How to Destroy the Government in Three Easy Steps

In eight short years, conservatives have effectively bankrupted many state governments and left the fed in shambles. And now citizens have to “make tough decisions” and share the suffering equally across the land (unless of course, you’re part of that lucky 1 percent who co-opted the functions of government to serve their own ends … they’ll be cozy with their offshore bank accounts, golden parachutes and permanent tax holidays).
Ever wonder how conservatives did all this?

Well, here’s your very own how-to manual for getting Big Government out of the way so you and your buddies can horde all the wealth to yourselves and build your empire.

Step 1: Blame the Individuals
[…]Step 2: Cut Taxes
[…]Step 3: Exploit Disaster

Read the article for the details. It’s short and very to the point.

  1. soundwash says:

    #58 bobbo.. my pleasure 😀

    we’re all just two sides of the same coin.

    do know, regardless of which side of the coin one lands on, i always find your comments to be most enlightening.

    -as for my lengthy tirades, i myself am growing weary of them as well. (you should see the ones i have written and never posted.)

    i am making an effort to be more focused and to the point. how well that plays out, -time will tell.

    be safe.


  2. soundwash says:

    well, i guess this whole thread is null & void
    now. -even moot.

    i just caught wind of The Fed intentions to purchase an additional $1 trillion+ worth of U.S. treasury and agency debt. -i assume they’re just going to print it up.

    apparently Chinese premier Wen Jiabao’s concern over the “health” of our currency was well placed.

    so it doesn’t matter who blames who about what anymore..nor how ridiculous the claims.

    very soon, our currency will be worth less than toilet paper as we go from Superpower to Super Banana Republic.

    it’s just a matter of how much longer the rest of the world will put up with our shenanigans now.



  3. Regenvelter says:

    I kinda figured this story would get the 101st
    Keyboard Commando’s from the Free Republic foaming in their diapers.

    Phil Gramm started this mess with blessing of Saint Reagan and with the support of all the Ninnies who thought Grover Norquist’s Policies were Heaven sent.

    After removing the regulations that were set in place by the FDR administration,Gramm went to serve on the board of USB,where He could keep guard over the anonymous numbered accounts of his American Business buds whom He personally benefited from.
    As I recall the term for this is Tax Evasion.

    Karl Rove sold George W. Bush on the Idea of an ownership society because He learned that home owners voted Republican.
    So sub-prime lending was mandated by the Bush
    administration to all the lenders and insurers,
    When Barney Frank rebelled,he was told on no uncertain terms to shut up about it or face censure.

    The republicans held the US Government in a stranglehold from 1994-2006 and any who attempted to subvert the conservative agenda
    through this time period was very publicly
    and at tax payer expense,black listed.
    And They wonder why the crybaby liberals call them Nazi’s and Fascist’s.

    George W Bush quite successfully implemented the Neo-con agenda here in the US and in Iraq and Afghanistan before 2006.
    Mission Accomplished!
    Own it!

  4. LibertyLover says:



    The inspection company here fudged its report because that is what the company bought. Which is what you endorse.

    I support the continued use of private inspection companies. I do not support the fudging.

    They need to be stomped on when violations occur.

    And why WE want the government to independently conduct their own inspections.

    The FDA has admitted it doesn’t have the manpower to do that. WE made that decision long ago. Which is why WE contract hundreds of private inspection companies.

    One company lies and YOU want to shitcan the whole program? Why not shitcan the whole government? They’ve lied at least once in the last 100 years.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, LibertyPoser,

    I support the continued use of private inspection companies. I do not support the fudging.

    When that is what an inspection company is being paid to do, they will fudge. There is no profit if there is no work because your lab continually gives out failing grades.

    The FDA has admitted it doesn’t have the manpower to do that. WE made that decision long ago. Which is why WE contract hundreds of private inspection companies.

    Yes, for some reason the Bush Administration decided that private enterprise could do a better job than could the FDA and the rest of the government. The costs rose and quality went down.

    I agree, the FDA has been failing lately. BUT, that is one of the benefits of the democratic system, we can vote out the incompetent idiots and replace them with representatives more to our liking. Gee, that just happened too.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #69, Liberty[Lover],

    I support the continued use of private inspection companies. I do not support the fudging.

    When that is what an inspection company is being paid to do, they will fudge. There is no profit if there is no work because your lab continually gives out failing grades.

    You are still missing the point but that is understandable. You are used to sucking the teat of those in power.

    The FDA has admitted it doesn’t have the manpower to do that. WE made that decision long ago. Which is why WE contract hundreds of private inspection companies.

    Yes, for some reason the Bush Administration decided that private enterprise could do a better job than could the FDA and the rest of the government. The costs rose and quality went down.

    I agree, the FDA has been failing lately. BUT, that is one of the benefits of the democratic system, we can vote out the incompetent idiots and replace them with representatives more to our liking. Gee, that just happened too.

    Private inspections started long before Bush. But keeping thinking that. Eventually, history will rewrite itself and you’ll be right.

    Fact: U.S. food production plants are inspected only once every 11 years by the FDA or its contractors. This is on average.

    Fact: Bush was only in office 8 years.

    Thus: Assuming all plants were inspected once under Bush, they were only inspected once under Clinton.

    I have a question for you, if you think self-regulation is so bad, why isn’t the inspection company being charged with fraud? Why isn’t the peanut company being charged with fraud or murder or any of the dozens of laws they broke?

    Liberals talk about how people can’t take care of themselves when they screw up. Start punishing them and they will clean their act up.

    How frakking hard is that to understand?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, LibertyPoser,

    if you think self-regulation is so bad, why isn’t the inspection company being charged with fraud? Why isn’t the peanut company being charged with fraud or murder or any of the dozens of laws they broke?

    Why ask me? I am not the local prosecutor nor am I the Federal Prosecutor. Then can you prove that this inspection company did see failures? Can you prove that the company wasn’t clean that day?

    It is easy to rant and rave about how someone doesn’t do something, for a successful prosecution, it also requires proof; a concept alien to your Liebertarian mind.

    As for the average time between visits? I can only guess and surmise why. I assume that large manufactures that have proven practices require much less supervision that do smaller, less profitable facilities. But again, I can’t answer except the practice over the past few years has been to reduce the number of inspections as the Republicans have steadily reduced the amount of money the FDA, and other federal agencies, have for inspections and enforcement. Not just under Bush, but also since 1994.


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