
The British government apologised Wednesday after a damning official report into a hospital likened by one patient’s relative to “a Third World” health centre. Stafford Hospital in central England was found to have appalling standards of care, putting patients at risk and leading to some dying, according to a report on Tuesday. Between 400 and 1,200 more people died than would have been expected in a three-year period at the National Health Service (NHS) hospital, according to an investigation by the Healthcare Commission watchdog. storyb73922aab03567bcaada1f9dafc66327

Receptionists with no medical training were left to to assess patients arriving at the hospital’s accident and emergency department, the report found. Julie Bailey, whose 86-year-old mother Bella died in the hospital in November 2007, said she and other family members slept in a chair at her bedside for eight weeks because they were so concerned about poor care. “What we saw in those eight weeks will haunt us for the rest of our lives,” said the 47-year-old. “We saw patients drinking out of flower vases they were so thirsty.

“There were patients wandering around the hospital and patients fighting. It was continuous through the night. Patients were screaming out in pain because you just could not get pain relief. “It was like a Third World country hospital. It was an absolute disgrace.”

I had a friend once who was admitted to a Caribbean hospital which will go unnamed. When the hospital ran out of hot water, and he required a hot water pack, they just filled it up with coffee. Problem solved!

  1. Skippy says:

    #26- you say, “I have no experience with the Canadian system”, then go on to say “Then you haven’t been paying attention, Skippy. The Canadian press is full of stories of delayed or rationed health care.”

    Thank you for proving my point.

    If it’s in the press, then IT MUST BE TRUE! I’m basing my perspective on over 40 years in dealing with the Canadian healthcare system, you’re basing yours on the press. And my point is that people point to the press and say, “SEE! IT DOESN’T WORK! Socialized medicine is EVIL!”

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Nimby,

    it shouldn’t be where you have to wait a week or a month to get one, either. And that is an all too common situation in Canada.

    Is it?

    Currently my dentist has me scheduled for some reconstruction work. He expects to do it over several months, a bit at a time.

    “Well can’t you do it all at one time” I asked? Well, yes, but I only do it in blocks”.

    So, each time I visit him I end up paying an extra fee just to sit in the waiting room.

    As for Canadian medical treatment, NO ONE is ever turned away. EVERY ONE is given good care and treatment. Canadian newspapers are NOT filled with headlines talking about waiting lines and people not getting treatment.

  3. MikeN says:

    #9, the reason people have to buy insurance for health care and not pay for it themselves, is because the prices don’t work like auto insurance.

    For auto, if you don’t have insurance, you pay $4000. If you have insurance, you pay $500 and the insurance company pays $4500

    For health care, if you don’t have insurance you pay $5000. If you have insurance, you pay $20 and the insurance company pays $1800.

  4. MikeN says:

    >because of Ronald Reagan’s record back in the 50’s.

    What record is that? The soundtrack for Bedtime for Bonzo? I remember he was in a hospital in King’s Row, or maybe you mean Knute Rockne?

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 41 pedro said, “#36 I think they’re called morans in French.”


    What it boils down to is not quality of care. What it ALWAYS boils down to is that the proponents of the Socialized H.C. want free reign to take $ out of another citizens pocket book, at gun point if necessary.

    Once you say, “Go ahead and create a gov system but, let people decide whether they want in and to pay.” they have nothing to say other than, I want to steal YOUR $…

  6. I really enjoyed this. where can I find more info about this.


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