Flight attendant David Holmes performs his on board pre-flight rap routine!

  1. The DON says:

    The guy on the left in the front row (at the end of the film), Does he have a pen or an e-cig in his mouth?

  2. PierreB says:

    In a similar comedic vein, see the link below, Jet Blue’s guide for flying for CEO’s who have to give up their private jets.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  3. jgerhardt says:

    Southwest by far has some of the best flight attendants. Every time I have ever flown with them they have always been cracking jokes and making what is typically a very boring routine somewhat enjoyable.

  4. Joe says:

    Note to self: don’t fly Southwest Airlines.

  5. GigG says:

    Some airlines are big…
    Some airlines are bigger…
    Here at Southwest your stew’s a gay n!%%$#…

    Opie & Anthony went on with with rhymes like this yesterday for about 15 minutes. Amazing how many words you can get to rhyme with derogatory names for blacks and gays.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    What a class act Opie and Anthony must be.

  7. Lou says:

    Like I need to hear another Rap tune.

  8. Brad Eleven says:

    Very old school, e.g.,

    “I said, uh, hip, hop the hippy to the hippy
    To the hip hip hop, uh you don’t stop
    And rock it out, baby bubba to the boogity bang bang,
    The boogie, to the boogity beat
    Now what you hear is not a test–I’m rappin’ to the beat
    And me, the groove, and all my friends are gonna try
    To move your feet”

    Not like it could have been gangsta, but I would have liked to hear something a little more Run-DMC and a little less “rip rop ribbity do!”

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Awesome… I wonder if he wrote that?

  10. eenie358 says:

    i believe barry manilow wrote it, if i’m not mistaken.

  11. Jeebers says:

    All you fuddy duddies ripping on Southwest can just bite it. I love them guys. Best run airline in the world.

  12. hhopper says:

    I hate rap but I loved that.

  13. cliff says:

    That’s why I fly SWA, The other airlines are to stuffy and bland. Besides they have better peanuts!!!

  14. GSTrader says:

    This is just crap.. If I had this guy on board while a business trip, I would write in to have him fired. We don’t need such BS while traveling for high power meetings. Be professional.. the least businessmen ask for. No shorts.. no flip flops.. have a shower and shave before getting on a flight – dirty unwashed riff raffs..

  15. BubbaRay says:

    If I had this guy on board while a business trip, I would write in to have him fired. We don’t need such BS while traveling for high power meetings. Be professional.. the least businessmen ask for.

    I can’t stop laughing. Did mom starch your shorts today, too? Not everyone travels for some professional “high power” business trip.

    Nowadays, just wrap a scarf around your neck and we’ll take the Boeing Stearman instead of the King Air. I promise not to strip search you.

    Why do I have this feeling that Mr. Fusion and bobbo are nearby…

  16. DaddyDJ says:

    Lighten up you pompous, elitist, narcissistic, killjoy. Only a twit like you want try to get someone fired for entertaining a crowd with something different andfun. Why don’t you go kick a puppy you dumb jackass.


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