different direction, but the babies don’t care either way.)

    With all the economic stress adding to a stressed out culture, the last thing I’d worry about is infant footwear.

  4. rectagon says:

    High heeled cowboy boots? Are there any other kind? How it this any different than a pair of Nike or furry slippers? The kid ain’t walking on them anyway!

  5. RTaylor says:

    I take it you’ve never been with a new or expectant mother shopping.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    RTaylor…BTDT, a bag full of hormones.

  7. eaze says:

    1# yeh but you can start treating them like sluts way beofore that. Me and my wife induced labour by waving dollar bills in front of her vagina.

  8. ECA says:

    A worthless way to get MORE money for NOTHING.

  9. faxon says:

    Put the fucking kid on a god damn horse, and watch the fun.

  10. kap says:

    #1 – Who said they were for girls?

  11. Regenvelter says:

    Q:What do Cowboy hats and Hemorrhoids have in common?
    A:They are both found on Assholes!

  12. Dee says:

    Scary how sick people are…do they have these for dogs too??? Just asking…


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