How to Destroy the Government in Three Easy Steps

In eight short years, conservatives have effectively bankrupted many state governments and left the fed in shambles. And now citizens have to “make tough decisions” and share the suffering equally across the land (unless of course, you’re part of that lucky 1 percent who co-opted the functions of government to serve their own ends … they’ll be cozy with their offshore bank accounts, golden parachutes and permanent tax holidays).
Ever wonder how conservatives did all this?

Well, here’s your very own how-to manual for getting Big Government out of the way so you and your buddies can horde all the wealth to yourselves and build your empire.

Step 1: Blame the Individuals
[…]Step 2: Cut Taxes
[…]Step 3: Exploit Disaster

Read the article for the details. It’s short and very to the point.

  1. chuck says:

    But Obama has taken “full” responsibility.
    He says he’s the President, so he’s responsible.

    Then he immediately says it was his fault, it was the other guy, and he didn’t approve of the AIG bonuses, but someone in the Whitehouse did, but he can’t do anything about because of the contracts, so Congress has to pass an unconstitutional law which puts a tax on 173 people, but it’s okay – because the President has taken full responsibility.

  2. Billy Bob says:

    Was that article written by an eight-year-old? All it was missing were references to “poopy-pants” and “booger-heads”.

    Seriously, Uncle Dave, is that really the intellectual level (“Special Olympics” as Obama might say) that you operate at?

    The main problems are too much individual responsibility, too low taxes, and the Republicans benefiting from the W disaster? Wha?

  3. MikeN says:

    Change step 2 to raise taxes, and you get Obama’s strategy. Rahm Emanuel’never let a crisis go to waste’.

  4. Guyver says:

    33, Probably more like 5 years and 3 months since it was 9/11 which was the catalyst for Bush to start spending like a drunken sailor.

    But the Democrats were on board with Iraq up until Howard Dean accused the Bush Administration of lying. When Dean’s poll numbers pulled ahead, that’s when you had Kerry Flip-Flopping. That was in early 2004 (Feb?). Dean’s popularity was pretty much fueled by a lot of angry leftists still whining about how the 2000 election was “stolen”. That’s when you also heard a lot of belly-aching about how the electoral college should be dissolved… ironically it was the electoral college that liberals and the left-leaning media used to talk about how Obama slammed McCain in the election (and after outspending him by how much?). The difference in the popular vote really wasn’t that impressive but the left-leaning news agencies didn’t seem to notice that. Truth be told, this country is as split as it was back in 2000.

    Either way, I hope Obama keeps the pace up. As Machiavellian as it seems, that seems to be the only way naive people are going wake up and smell the coffee.

  5. MikeN says:

    The real reason we got into this mess is that various people in government wanted to encourage lending to the poor, and browbeat banks into doing so.

  6. Jason Miller says:

    Uncle Dave is such a blind kool aid drinker leftist, he would have been shooting his own people under Stalin had he lived in Russia after World War 2.

    It’s pretty gross when people fall in line so easily, and are manipulated so easily by one side of the political fence or the other.

  7. Phydeau says:

    How fun to see right-wing wackos try to pretend that 8 years of Bush never happened. 🙂

  8. ECA says:

    its not the lending to the poor..its the contracts that inflated 8% to 19% after 10 years.. If they had held 8% the poor would have defaulted.
    Even the GOV tried to make it easy on the Banks by LOWERING FED % to NOTHING.
    Then the corps have been BEATING on the gov for YEARS saying “we can govern ourselves”, “economy , will controll what we do”, “consumers control the market”…Blah blah blah..So they were CUT loose to run around the block. And they got into a FIGHT with other dogs, and were thrown in the pound.
    NOW we pay to get them OUT, or we let them SIT, and go buy a NEW DOG.

    Corps, undercut Jobs the gov is doing, and take those Gov jobs away, then INFLATE the costs, and YOU PAY FOR IT.
    Bid contracts GIVEN to companies without BIDS. They probably DID a good job LONG ago, but NOT NOW.

  9. bobbo says:

    Actually, Ralph Nader is right. Both parties are corrupt and in the pocket of lining their own nests and serving their corporate masters.

    Bush is the WORST but only by 2-3 degrees of bad over the dems.


  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 bobbo said, “Bush is the WORST but only by 2-3 degrees of bad over the dems.”

    Give the Dems more time, they are just getting warmed up. Obama has lower ratings than Bush did at this point.

    But, you’re right. Both parties need to be sent to the bottom.

  11. bobbo says:

    #44–Paddy -O- ===”almost”. I would much rather have a corrupt government that at least targeted the majority of working people for “some” of its perfidy.

    The problem with you Repuglicans is that you want to destroy the USA in favor of the smallest percentage of oligarchs you can find. Thats about triply bad as you screw yourself at the same time.

    Thats why most all repuglicans and LIE-BERTARIANS are f&cktards.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    # 45 bobbo said, “The problem with you Repuglicans”

    Umm, I’m not a Republican. So, what were you trying to say again?

  13. MikeN says:

    #30, no he didn’t. He had about the same number of Republicans in Congress as George W Bush did, 223-236, a narrow majority.

  14. Mark says:

    If you folks want to believe that there’s a fundamental difference between “conservatives” and “liberals,” go right ahead. But you’re fooling yourselves: they’re all altruist/collectivists. The only difference is that the conservatives use religion to justify their beliefs, and liberals don’t. And even that distinction is disappearing.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 48 Mark said, “The only difference is that the conservatives use religion to justify their beliefs, and liberals don’t.”

    Really? I know many conservatives who don’t adhere to any religion.

    Back to the books for you.

  16. MikeN says:

    >use religion to justify their beliefs, and liberals don’t.”

    Environmentalism is also a religion.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 50 MikeN said, “Environmentalism is also a religion.”

    Not to mention how many “Jesus freak” hippies I’ve met over the years who use “His” teachings to justify their stand on wealth redistribution…

  18. Jess Hurchist says:

    I’d support anyone who will reduce the size of every organisation that is ‘too big to fail’

  19. bobbo says:

    #46–Paddy -O- Politician === you say you are not a repuglican. I take that to mean you dont vote straight repuglican party line without thought. Just 95% of the time?

    Or how would you separate yourself from the anti-tax, anti-social services, anti-regulation philosophy (sic) of the repugs?

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 53 bobbo said, “I take that to mean you dont vote straight repuglican party line without thought. Just 95% of the time?”

    Nope, as usual you’re 100 miles off the mark….

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 52 Jess Hurchist said, “I’d support anyone who will reduce the size of every organisation that is ‘too big to fail’”

    Let’s start with the biggest money wasters, gov agencies. Obama said he’d streamline, I hope he wasn’t lying again.

  22. bobbo says:

    #54–Paddy -O- Zero==people who are obtusely evasive are f&cktards.

  23. soundwash says:

    #43 bobbo….

    dang, i saw that post and thought, omg, the man actually does have a fully functional logic circuit..

    ..then you blew that sentiment out of the water in the subsequent posts.

    i hearby crown you:
    Ye Royal Perplexocrat – leader of the Perplexocratic party..


    turn off your TV

  24. bobbo says:

    #57–soundwash==thank you. Its always an honor to be judged as neither right or wrong all the time.

    Just as I have noticed not all of your posts are excessively long.

    Rock on.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, LibertyPoser,

    They can. 700 people out of 300,000,000.

    Those are the reported cases. As with most food illnesses, only the very sick seek treatment. And one avoidable death is one too many.

    The inspection company here fudged its report because that is what the company bought. Which is what you endorse. And why WE want the government to independently conduct their own inspections.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, guyver

    “These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis, … The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

    Great attempt at ad hominem attacks. Can you post ANY article that states that the FMs were in any way in trouble in 2003? In truth, they were in good shape. It wasn’t until 2007 and Bush stated pressuring them to take some of the toxic paper from the banks that things started going bad.

    I posted it above but just for you here it again. An in depth article on the whole financial collapse.

  27. MLV says:

    Amazing. I really am azamed that people are stupid enough to still try to blame EITHER party for this mess when clearly both caused it. Greed crosses party lines always.

  28. Hmeyers says:

    What an enormously stupid article.

    For real.

    Talk ruins government? No. The government cut services? Huh? Then why is there a big deficit? Trade policy and bureaucracy is why jobs leave the country, things have been that way for years.

    Loss of rights? To the government? No. Maybe to employers and corporations.

    The article started good …

    “Every battle has to have two sides, so you’ll need to divide the people against each other.”

    These sides have names. But not in the way the author portrayed.

    The names are Democrats and Republicans. Each think they are so holy and blame-free and believe the other is idiots.

    Which is twice as true as they would believe. Both are.

    Meanwhile, politicians fleece the system and turn a blind eye to rational and effective action because the ignorant electorate prefers propaganda to long-term decisions and votes become largely disassociated with results.

  29. Harry Sack says:

    OK, I’ll speak.

    The union should be broken up!!!

    States should declare their sovereignty and split from the Union. These f*cknuts in Washington need to be told who is boss. It is not the Fed you a$$holes!!!



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