• MSFT IE8 supposedly great.
  • Cisco to buy vid cam company.
  • New iPhone models coming? Someone thinks so.
  • Google backs Sony reader.
  • AT&T to sell iPhones without contracts.
  • Birds dying off, they say.
  • New Mozilla mobile browser.
  • Dell Adamo made in China by Quanta.
  • Apple sells HD now.
  • Safari hacked.
  • IBM-Sun merger called anti-competitive. By who?
  • Sony freezes salaries.
  • Google apps to be shut down by government? Why?
  • Cadillac has Internet in the car itself.
  • Visit: www.Squarespace.com use the code “Tech.”

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  1. QB says:

    SquareSpace is the coolest software/site I’ve seen in the last year. Usually I kind of go “myahh” over most hosting services, but it is worth a visit.

    Yes GregA, it’s even cooler than Windows Vista.

  2. zorkor says:

    iPhone is a dead piece of hardware which is being revived and milked to death by Apple again and Agian. No they are providing it unlocked.

    And people still buy this worthless phone. Anyone who actually lives Outside of USA knows that even the most cheapest phones have better features than iPhone. Of course they dont have the snazzy look of iPhone but looks can be deceiving you know.

    I have been using Copy and Paste for years but Apple has just released this features for iPhone and marketing it as the next thing since sliced bread. LAME!

  3. Zybch says:

    A Fennec Fox is a small fox that lives in deserts.

  4. Steve S says:


    Don’t sugar coat your words.
    Tell us how you really feel about the iPhone!

  5. zorko says:


    iPhone makes me iSick. Thats my feelin’ steves! 😉

  6. GregA says:


    But it is still not as cool as the iPhone and all those excellent updates we got yesterday!

    Also, doesn’t seem to have a working shopping cart, so for me, saddly, it isn’t as nice as Dynamics RMS.

    But then I am a people powered company, which means I use software, and not operating systems;)

  7. Zybch says:

    Surely a People Powered company would grind up its employees and use them to feed giant furnaces, or perhaps strap them into giant treadmills.

  8. GregA says:

    See! Zybch gets it!

  9. QB says:

    GregA, I love the iPhone’s seamless integration with Outlook. 😉

  10. QB says:

    GregA said “But then I am a people powered company, which means I use software, and not operating systems;)”

    I absolutely agree that we don’t need an operating system. It’s all in the cloud and software is a service. So just give me a browser and I’m away to the races.

    (Wait for it….)

  11. jcd'slovechild says:


    Mozilla Fennec? I’m all ears! HAR!

  12. GregA says:


    I don’t use email as a primary communication platform anymore, but thanks to your prodding, I finally set it up, got it to read my gmail and now have it hooked to the iPhone, and OMG, the iPhone outlook integration is better than it ever was on windows CE back in the day. LOL!

    Thanks for the tip!

  13. deowll says:

    Good, nobody bothered to mention which browser is faster.

    I say good because I use three regularly sometimes on the same hardware and even on very different hardware that is the one thing that absolutely isn’t an issue.

    If you need a stop watch or other electronic means to tell the difference I don’t care and the dullard that insists on blathering about it needs a dirty sock stuck in their mouth.

    Ooops! This time that was me!

  14. QB says:

    It took about 20-25 minutes to install IE8 with pretty darn good internet connection (~1500Kbps) onto a pretty new laptop with 4 gigs of RAM and tons of hard drive space. A couple reboots, scanning for malicious software, Windows Genuine Advantage, install updates, install more updates.

    Oi vay!

  15. GregA says:

    I am install right as I post this. I will post again when i am done;)

  16. GregA says:

    And Im done.

    Woah, why did it have to reboot?

  17. Soft3000 says:

    I just download IE 8.0 and then delete it…

  18. QB says:

    GregA, don’t know. XP was fully patched when I did it. Maybe yours is the norm and mine is the exception. I am going to try it on a desktop.

  19. QB says:

    Go figure. My Dell D630 (from above) took forever. A crappy Dell Optiplex took ~6 mins plus one restart. My MacBook Pro with XP running on VMWare took ~7 mins plus one restart. I don’t add on restarts or the initial downloads because they vary so much.

    Of course I just updated WebKit (aka Safari cutting edge) to the newest version (including the download) in 1:30. But who’s comparing?

  20. GregA says:


    I included the ~25meg download, at about 1Mb a second download speed, and the restart. This computer is a beast though. Eight gig of ddr2 ram and some 4 core intel thing for the cpu. When I posted the second message, my computer was still in that odd place Vista is at when it first boots up, where they have presented you with a desktop but it is obviously not done booting yet.

    But thats just me… You know with my distaste of laptops… I just get a desktop for every location I might want to work, and I still wind up paying less than the crazy dollars people spend on laptops. (Average laptop price is $1500 ?!?!?!?, I just bought two vista business edition desktops for $1100! 2 core 3 gig thingies) But then I am not jet set, I am sure I would feel differently if I were.

    But also, and this is one of the valid criticisms of of ie… I have a bunch of software that just ~needs~ it. The timecard web interface for all my employees only works properly with IE. The security cam systems for all the various locations count on activex controls. The register management interface needs ie… and on and on. All of it seems to work good with ie8 so far. I am sure something will turn up that doesnt work properly with ie8.

    Oh, look at that, Morfik need quirks mode to show its webapps properly in ie. Oh well, I am sure it will be patched eventually…

    [You can get a decent 2-core laptop from Dell for $599. – ed.]

  21. GregA says:


    Also, I am hooked! Outlook 2007 is awsome! What was I thinking messing around with the gmail web interface. LOL. Here i was thinking outlook was like it was in 2000 and 2003 editions when it was hobbled if you didnt have an exchange server.

  22. GregA says:


    Did you see the interview with the guy who won pwn2own yesterday?

  23. hhopper says:

    I guess I’ll have to download and install IE8 to get a time on it. I seldom use IE but I like to have the latest upgrade.

  24. GregA says:


    Ive had $599 laptops before. Do not want.

  25. QB says:

    A few thoughts. IE8 is way better but they are only catching up. The IE team is stuck in the middle between customer needs and all the product teams at Microsoft demanding compatibility (e.g. SharePoint or Office Portal). I wouldn’t want to be them.

    I had never used Safari much until the newest version 4 beta. I’ve got to admit I really like it. I started using WebKit because they work hard and need the feedback – and they’re pretty nice guys.

    The Safari hack ($5,000 prize) was not unexpected (because of the publicity) but it does make MS fanbois wag their tails. The big prize ($15,000) went a student who exploited Safari, Firefox, and IE with the same approach. It’s a sign of the times when Safari hacks get more news than IE hacks. 😉

  26. GregA says:


    I thought the big news was that the guys said that OSX was easier to hack than Vista;)

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #29 Truth.

    The ONLY reason why Macs haven’t been under attack is that malware is about profit & ROI. The current ecosystem dictates that MS machines be the target, not Macs… Apple fan boi’s have never understood this fact.

  28. hhopper says:

    OK… Microsoft sucks as usual. It took 30 seconds to download, 2:46 for the malicious software check and 8:54 to install plus the time for a reboot.

    What pisses me off is that it changed the programs that load at startup, rearranged my icons and said I need to update some of my software because IE8 isn’t compatible with it.

    Screw MS!

  29. GregA says:

    Oh Im thick. My computer never ran Windows Defender. Thats why my install time was so much slower than everyone else;)

  30. QB says:

    GregA, said “I thought the big news was that the guys said that OSX was easier to hack than Vista;)”

    Typical Windows user, can’t tell the difference between an operating system and a browser. Nah, the big news was that people care when Safari gets hacked, no one cares about Microsoft hacks since it’s so easy. BTW, if you want to protect yourself how do you sandbox IE? It’s pretty darn easy to sandbox Firefox on Linux or Safari on OSX.


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